Eğitim ve Deneyim
1994 - 2000 Tıp Fakültesi Lisans
Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Ankara, Türkiye
2000 - 2005 Tıpta Uzmanlık
Genel Cerrahi AD ve Organ Nakli Ünitesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Ankara, Türkiye
2005 - 2008 Uzman Doktor
Organ Nakli Ünitesi, Florence Nightingale Hastanesi İstanbul, Türkiye
2008 - 2009 Genel Cerrahi Öğretim Üyesi
Genel Cerrahi AD ve Organ Nakli Ünitesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Ankara, Türkiye
2009 - 2010 Uzman Doktor
Transplantasyon Departmanı, Mayo Clinic Florida, ABD
2010 - 2010 Uzman Doktor
Recanati Miller Transplantasyon Departmanı, Mount Sinai Tıp Fakültesi, New York, ABD
2010 - 2011 Uzman Doktor
Karaciğer Nakli ve HPB Cerrahi Ünitesi, Asan Tıp Merkezi, Seul, Güney Kore
2011 - 2012 Transplant Surgeon
Genel Cerrahi AD, Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi, Ankara, Türkiye
2012 - 2018 Doç. Dr.
Genel Cerrahi AD ve Organ Nakli Ünitesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Ankara, Türkiye
2018 - 2022 Prof. Dr.
Genel Cerrahi AD ve Organ Nakli Ünitesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Ankara, Türkiye
2013 - 2022 Organ Nakli Merkezi Sorumlu Uzmanı
Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Ankara, Türkiye
Bilimsel Kuruluşlara Üyelikler
International Liver Transplant Society
European Society of Organ Transplantation (2008- )
European-African Hepatobiliary Surgery Association (2012- )
Asia-Pacific Hepatobiliary Surgery Association (2011- )
Türk Cerrahi Derneği (2005- )
Turkish Liver Transplant Society (2005- )
Tıp Doktoru: No: 12684 Haziran 2000
Tıpta Uzmanlık: No: 102945 Temmuz 2005
US-ECFMG Certificate: No: 0-733-111-9 Ocak 2010
Turkish Board of General Surgery: Mayıs 2012
Doçentlik Belgesi: No: 36924 Haziran 2012
Profesörlük Belgesi:Eylül 2018
Yabancı Diller: İngilizce (Akıcı, yazılı ve sözlü), Almanca (Orta derece, yazılı)
Patent Livervision
Karaciğerin anatomik olarak üç boyutlu haritalanmasını sağlayarak karaciğer cerrahisi planlamayı kolaylaştıran üç boyutlu karaciğer görüntüleme yazılımıdır.
Derece ve Ödüller
Türk Cerrahi Derneği Yurtdışı Eğitim Desteği Ödülü Ocak 2010
Proje adı: Comparison of the Long Term Outcomes of Living Donor versus Deceased Donor Left Lateral Graft Transplantation Balci D; Facciuto M; Iyer K; Kerkar N; Shneider B; Suchy F; Emre, S; Schwartz M; Miller C; Florman S.
Yolculuk Hibesi Kazananı, International Liver Transplant Society Meeting Paris, Temmuz 2008
Balci D, Taner BC, Dayangac M, Akin B, Yaprak O, Duran C, Killi R, Yuzer Y, Tokat Y. “Two year follow up of microsurgical hepatic arterıal reconstructions with intraoperative doppler evaluation in living donor liver transplantation: redo when necessary.” Liver Transplantation Vol.:14 Issue: 7, Pages: S173-S174, Suppl. 1, Jul 2008
Cerrahi Board Sınavı Yazılı Aşama Birinciliği, Nisan 2005
- “Accuracy of established manual versus new automated liver volumetry software in patients undergoing liver surgery.” Ocak 2018- Ocak 2019
Deniz Balci Ankara Üniversitesi, Türkiye, Massimo Malago University College London, Birleşik Krallık, Prof. Dr. Arnold Radtke University of Tubingen, Almanya
- “Clinical Characteristics of liver regeneration after ALPPS procedure”
Deniz Balcı (Ankara Üniversitesi tarafından finanse edilmiştir.)
