Prof. Dr.Cemşit Karakurt

  • İlgi Alanları
  • Fetal kardiyoloji
  • Fetal ekokardiyografi
  • Doğumsal kalp hastalıkları
  • Girişimsel kardiyoloji
  • Doğuştan kalp hastalıkları
  • Çocuklarda ritim sorunları
  • Çocuklarda kalp yetersizliği
  • Çocuklarda pulmoner hipertansiyon

Eğitim ve Uzmanlık
1987-1993 Lisans Eğitimi: Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
1993-1997 Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları.Dr.Sami Ulus Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Uzmanlık
2001-2005 Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları.Dr.Sami Ulus Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Yan Dal Uzmanlık Eğitim

2015 İnönü Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Profesör
2010 İnönü Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Çocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Anabilim Dalı Doçent
2005-2010 İnönü Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Çocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Anabilim Dalı Yard. Doç.
İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Fakülte Kurulu Üyeligi
İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları AD Ana Bilim Dalı Başkanlığı

Mesleki Üyelikler
Türk Pediatrik Kardiyoloji ve Kalp Cerrahisi Derneği
Antalya Tabib Odası
Türk Pediatrik Kardiyoloji ve Kalp Cerrahisi Derneği Yönetim Kurulu

Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler
1. One-Year Follow-Up Results of MIS-C Patients with Coronary Artery Involvement: A Multi-center Study.Baykan A, Kum YE, Yılmazer MM, Varan C, Yakut K, Sert A, Öztunç F, Öncül M, Uç D, Başpınar O, Pamukçu Ö, Murat M, Tanıdır İC, Alkan G, Murt NU, Akın A, Karakurt C, Şahin DA, Doğan A, Duman D, Öztürk E, Coşkun Yİ, Türe M, Temel MT, Elkıran Ö.Pediatr Cardiol. 2024 Feb;45(2):282-291

2.Reply to Letter to the Editor: 'Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection in the Setting of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: More Questions Than Answers'.Öncül M, Karakurt C, Elkıran Ö, Hidayet Ş, Maraş SA.Anatol J Cardiol. 2023 Feb;27(2):119-120.

3.Combined (dual) drug therapy for the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus: last approach prior to ligation.Deveci MF, Kaya H, Yurttutan S, Alagoz M, Gokce IK, Karakurt C, Gullu UU, Oncul M, Ozdemir R.Cardiol Young. 2023 Aug;33(8):1312-1315.

4. Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection in Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

Öncül M, Karakurt C, Elkıran Ö, Hidayet Ş, Maraş SA.Anatol J Cardiol. 2022 ec;26(12):914-916.

5. Çelik S.F, Karakurt C, Yıldırım A.N, Çelik E. Rapid Improvement of Pulmonary Functions in Children After Transcatheter Closure of an Atrial Septal Defect. Pediatric Cardiology,

6. Karakurt C, Çelik S.F, Selimoğlu MA, Varol I.F, Karabiber  H,Yoloğlu S (2016). Strain and strain rate echocardiography in children with Wilson sdisease. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa, 13(27), 1-8.

7. Elkıran Ö, Karakurt C, Koçak G, Tabel Y,Güngör S (2015).Possible association between fluconazole administration and acute hyperkalemia in a critically ill cyanotic infant. Arch Med Sci, 11(1), 235-6.

8. Çelik S.F, Karakurt C, Elkıran Ö, Öztürk M, Görmeli A.C, (2015). A rare variant of type I truncus arteriosus truncus arteriosus with anteriororigin of a main pulmonary artery. Echocardiography, 32(5), 880-2.

9. YILMAZ ERCAN, ELKIRAN ÖZLEM, İNCE DAMLA, KARAKURT CEMŞİT, YAMANCAN YILMAZ ZEYNEP, YOLOĞLU SAİM (2022). Assesment of normal ECG percentiles and cardiac rhythm problems through 12. lead ECG screening in school age children. Annals of Medical Research, 29(12), 1323- 1329.

