EJCTS 2004-Günümüze
(European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery)
Yabancı Yayınlar
1. Incidence of Early Kidney Injury in Lung Transplant Patients: A Single-Center Experience
Balcı MK, Vayvada M, Salturk C, Kutlu CA, Arı E
• Transplant Proc. 2017 Apr 49(3):593-8
2. Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension in Lung Transplantation Candidates: Correlation of Doppler Echocardiography with Right Heart Catheteriazation
Balcı MK, Arı E, Vayvada M, Salturk C, Aşicioglu E, Kahveci G, Akbal OY, Kutlu CA
• Transplant Proc. 2016 Oct 48(8):2797-802
3. Osteoporosis in Lung Transplantation Candidates: Association with 6-Walking Test and Body Mass Index
Balcı MK, Arı E, Vayvada M, Salturk C, Aşicioglu E, Yeginsu A, Kutlu CA
• Transplant Proc. 2016 Jul-Aug 48(6):2147-51
4. Stripping to Prevent Prolonged Air Leak; Is There a Future in the Past?
Akin O, Tasci E, Urek S, Olgac G, Kutlu CA
• Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2011 Dec;59(8):470-4. Epub 2011 Mar 29.
5. Transplantation in Pulmonary Hypertension
Kutlu CA
• Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2010 Sep;10 Suppl 2:39-41. doi: 10.5152/akd.2010.129. Review. Turkish.
6. Management of Bilateral Pneumothoraces after Talc Pleurodesis and Unilateral Lung Volume Reduction Surgery
Akin O, Tasci E, Olgac G, Kutlu CA.
• Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2010 May;10(5):830-2. Epub 2010 Feb 1.
7. The Role of Integrated Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography in the Assessment of Nodal Spread in Cases with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Tasci E, Tezel C, Orki A, Akin O, Falay O, Kutlu CA
• Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2010 Feb;10(2):200-3. Epub 2009 Nov 19
8. The Role of Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Pleural Diseases
A Orki, AE Tasci, O Akın, S Urek, CA Kutlu
• Thoracic and Cardiovasvular Surgeon 2009 Jun;57(4):217-21. Epub 2009 May 20
9. Malignant Invasive Thymoma in the Posterior Mediastinum (Case report)
A Orki, S Patlakoglu, C Tahaoglu, CA Kutlu
• Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2009 Apr;87(4):1274-5
10. A Novel Technique For Bronchopleural Fistula Closure: An Hourglass-Shaped Stent
(Brief communication)
CA Kutlu, S Patlakoglu, AE Tasci, O Kapicibasi
• Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2009 Jan;137(1):e46-7
11. Latero-lateral Slide Tracheoplasty for Upper Airway Stenosis: An 8-year follow-up
AE Tasci, H. Çiftçi, F Periovi, CA Kutlu
• Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2009 Jan;137(1):e44-6
12. Does the Amount of Fluid Really Matter for Drain Removal Following Lung Resection? (Letter to the Editor)
A Ozdemir, AK Mısırlıoglu, CA Kutlu
• Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2008 Aug;136:535-6
13. Sleeve Middle Lobectomy for a Glomus Tumor of the Lung (Case report)
S Gungor, S Bilgin, A Baran, A Yılmaz, H Çiftçi, CA Kutlu
• The American Journal of Case Report 2008 Jun;9:292-294
14. Video-assisted Thoracoscopy for Spontaneous Pneumothorax after Pneumonectomy
AE Tascı, A Orki, G Olgac, CA Kutlu
• Heart, Lung and Circulation 2008 May;28
15. Mediastinal Mapping with Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography
O Falay, CA Kutlu
• Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2008 Apr;85(4):1457
16. End-to-side Bronchial Anastomosis with the Continuous Suture Technique
(Brief communication)
AE Tasci, A Orki, CA Kutlu
• Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2008 Mar;135(3):708-9
17. Pleural Condroma
H Eryigit, R Baran, CA Kutlu
• Asian Annals of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2008 Jan;16(1):90
18. Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the Postpneumonectomy Space (Case report)
A Orki, S Urek, S Patlakoglu, EA Tasci, CA Kutlu
• Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2008 Jan;85(1):333-4
19. Management of Acquired Broncho-biliery Fistula: Report of 3 Cases and Literature Review
H Eryigit, S Urek, Sertas, M Kurttepe CA Kutlu
• Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2007 Dec 3;2(1):52
20. Giant Carcinoid Tumor Mimicking Pulmonary Sequestration (Case report)
G Olgaç, F Peirovi, A Yılmaz, CA Kutlu
• Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2007 Oct;84(4):1375-6
21. Elective Pneumonectomy for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Factors Affecting Early Operative Mortality and Morbidity.
