Eğitim ve Uzmanlık
Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi - Tıp Eğitimi
Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi - Uzmanlık
Florida Üniversitesi Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Nöroanatomi Doktora Programı - Yurtdışı Eğitimi

1. Turkish Brain Research Society: "Brain Research Award" "Examination of angiogenetic potential differences of AVM tissue in corneal angiogenesis model of rat, İn human AVM tissue alone and human AVM tissue treated with gamma-knife" , 2006
2. Synthes Neurosurgery Fellow of UF Florida 2010
3. SSCD dernegi en iyi 15 bildiri odulu 2010
4. Academia Euroasia Neurochirurgica Academy Award ,Mumbai, India, 2011
5. FSM Hastanesi Akademi Ödülü 2011

Tıp Alanında Çalışmalar
Research on ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
1995-1997: Child Psychiatry Department Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul-Turkey Mentor: Prof. Dr. Yankı Yazgan, Director of Child Psychiatry Department
Beyin Cerrahisi Alanında Çalışmalar
Basic theoretical and practical training in Gamma Knife Radiosurgery: 2002 +: physician from the Marmara University Gamma-Knife Unit, Istanbul, Turkey Director: Prof. Dr M. Necmettin Pamir
Basic theoretical and practical training in Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography: 2002 +: Transcranial Doppler Unit and Research Program on Clinical Use of TCD (Marmara University)
Practical training and studying in Molecular Neurosurgery Laboratory
2002 : Molecular Neurosurgery Laboratory (Marmara University)
2011 : University of Florida Department of Neurosurgery Neuroanatomy Lab Fellowship (Director:Albert L Rhoton Jr.)

Kurslar ve Beyin Cerrahisi Alanında Çalışmalar
1. Courses of Turkish Neurosurgical Societies : Cesme Turkey, 2002 - Kusadasi Turkey, 2003 - Kusadasi Turkey, 2004
2. Turkısh Neurosurgery Society Neurooncologic Surgery Training Group Meetings
3. Surgical Aproaches to Anterior Fossa and Orbita, University of Marmara, November December 2002
4. "Cerebrovascular Malformations" University of Marmara, The Marmara Hotel, November 2004
5. 2nd International Symposium on Microneurosurgical Anatomy , Antalya, Turkey, October 2004
6. Turkish Neurosurgical Societies Pediatric Neurosurgery Group "Conjenital Spinal Malformations Hydrocephaly" Course Bursa, Turkey, October 2004
7. International workshop on Neurosurgical Endoscopy, İstanbul, Turkey, October 2005
8. Turkish Neurosurgical Society 17th. Scientific Congress, Antalya/ Turkey, May 2006
9. 3rd International Symposium on Microneurosurgical Anatomy, Antalya / Turkey, November 2006
10. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği 2nd Scientific Congress, İstanbul/ Turkey, November 2006
11. International Workshop on Neurosurgical Endoscopy, İstanbul, Turkey, October 2006
12. Turkish Neurosurgical Society Neurooncological Surgery Group (TUR-NOG) Symposium, İstanbul/ Turkey, December 2006
13. 2nd International Symposium on the Cavernous Sinus - 20 Years Later, Lubljana-Slovenia, September 2006
14. Turkish Neurosurgical Society, XXI. Scientific Congress, I.Training of Trainers Course, Antalya, Turkey, April 2007
15. World Federation Congress, Nagoya, JAPONYA 2009
16. AANS Congress Sandiego, USA, 2009
17. CNS Meeting Orlando, USA, 2009
18. Albert Rhoton Jr. Neuroanatomy and Microsurgery Courses Florida, USA February, 2010 (Faculty)
19. Albert Rhoton Jr. Neuroanatomy and Microsurgery Courses Florida, USA September, 2010 (Faculty)
20. Marmara University Microsurgical anatomy Courses Italy,2010 (Faculty)
21. Mıdas Course Microdrill Courses, Fork Worth, 2010
22. National Neuroscience Congress 2010
23. Rhoton Skullbase Courses Gainesville, Florida 2011 (Faculty)
24. Albert Rhoton Jr., Marmara University Neuroanatomy Lab Opening Symposium, 2010 (Faculty)
25. Osama Al-Mefthy, Marmara University Neuroanatomy Lab Cadaveric Courses, 2011 (Faculty)
26. Sinir sistemi cerrahisi dernegi 2011 cesme, İzmir
27. International workshop on Neurosurgical Endoscopy October 6-7, 2005, Acıbadem Hastanesi
28. International workshop on Neurosurgical Endoscopy November 2-3, 2006 Acıbadem Hastanesi
29. 3rd International Symposium on Microneurosurgical Anatomy 5-8 November 2006, Antalya Turkey
30. Florida Resident Skull Base Course February 27-March 1, 2009 University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
31. Microsurgical Approaches to the Brain, Ventricles, and Skull Base May 11-15 2009 The University of Florida McKnight Brain Institute Gainesville, Florida, USA
32. Marmara Üniversitesi Nörolojik Bilimler Enstitüsü "Kafa tabanı cerrahisi kadavra kursu" WFNS (Dünya Nöroşirurji Cemiyetleri Federasyonu) 17-18 Haziran 2011, İstanbul
33. Microsurgical Approaches to the Brain, Ventricles, and Skull Base June 6-10 2011 The University of Florida 

A- Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
1.Konya D, Dagcinar A, Akakin A, Gercek A, Ozgen S, Pamir MN. Cervical Meningocele Causing Symptoms in Adulthood: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques 2006 Oct;19(7):531-3.
2. Arzu Gercek, Deniz Konya, Akin Akakin, Serdar Ozgen, M. Necmettin Pamir: Deep Venous Thrombosis In The Early Postoperative Period Of Major Spine Surgery: A Case Report. The Internet Journal of Neurosurgery. 2006. Volume 3 Number 2.
3. Kiliç T, Akakin A.Anatomy of cerebral veins and sinuses. Front Neurol Neurosci. 2008;23:4-15
2. Arzu Gercek, Deniz Konya, Akin Akakin, Serdar Ozgen, M. Necmettin Pamir: Deep Venous Thrombosis In The Early Postoperative Period Of Major Spine Surgery: A Case Report. The Internet Journal of Neurosurgery. 2006. Volume 3 Number 2.
4. Konya D, Gercek A, Akakin A, Akakin D, Tural S, Cetinel S, Ozgen S, Pamir MN: The effects of inflammatory response associated with traumatic spinal cord injury in cutaneous wound healing and on expression of transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-A at the wound site in rats. Growth Factors. 2008 Apr;26(2):74-9
5. Dagcinar A, Konya D, Akakin A, Gercek A, Ozgen S, Pamir NM: Congenital dermal sinus of the cervical spine in an adult. J Clin Neurosci. 2008 Jan;15(1):73-6
6. Akakin A, Ozkan A, Akgun E, Koc DY, Konya D, Pamir MN, Kilic T. Endovascular treatment increases but gamma knife radiosurgery decreases angiogenic activity of arteriovenous malformations: an in vivo experimental study using a rat cornea model. Neurosurgery. 2010 Jan;66(1):121-9; discussion 129-30.
7. Eksi M.S., Yener U., Akakin A., Akakin D., Konya D. Posterior epidural disc herniation at L3-L4 mimicking a spinal tumor: a case report Journal of Neurosurg.Sciences 2010 June;54(2):71-5
8. Comparison of endoscopic transnasal and transoral approaches to the craniovertebral junction. Seker A, Inoue K, Osawa S, Akakin A, Kilic T, Rhoton AL Jr. World Neurosurg. 2010 Dec;74(6):583-602.
B- Ulusal Bilimsel Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler:
1. Ozgen S, Konya D, Akakin A, Pamir MN "Surgical Results of Lumbar Symptomtic Synovial Cysts" Journal of Istanbul Medical Faculty 67;1:17-23, 2004
2. Konya D, Akakin A, Ozgen S "The Treatment of Acute Spinal Cord Injury" Dirim (Monthly Medical Journal) September-October 79;5: 11-15,2004
3. Akin Akakin, Aşkin Şeker, Albert L Rhoton Jr., Juan Carlos Fernandez Miranda "Lif Disseksiyon Tekniği" University of Florida, Neurosurgery Department.7-17, June 2009,Volume
4. Endoskopik Endonasal Kafatabani Yaklaşimlarinin Cerrahi Anatomisi Aşkin Şeker, Albert L Rhoton Jr., Kohei Inoue, Akin Akakin, Jian Wang Department of Neurosurgery, University of Florida Gainesville, Florida, USA, 13-20, December 2008, Volume 2
5.Kılıç T, Akakın A, Pamir MN, "Gamma-Knife Cerrahisi: Tekniği, Endikasyonları, Sonuçları, Sınırları", Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Surgical Medical Sciences, Nöroonkolojik Cerrahi Özel Sayısı II, Vol3, Sayı 51, 130-143, 2007