10. ÖZGÖR BİLGE, İNCE DAMLA, GÜNGÖR SERDAL, KARAKURT CEMŞİT (2022). Does childhood chorea mean Sydenham's Chorea everytime?. Annals of Medical Research, 29(6), 595-598.)

12. ÖNCÜL MEHMET, KARAKURT CEMŞİT, ELKIRAN ÖZLEM, TEKİN MEHMET, GÖZÜKARA BAĞ HARİKA GÖZDE (2022). Evaluation of the frequency, follow up, and treatment of patients with multisystem inflammatory syndrome related to COVID-19. Annals of Medical Research, 29(11), 1238-1245.

13. KAYA DURMUŞ MERVE, KARAKURT CEMŞİT, TAŞKAPAN MEHMET ÇAĞATAY, ÖNCÜL MEHMET, ELKIRAN ÖZLEM, BULUT NİLÜFER, GÖZÜKARA BAĞ HARİKA GÖZDE (2022). Serum Soluble ST2 (sST2) and NT- pro BNP leveles in children with pulmonary hypertension. Iranian Heart Journal, 23(4), 46-51.

14. ÖNCÜL MEHMET, KARAKURT CEMŞİT, ELKIRAN ÖZLEM, GÖZÜKARA BAĞ HARİKA GÖZDE (2022). Congenital Heart Disease and COVID-19: A Single-Center Experience. İran J Pediatr, 32(2), 1-6

15.ELKIRAN ÖZLEM, KARAKURT CEMŞİT, KOÇAK GÜLENDAM, TAŞKAPAN MEHMET ÇAĞATAY (2019). Serum Nickel and Titanium Levels after Transcatheter Closure of Atrial Septal Defects with Amplatzer Septal Occluder. Cardiology Research and Practice, 2019, 1-6.

16. ÇELİK SERKAN FAZLI, KARAKURT CEMŞİT, TABEL YILMAZ, ELMAS AHMET TANER, YOLOĞLU SAİM (2018). Blood pressure is normal, but is the heart?. Pediatric Nephrology, 33(9), 1585-1591.

17. KARAKURT CEMŞİT, ÇELİK SERKAN FAZLI, SELİMOĞLU MUKADDER AYŞE,Varol İlknur,KARABİBER HAMZA,YOLOĞLU SAİM (2016). Strain and strain rate echocardiography in children with Wilson s disease. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa, 13(27), 1-8.

18. ÇELİK SERKAN FAZLI, KARAKURT CEMŞİT, ELKIRAN ÖZLEM, ÖZTÜRK MEHMET, AYŞE CEMİLE GÖRMELİ (2015). A rare variant of type I truncus arteriosus truncus arteriosus with anterior origin of a main pulmonary artery. Echocardiography, 32(5), 880-2.

 19. KARAKURT CEMŞİT, BAŞPINAR OSMAN, ÇELİK SERKAN FAZLI, TAŞKAPAN MEHMET ÇAĞATAY, ŞAHİN DERYA, YOLOĞLU SAİM (2014). Serum Pentraxin 3 and hs CRP Levels in Children with Severe Pulmonary Hypertension. BALKAN MED J, 31(3).219-23

20. Elkıran O, Kocak G, Karakurt C, Kuzucu C (2014). Brucella myocarditis in a 3 month old probable transplacental transmission. Ann Trop Paediatr 2010;30(3):225-8.

21. KARAKURT CEMŞİT, ÇELİK SERKAN FAZLI, ÇELİK MUHAMMET REHA, ELKIRAN ÖZLEM, ULUTAŞ HAKKI, KUZUCU AKIN (2014). Primary idiopathic chylopericardium presenting with cardiac tamponade. HERZ, 39(5);644-6

22. ELKIRAN ÖZLEM, KARAKURT CEMŞİT, KOÇAK GÜLENDAM (2014). Combined effect of aerosolized iloprost and oxygen on assessment of pulmonary vasoreactivity in children with pulmonary hypertension. Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi-The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, 14(4):383-8.