- “Biomarkers and clinical indicators of liver regeneration after living donor liver transplantation”
Deniz Balcı 01/06/2016- 01/06/2018 Ankara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Platformu ve Kalkınma Bakanlığı ortaklığıyla finanse edilmiştir.
- “Technical Assistance for Alignment in Organ Donation” EU FR 7 Project
Görev: Senior Training Expert Ankara Universitesi
EuropeAid/131052/D/SER/TR 1/4/2013-1/4/2015 2.300.000 Euros
Kontrat no: TR2009/0328.01-01/001 tamamlandı.
- Balci D. Klatskin tümörlerinde ve HCC'de alpps [ALPPS for Klatskin tumor and HCC patients]. 7. Gastroenteroloji Cerrahisi Kongresi [7th Gastroenterology Surgery Congress] Antalya, Turkey, 29 November - 1 December 2019.
- Balci D. How Has Turkey Led the Liver Transplant Revolution? Transplant Colloquium 2019 (TCC 2019). Singapore, November 2019.
- Balci D. Impact of the ALPPS on the treatment of CRC liver metastases. Multidisciplinary Approach in the Treatment of CRC Liver Metastases, Bulgaria, November 2019.
- Ki-Hun KIM, Deniz BALCI (moderators) State of the Art - HCC, Balci D (video presentation). Dual Lobe Living Donor Liver Transplantation: Video Case Presentation. Balci D. International multicenter study on ALLPS for Perihilar CCC Results. 3rd ISLS meeting in İstanbul. Turkey, October 2019.
- Nam-Joon Yi, Deniz Balci (chairpersons), Balci D. RHV Anastomosis, Balci D. Multiple RIHVs. A-PHPBA 2019 Congress. Korea, September 2019.
- Balci D. Transplantation and Liver Surgery in Turkey. Baku Apasl STC 2019 on Hepatitis Delta, Baku, June 2019.
- Balci D. LDLT Lessons from Overseas: Where it Works and Where it Doesn’t. American Transplant Congress 2019, Boston, Massachusetts, June 2019
- Balci D. Microsurgical biliary reconstruction of multiple bile ducts reduce biliary anastomotic complications in living donor liver transplantation. ILTS 25th Annual International Congress Toronto, Canada. May 2019
- Balci D. Laparoscopic Alpps Procedure. 14th Mediterrannean Middle Eastern Endoscopic Surgery Society Meeting, Cyprus April, 2019
- Balci D. Complications of laparoscopic liver surgery. 14th Mediterrannean Middle Eastern Endoscopic Surgery Society Meeting, Cyprus April, 2019
- Balci D. Resectability in Primary and Secondary Liver Tumors: Current Concepts. Teranostic applications in Primary and Secondary Liver Tumors Multidisciplinary Meeting, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey. March 2019
- Balci D. Resection vs Transplantation for HCC. 17. Euroasian Congress on Gastroenterology and Surgery. 29-30 March. 2019. Split, Croatia
- Balci D. Microsurgical biliary reconstruction in LDLT. AILBS international symposium. Delhi, India 23-25.02.2019
- Balci D. Alpps procedure for perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma. Eurasian Federation of Oncology Meeting in Moscow, Russia 23-25.02. 2019
- Balci D “Ara ve İleri HCC’de Cerrahini Rolü: Klinik Pratikten Dersler.” 3. Çukurova HCC Congress, Adana, Turkey, February 21-23, 2019
- Balci D. Extended Donor Criteria in LDLT. AILBS international symposium. Delhi, India 15-17.02.2019
- Balci D “My best teaching case for HCC.”, “Right or left hepatectomy for Klatskin tumor” II EAFO Eurasian Hepatobiliary Oncology Forum, Moscow/Russia. February 22-24, 2019
- Balci D “Ways to Improve Organ Donation: DDLT”, “Extending Selection Criteria for Live Liver Donation (Age/Steatosis/Anatomy/Remnant)”, “Surgical Technique supported with Videos Biliary Reconstruction: Multiple ducts in LDLT” AILBS International conference. New Delhi, India, February 15-17, 2019
- Visiting Professor, Federal University Rio De Janeiro Brazil. 11-19 Jan. 2019.