C- Ulusal Bildiriler :
1. Konya D, Akakin A, Ozgen S, Pamir Mn "Symptomatic Synovial Cysts" Turkish Neurosurgical Society 17th. Scientific Congress, Antalya, May 2003
2. Kılıc T, Akakın A,Pamir MN "Chemotheraphy treatment in oligodendrogliomas patient with results and followups" Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği 2nd Scientific Congress, İstanbul/ Turkey, November 2006
3. Arteriovenöz Malformasyonlarda Anjiojenik Aktivite Endovasküler Tedavi ile Artar, Gamma-Knife Tedavisi ile Azalır: Sıçan Kornea Modelinde İn Vivo Deneysel Çalışma Akin Akakin, Abdulkadir Ozkan, Emel Akgun, Demet Yalcinkaya Koc, Deniz Konya, Turker Kilic, M. Necmettin Pamir Uludag Winter Symposium
4. Dentate Nucleus Anatomy and Cerebellar Dissection Akin Akakin, Askin Seker, Turker Kilic, Albert L. Rhoton, Jr. Marmara University Neurological Science Symposium 2010
5. Lomber Disc Anatomy Diyarbakir Health Hospital 2010
6. Dentate nukleus: Uc Boyutlu Mikrosurjikal ve Traktografik Anatomi Akin Akakin, Askin Seker, Turker Kilic, Maria Peris Celda, Albert L. Rhoton, Jr. Uludag Winter Symposium 2010
7. Akakın A, Özkan AK, Kılıç T, "Anaplastik Astrositomlar" Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Surgical Medical Sciences, 3(34), 20078. basibuyuk neuroanatomi gunleri 2 adet sunum
8. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Dernegi "Kol agrisi ayirici tanilar" , Kusadasi 2008
9. Turk norosirurji Dernegi noroanatomi gunleri "Dentate Nukleus Anatomisi" 2011
10. Turk norosirurji Dernegi noroanatomi gunleri "Beyin Sapi Anatomisi" 2011
11. Marmara Universitesi Anatomi kursu "Middle fossa yakalasimlari" 2011
12. Marmara Universitesi Anatomi kursu "Presigmoid Yaklasimlar" 2011
13. Marmara Universitesi Anatomi kursu "White Matter Dissection 3D" 2011
14. Sinir Sistemi Cerahisi dernegi "Dentate Nukleus Anatomisi" 2010

D- Uluslararası Bildiriler
1. Akakin A. "Presigmoid approach" Italy meeting.
2. Akakin A. "Anterior Petrosectomy" Italy meeting
3. Pamir MN, Kilic T, Akakin A. Volume Changes Following Gamma-Knife Radiosurgery Of Low Gra de Glial Tumors Institute of Neurological Sciences, Marmara University, Department of Neurosurgery, Marmara University Faculty of Medicine Istanbul-Turkey
4. Kiliç T., Akakin A., Pamir M.N. An Experience With Temozolomide For The Treatment Of High Grade Gliomas Institute of Neurological Sciences, Marmara University, Department of Neurosurgery, Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul-Turkey
5. Kiliç T., Akakin A., Pamir M.N. Pcv Chemotherapy For Anaplastic Oligodendrogliomas And Oligoastrocytomas Institute of Neurological Sciences, Marmara University Department of Neurosurgery, Marmara University Faculty of Medicine Istanbul-Turkey.
6. Kilic T, Akakin A, Guduk M, Pamir MN Role of chromosome 1p 19q LOH in oligodendroglioma treatment and prognosis Institute of Neurological Sciences, Marmara University, Department of Neurosurgery, Marmara University Faculty of Medicine Istanbul-Turkey
7. Akakın A, Akgun E, Özkan A, Koc DY, Pamir MN, Kılıç T, "Endovascular Treatment Increases but Gamma-Knife Radiosurgery Decreases Angiogenic Activity of AVMs: An In Vivo Experimental Study Using Rat Cornea Model". CNS Annual Meeting, New Orleans Louisiana USA, October 24-29, 2009,
8. Akakin A, Ozkan A, Akgun E, Koc DY, Konya D, Pamir MN, Kilic T. Endovascular Treatment Increases But Gamma-knife Radiosurgery Decreases Angiogenic Activity Of Avms: An In Vivo Experimental Study Using Rat Cornea Model AANS/CNS Cerebrovascular Section Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, February 22 – 23, 2010
9. Akakın A, Akgun E, Özkan A, Koc DY, Kılıç T, "Endovascular Treatment Increases but Gamma-Knife Radiosurgery Decreases Angiogenic Activity of AVMs: An In Vivo Experimental Study Using Rat Cornea Model" Annual Meeting in Philadelphia Pennsylvania Convention Center, May 1-5, 2010,
10. Akakın A, Şeker A, Morishita T, Kılıç T, S.Okun M, Jr Rhoton AL. "Anatomy of Subthalamic Nucleus With The Correlation of Deep Brain Stimulation", Moscone West Convention Center, CNS Annual Meeting, Sanfrancisco 16-21 October, 2010
11. Pamir MN, Kılıç T, Akakın A "Volume Changes Following Gamma-Knife Radiosurgery of Low Grade Glial Tumors" 5 th Meeting of The Asian Society For Neuro-Oncology, Hilton, İstanbul, Türkiye, 2-4 Kasım 2007
12. Kılıç T, Akakın A, Pamir MN "PCV Chemotherapy For Oligodendrogliomas and Ligoastrocytomas" 5 th Meeting of The Asian Society For Neuro-Oncology, Hilton, İstanbul, Türkiye, 2-4 Kasım 2007
13. Celebration of Rhoton-s 40 years, 2012