Prof. Dr.Cevdet Kaya

  • İlgi Alanları
  • Prostat ameliyatları
  • Prostat kanseri
  • Böbrek tümörleri
  • Erkek cinsel sağlığı
  • İnfertilite
  • Çocuk ürolojisi
  • İdrar kaçırma
  • Mesane tümörleri

Eğitim ve Uzmanlık
1996 Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Tıp eğitimi
2001 Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi hastanesi Üroloji Anabilim Dalı, Uzmanlık

1998 - 1998 Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Üroloji Asistan Rotasyon Eğitimi
2001 - 2002  Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Vakfı Academic Hospital
2002 - 2014 Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği, Başasistan
2008 - 2008 Innsbruck University Hospital, Paediatric Urology, Visiting Fellowship,Avusturya
2014 - 2020 Marmara Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyesi
2015 - 2015 Charite Hospital, Berlin, Renal Transplantasyon Kliniği, Almanya

Kurs ve Sertifikalar
Innsbruck Universitesi Pediayatrik Üroloji Fellowship
Charite Hospital Berlin Böbrek Nakli Eğitimi
Üretra Darlığı ve Rekonstrüktif Üroloji Kursu, Hamburg
Penil Protez, Üretra Darlığı Cerrahi Eğitimi, Gent

Mesleki Üyelikler
Türk Üroloji Derneği
Ürolojik Cerrahi Derneği
Üroonkoloji Derneği
Türk Çocuk Ürolojisi Derneği
The Societe Internationale Urologie

1- Kaya C, Necip Pirinci, M. Ihsan Karaman. ‘Giant hydroureteronephrosis’, Am J Kidney Dis, 45(3): A45, e39–40 (2005).

2- Kaya C, Ozyurek M, Turkeri L. ‘Comparison of microvessel densities in rat prostate tissues treated with finasteride, bicalutamide and surgical castration: a preliminary study’, Int J Urol, 12(2): 194–198 (2005).

3- Karaman MI, Kaya C, Ozturk M, Gurdal M, Kirecci S, Pirincci N. ‘The comparison of transurethral vaporisation using plasmakinetic™️ energy and transurethral resection of prostate: 1 year follow-up’, J Endourol, 19(6): 734-737 (2005).

4- Karaman MI, Kaya C, Caskurlu T, Guney S, Ergenekon E. ‘Urodynamic findings in children with cerebral palsy’, Int J Urol, 12(8): 717-720 (2005).

5- Kaya C, Karaman MI. ‘Case report: a case of bladder dysfunction due to myasthenia gravis’, Int Urol Nephrol, 37(2):253–255 (2005).

6-Karaman MI, Kaya C, Caskurlu T, Guney S, Ergenekon E. ‘Measurement of pediatric testicular volume with prader orchidometer: comparison of different hands’, Pediatr Surg Int, 21(7): 517–520 (2005).

7- Kaya C, Pirincci N, Karaman MI. ‘A rare case of an adult giant hydroureteronephrosis due to ureterovesical stricture presenting as a palpable abdominal mass’, Int Urol Nephrol, 37(4): 681–683 (2005).

8-Kaya C, Pirincci N, Kanberoglu H, Yilmazgumrukcu G, Karaman MI. ‘Sparing surgery for an epidermoid cyst of the testis: a case report and literature review’, Kaohsiung J Med Sci, 21(9):424–6 (2005).

9-Karaman MI, Kaya C, Ozturk M, Pirincci N, Yilmazgumrukcu G, Tuken M. ‘The effects of human chorionic gonadotropin on normal testicular tissue of rats: dose-dependence and reversibility’, BJU Int, 97(5): 1116–1118 (2006).

10-Kaya C, Uslu Z, Karaman MI, ‘Is endothelial function impaired in erectile dysfunction patients?’ Int J Impot Res, 18(1): 55–60 (2006).

11-Kaya C, Tanrikulu H, Yilmaz G, Aker F, Karaman MI, ‘Spermatic cord metastasis as an initial manifestation of

non-small cell carcinoma of the lung’, Int J Urol, 13(6): 846–848 (2006).

12- Kaya C, Karaman MI, Pirincci N, Ozturk M, Yilmazgumrukcu G, ‘Human chorionic gonadotropin deteriorates the histology of rat testes’,

Urol Int, 76(3): 274–277 (2006).

13- Kaya C, Yilmaz G, Ilktac A, Nurkalem Z, Karaman MI, ‘The sexual function in women with coronary artery disease: A preliminary study’, Int J Impot Res, 19(3): 326–329 (2007).

14- Kaya C, Ergelen M, Ilktac A, Karaman MI. ‘Impaired elasticity of aorta in patients with erectile dysfunction’, Urology, 70(3): 558–562 (2007).

15- Nurkalem Z, Kaya C, Orhan AL, Zencirci E, Kucuk E, Eren M, ‘Erectile dysfunction and coronary slow flow: distinct presentations of endothelial disease’, Int J Impot Res, 19(6): 610–614 (2007).

16- Kaya C, Ilktac A, Gokmen E, Ozturk M, Karaman MI, ‘The long-term results of transurethral vaporization of the prostate using plasmakinetic energy’, BJU Int, 99(4): 845–848 (2007).