23. ELKIRAN ÖZLEM, KARAKURT CEMŞİT, KOÇAK GÜLENDAM, KARADAĞ AHMET (2013). Tissue Doppler strain and strain rate measurement assessed by two dimensional speckle tracking echocardiograpy in healthy newborns and infants. Cardiol Young 24(2):201-11.

24. Elkıran O, Karakurt C, Erdil N, Disli OM, Dagli AF (2013). An unexpected cause of respiratory distress and cyanosis cardiac inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor. Congenit Heart Dis. 8(6): E174-7

25. AKINCI AYŞEHAN, KARAKURT CEMŞİT, GÜRBÜZ SİBEL, ELKIRAN ÖZLEM, NALBANTOĞLU O, KOÇAK GÜLENDAM, GÜLDÜR TAYFUN, YOLOĞLU SAİM (2013). Association of cardiac changes with serum adiponectin and resistin levels in obese and overweight children. J Cardiovasc Med. 14(3):228-34.

26. Disli OM Battaloglu B, Erdil N, Karakurt C, Elkıran O (2013). Perioperative managaement of leavoarial cardianal vein in the absence of the brachiocephalic vein. Tex Heart Ins J. 40(2):201-3.

27. METIN SUNGUR, KARAKURT CEMŞİT, ÖZBARLAS NAZAN, BAŞPINAR OSMAN (2013). Closure of patent ductus arteriosus in children small infants and premature babies with Amplatzer duct occluder II additional sizes multicenter study. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 1;82(2):245-52. 

28. ELKIRAN ÖZLEM, SANDIKKAYA A, KOÇAK GÜLENDAM, KARAKURT CEMŞİT, TAŞKAPAN MEHMET ÇAĞATAY, YOLOĞLU SAİM (2013). Evaluation by N terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide cocentrations and Ross scoring of the efficacy of digoxin in the treatment of heart failure secondary to congenital heart disease with left to right shunts. Pediatr Cardiol. 34(7):1583-9.

29. Karakurt C, Elkıran O, Celik SF, Koçak G (2013). Transcatheter closure of a large patent ductus arteriosus with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension in a child. Herz, 38(6), 685-8.

31. Disli OM, Karakurt C, Erdil N, Battaloglu B (2013). Use of auotolgous pericardium for mitral leaflet reconstruction in a child with endocarditis. Rev Brasil Cir Cardiovasc, 28(2), 296-8.

30. Elkıran O, Karakurt C, Selimoglu A, Karabiber H (2013). Subclinical diastolic dysfunction in children with Wilson s disease assessed by tissue Doppler echocardiograpy a possible early predictor of cardiac involvement. Acta Cardiol, 68(2), 181-7.

31. Karakurt C, Koçak G, Elkiran O, Coucke PJ, Van Maldergem L (2012). Arterial tortuosity syndrome case report. Genet Couns 2012;23(4):477-82

32. Karakurt Cemsit, Dogan Metin, Baysal Tamer, Erdil Nevzat , Kocak Gulendam , Elkiran Ozlem (2011). Right Cervical Aortic Arch with Unusual Origin of Left Carotid Artery. TEXAS HEART INSTITUTE JOURNAL, 38(1), 94-95.

33.Celiker A, Ozkutlu S, Karakurt C, Karagoz T (2011). Cardiac dysrhythmias after transcatheter closure of ASD with Amplatzerdevice. TURKISH JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS, 47(4), 323-326.

34. Karakurt Cemsit, Celiloglu Can, Ozgen Unsal, Yesilada Elif, Yologlu Saim, Zabriskie John, Kocak Gulendam (2011). Presence of a D8 17 B lymphocyte marker and HLA DR subgroups in patients with rheumatic heart disease. Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi/The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, 11, 314-318.

35. KARAKURT CEMŞİT, KOÇAK GÜLENDAM, ELKIRAN ÖZLEM (2011). Prenatal Diagnosis of a Patient With Tetralogy of Fallot and an Absent Pulmonary Valve. Pediatric Cardiology, 32(2), 241-242.