YA Karamustafaoglu, G Haciibrahimoglu, M Fazlioglu, A Olcmen, CA Kutlu, A Gurses,
MA Bedirhan
• Acta Chir Belg. 2006 Sep-Oct;106(5):550-3
22. Antibiotics are not Needed During Tube Thoracostomy for Spontaneous Pneumothorax: An Observational Case Study
G Olgaç, Ü Aydoğmuş, L Mulazımoğlu, CA Kutlu
• Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2006; 13;1:43
23. Pleural Flap to Prevent Lobar Torsion: A Novel Technique (How to do)
CA Kutlu, G Olgaç
• European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2006; 30(6):943-4
24. How Does Definition of Complete Resection Conduct Surgical Management of NSCLC? (Brief communication)
CA Kutlu, G Olgac
• Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 2006;5:643-45
25. Clinical Approach to Isoleted Traumatic Hemothorax
L Cansever, G Hacıibrahimoğlu, CA Kutlu, MA Bedirhan
• Ulusal Trauma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi 2005 Oct;11(4):306-309
26. Decision Making in the Management of Empyema and ‘Collapsed Lung’ Due to Tuberculosis (Reply to the Editor)
G Olgac, CA Kutlu
• Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2005 Oct;53(5):318-20
27. VATS Decortication in Patients with Stage 3 Empyema (How to do)
G Olgac, M Fazlıoglu, CA Kutlu
• Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon 2005 Oct;53(5):318-20
28. Decision Making in the Management of Empyema and ‘Collapsed Lung’ Due to Tuberculosis
G Olgac, MA Yılmaz, G Ortakoylu, CA Kutlu
• Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2005 Jul;130(1):131-5
29. A Quick Technique for Division of the First Rib via Posterior Approach (How to do)
CA Kutlu, G Olgac
• Thoracic and Cardiovasculer Surgeon 2005 Jun;53(3):191-3
30. Is Lactate Dehydrogenase Level Really a Reliable Predictor of Pulmonary Morbidity than Other Co-morbid Parameters Following Lung Resection for NSCLC? (Letter to the Editor)
G Olgac, A Olcmen, CA Kutlu
• European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2005 Apr;27(4):732-3
31. Carcinoma In-situ from the View of Complete Resection (Letter to the Editor)
CA Kutlu, N Ürer, G Olgac
• Lung Cancer 2004 Dec:46(3);383-5
32. Urgent Partial Sternotomy for the Treatment of Iatrogenic Vascular Injury to the Thoracic Outlet: A Report of Two Cases (Case report)
T Özalp, L Özçelik, A Çelik, İS Yildirim, CA Kutlu, MA Bedirhan
• Ulusal Trauma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi 2004 Jul:10(3):205-7
33. Late Complication of Extended Cervical Mediastinoscopy (Case report)
G Haciibrahimoglu, A Cevik, MA Bedirhan, CA Kutlu
• Canadian Journal of Surgery 2004 Jun;47(3):223-4.
34. Re-Redo Cervical Mediastinoscopy for a Recurrent Lung Cancer (Case report)
O Cankurtaran, G Olgac, CA Kutlu
• Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2004 Apr-Jun;20(2):91-2
35. Chylothorax; A Rare Complication Following Lung Resection in Patients with NSCLC
CA Kutlu, A Sayar, G Olgaç, H Akın, A Ölçmen, MA Bedirhan, A Gürses
• Thoracic and Cardiovasculer Surgeon 2003 Dec;51(6):342-5
36. Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Following Pneumonectomy (Letter to the Editor)
CA Kutlu
• European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2003 Sep;24(3):469-70
37. Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Elective Thoracic Surgery: Cefuroxime versus Cefepime
A Turna, CA Kutlu, T Ozalp, A Karamustafaoglu, L Mulazimoglu, MA Bedirhan
• Thoracic and Cardiovasculer Surgeon 2003 Apr;51(2):84-88
38. Surgical Treatment of Pulmonary Hydatid Cysts; Is cappitonage necessary?
A Turna, MA Yılmaz, G Hacıibrahimoğlu, CA Kutlu, MA Bedirhan
• The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2002 Jul;74(1):191-5
39. Modified Slide Tracheoplasty for the Management of Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastica (Case report)
CA Kutlu, A Yeğinsu, T Özalp, R Baran
• European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 2002 Jan;21(1):140-2
40. Median Sternotomy for Primary Lung Tumors (Letter to the Editor)
CA Kutlu, K Hassan, J Zacharias
• The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2001 Sep;72(3):982-4
41. Early Experience with PET Scan on Thoracic Tumours
CA Kutlu, U Pastorino, M Maisey, P Goldstraw
• Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2001 Jun;42(3):403-10
42. Shoulder Girdle Strenght after Standard and Lateral Muscle Sparing Thoracotomy
CA Kutlu, H Akın , A Ölçmen, U Biliciler, A Kayserilioglu, M Ölçmen
• Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon 2001 Apr;49(2):112-5
43. Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome after Pulmonary Resection
CA Kutlu, E Williams, TW Evans, U Pastorino, P Goldstraw
• The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2000 Feb;69(2):376-80
44. Complete Resection: Yes or No? (Letter to the Editor)
CA Kutlu, A Sayar, M Metin
• Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2000 Jan;119(1):193-4
45. Slide Tracheoplasty for the Treatment of Congenital Funnel-Shaped Tracheal Stenosis: Late Result of the First Case. (Letter to the Editor)
CA Kutlu, P Goldstraw
• European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 1999 Jul;16(1):98-9
46. Tracheo-Bronchial Sleeve Resections with Continuous Anastomosis. Hundred Consecutive Cases
CA Kutlu, P Goldstraw
• Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1999 Jun;117(6):1112-7
47. Superior Sulcus Tumors (Letter to the Editor)
CA Kutlu, M Metin, A Sayar
• The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 1998 Dec;66(6):2160-1
48. Mediastinal Lavage Cytology: Is It a Logical Idea in Patients with NSCLC
A Sayar, CA Kutlu, A Ölçmen, H Akın, H Gülec, M Ölçmen
• Proceeding Book, 6. European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Portoroz-Slovenia 1998
49. Selective Use of PET Scan in NSCLC
CA Kutlu, U Pastorino, M Maisey, P Goldstraw
• Lung Cancer 1998 Sep;21(3):177-84