17- Kaya C, Akpinar IN, Aker F, Turkeri LN, ‘Large cystitis glandularis: A very rare cause of severe obstructive urinary symptoms in an adult’, Int Urol Nephrol, 39(2): 441-444 (2007).

18- Kaya C, Kucuk E, Ilktac A, Ozturk M, Karaman MI, ‘Value of urinary flow patterns in the follow-up of children who underwent Snodgrass operation’, Urol Int, 78(3): 245–248 (2007).

19- Ozturk M, Koca O, Kaya C, Karaman MI, ‘A prospective randomized and placebo-controlled study for the evaluation of antibiotic prophylaxis in transurethral resection of the prostate’, Urol Int, 79(1): 37–40 (2007).

20- Carman KB, Ceran O, Kaya C, Nuhoglu C, Karaman MI, ‘Nocturnal enuresis in Turkey: Prevalence and accompanying factors in different socio-economic environments’, Urol Int, 80: 362-66 (2008).

21- Kaya C, Bektic J, Radmayr C, Schwentner C, Bartsch G, Oswald J, ‘The efficacy of dihydrotestosterone transdermal gel before primary hypospadias surgery: A prospective, controlled, randomized study’, J Urol, 179(2): 684–688 (2008).

 22-Kaya C, Koca O, Karaman IM, Radmayr C. Splenogonadal fusion in a 13-year-old boy with contralateral displaced intra-abdominal testis. Urology, 75(1):173-5 (2010).

23-Kaya C, Bogaert G, de Ridder D, Schwentner C, Fritsch H, Oswald J, Radmayr C. Extracellular matrix degradation and reduced neural density in children with intrinsic ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Urology, 76(1):185-9 (2010).

24- Turkeri L, Tanidir Y, Cal Ç, Ozen H, Sahin H, Kaya C, Karaman I, Sengor F, et al. Comparison of the efficacy of single or double intravesical epirubicin instillation in the early postoperative period to prevent recurrences in non-muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder: prospective, randomized multicenter study. Urol Int, 85(3):261-5 (2010).

25- Ozturk MI, Koca O, Keles MO, Gunes M, Kaya C, Karaman MI. Question for a questionnaire: the International Index of Erectile Function. Int J Impot Res, 23(1):24-6 (2011).

26- Oztürk I, Koca O, Keles MO, Gunes M, Kaya C, Karaman MI. International prostate symptom score: really appreciated by all patients or not? Urol J. 8(3):227-30 (2011).

27- Karaman MI, Koca O, Kucuk EV, Ozturk M, Gunes M, Kaya C. Laser acupuncture therapy for primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. J Urol, 185(5):1852-6 (2011).

28- Öztürk M, İlktaç A, Koca O, Kalkan S, Kaya C, Karaman MI. Gunshot Injury Of Penis In A Patient With Penile Prosthesis: A Case Report. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg, 17(5):464-466, (2011).

29- Güneş M, Kaya C, Koca O, Keleş MO, Karaman Mİ. Acute scrotum in Henoch-Schönlein’s Purpura: Fact or Fiction? Turk J Pediatr. 54(2):194-7 (2012).

30- Oztürk MI, Koca O, Sertkaya Z, Keles MO, Kaya C, Karaman MI. Acute Effects of Sildenafil on Uroflowmetric Parameters in Erectile Dysfunction Patients with and without Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. J Androl. 2012 Apr 5.

31- Pirinççi N, Kanberoglu H, Kaya C, Kaba M, Geçit I, Guneş M, Ceylan K, Karaman MI.Modified Raz operation backed with periurethral roll mesh in female stress urinary incontinence. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2012; 16(14):2006-13.

32- Nurkalem Z, Yıldırımtürk O, Ozcan KS, Kul S, Canga Y, Satılmış S, Bozbeyoğlu E, Kaya C. The effect of rosuvastatin and atorvastatin on erectile dysfunction in hypercholesterolemic patients. Kardiol Pol. 2013 Oct 21. doi: 10.5603/KP.a2013.0287. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:24142756


yuz M, Kaya C, Akdogan MF.A rare cause of recurrent priapism: hereditary angioedema.Andrologia. 2014 May 28. doi: 10.1111/and.12297. [Epub ahead of print]

34- Kaya C, Gunes M, Gokce AM, Kalkan S. Is Sexual Function in Female Partners of Men With Premature Ejaculation Compromised? J Sex Marital Ther. 2014 Apr 29:1-5. [Epub ahead of print]

35-Gökçe Mİ, Hajıyev P, Süer E, Kibar Y, Sılay MS, Gürocak S, Doğan HS, Irkılata HC, Oktar T, Önal B, Erdem E, Aygün YC, Balcı C, Arslan AR, Kaya C, Soygür T, Sarıkaya S, Tekgül S, Burgu B. Does structured withdrawal of desmopressin improve relapse rates in patients with monosymptomatic enuresis? J Urol. 2014 Aug;192(2):530-4. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2014.01.094. Epub 2014 Feb 8.