36. Sungur Metin, Öcal Burhan, Oğuz Deniz, Karademir Selmin, Karakurt Cemşit, Şenocak Filiz (2009). Plasma endothelin 1 and nitrate levels in Down s syndrome with complete atrioventricular septal defect associated pulmonary hypertension a comparison with non Down syndrome children. European Journal of Pediatrics, 168(5), 593-597.

37. TABEL YILMAZ, İLKE MUNGAN, KARAKURT CEMŞİT, KOÇAK GÜLENDAM, GÜNGÖR SERDAL (2008). Is edema in minimal change disease of childhood really hypovolemic. Int Urol Nephrol 2008;40(3):757-61

38. KOÇAK GÜLENDAM, ÖNAL ÇAĞATAY, KARAKURT CEMŞİT,ATEŞ ÖZKAN, ÇAYLI SÜLEYMAN, YOLOĞLU SAİM (2008). Prevalance and outcome of congenital heart disease in patients with neural tube defect. J Child Neurol 23(5):526-30

39. Karakurt Cemsit , Kopk Guelendam , Oezgen Uensal (2008). Recanalization of occluded modified Blalock Taussig shunt with balloonangioplasty and intraarterial streptokinase. ANADOLU KARDIYOLOJI DERGISI-THE ANATOLIAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, 8(1), 76-78

40. KARAKURT CEMŞİT, KOÇAK GÜLENDAM, ÖZGEN ÜNSAL (2008). Evaluation of the left ventricular function with tissue tracking and tissue Doppler echocardiography in pediatric malignancy survivors after anthracycline therapy. ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY-A JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ULTRASOUND AND ALLIED TECHNIQUES, 25(8), 880-887.

41. Karakurt Cemsit , Kocak Guelendam , Selimoglu Ayse , Ozen Metehan (2007). Aortic aneurysm a rare complication of ulcerative colitis. ANADOLU KARDIYOLOJI DERGISI-THE ANATOLIAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, 7(4), 461-462.

42. KARAKURT C., AYTEMIR K., KARADEMIR S., SUNGUR M., OGUZ D., ÖCAL B., ŞENOCAK F. (2007). Prognostic value of hart rate turbulence and heart rate variability in children with dilated cardiomyopathy. Acta Cardiologica, 62(1), 31-37.

43. KARAKURT CEMŞİT, OĞUZ DENİZ; KARAEMİR SELMİN, METIN& SUNGUR, ÖCAL BURHAN (2006). Congenital Partial Pericardial Defect and Herniated Right Atrial Appendage A Rare Anomaly. Echocardiography, 23(9), 784-786.

44. ÇELIKER Alpay, KARAKURT Cemşit, KARAGÖZ Tevfik (2006). Single pass lead VDD pacing system in children and adolescents. Acta Cardiologica, 61(1), 63-67.

45. Karademir Selmin, Oğuz Deniz, Şenocak Filiz, Ocal Burhan, Karakurt Cemşit, Cabuk Feryal (2003). Tolmetin and salicylate therapy in acute rheumatic fever Comparison of clinical efficacy and side effects. Pediatrics International, 45(6), 676-679.

46. Karakurt C, Karademir S, Üner Ç (2001). Pseudoachondroplasia in a child with prolapse of the mitral valve. Cardiology in the Young, 11(05), 559,

47. Karakurt C., Sipahi T, Ceylaner S., Senocak F, Karademir S., Becer M. (2001). Cutis Laxa with Growth and Developmental Delay. Clinical Pediatrics, 40(7), 422-423.

48. KUYUCU N, KARAKURT C, BİLALOĞLU E, KARACAN C TEZİÇ T, (1999). Adenosine deaminase in childhood pulmonary tuberculosis diagnostic value in serum. J tropical ped, 45, 245- 247. (

49. Altuntas B, Erden A , Karakurt C , Kut A , Senbil N , Yurdakul M (1998). Severe portal hypertension due to congenital hepatoportal arteriovenousfistula associated with intrahepatic portal vein aneurysm. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND, 26(7), 357-360., Doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097- 0096(199809)26:73.0.CO;2-8