- Balci D "Session – [Symposium 1] LDLT - History of Success and Prosperity." International Symposium for Commemoration of 5,000 LDLTs, Seoul, Korea, 30 November 30 - 1 December 2018
- Balci D "Perihiler Cholangiocellular Cancer Surgery", Ankara, Turkey, November 15, 2018
- Balci D "Computer Assisted 3-D Liver Donor Surgery Planning: Anatomy & Volumetry" 1st International Transplant Network Congress, Antalya, Turkey, October 17-21, 2018
- Balci D "Extension of the Indication for ALPPS: ALPPS for Klatksin Tumor" 2nd International Advanced Liver & Pancreas Surgery Symposium (ISLS 2018), Seoul, Korea, October 4-5, 2018
- Balci D "LDLT or DDLT in Acute Fulminar Liver Failure" APASL Single Topic Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, September 27, 2018
- Balci D "Kolajiokarsinomda ALLPS" Imagic 2018, Malatya, Turkey, September 21, 2018
- Balci D “Liver Transplantation Course: LDLT or DDLT for Hepatocellular Carcinoma.” Asia-Pacific Association for Liver Disease, Single Topic Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, September 22-23, 2016
- Balci D “Vanguard Debate Session: Left vs Right Lobe Grafts for Adult Recipients: Right lobe” International Liver Transplantation Society Meeting in Seoul, Korea, May 6, 2016
- Balci D. “ALPPS procedure: Surgical indications, Technique and Complications” 13th Joint National Hepatogastroenterology Congress and Euroasian Congress of Gastroenterology Surgery Association in Antalya, Turkey, April 30, 2016.
- Balci D. “Liver Transplantation: Ankara University Experience” 13th Joint National Hepatogastroenterology Congress and Euroasian Congress of Gastroenterology Surgery Association in Antalya, Turkey, April 29, 2016
- Balci D “Debate Session, Liver Resection for Colorectal Metastasis: Synchronous approach” Turkish Colorectal Surgery Society collaborating with Euroepean Society of Coloproctology, in Ankara, Turkey, March 13, 2016
- Balci D “Current State of the Art in Surgery for Colorectal Liver Metastasis” Azerbeican Surgery Days in Baku Azerbeycan, March 1, 2016
- Balci D “Liver Transplantation Course: LDLT or DDLT for Hepatocellular Carcinoma.” Asia-Pacific Association for Liver Disease, Single Topic Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, September 22-23, 2016
- Balci D “Liver Transplantation: Donor Selection Criteria”1st International Transplant Network training course for Transplant Coordination in Istanbul, Turkey, December 17, 2015
- Balci D “Liver Anatomy and Techniques for liver surgery” 2nd Turkish Colorectal Surgery Society Cadaver Course on Colorectal and Liver Surgery in Izmir, Turkey, October 23, 2015
- Balci D “Treatment for Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis: New Solutions for Old Problems” Turkish Colorectal Surgery Society meeting, in Ankara Turkey, May 27, 2015
- Balci D “ALPPS procedure for Liver Tumors: Initial Experience with 14 cases” International Symposium on Innovative Expert Hepatobiliary Surgery meeting with Compagnons hepatobiliaires in Izmir, Turkey, Nisan 27, 2015
- Balci D “Preoperative Evaluation in Obstructive Jaundice” 12th Turkish Hepatobiliary Surgery Society Meeting in Antalya, Turkey, 4 April 2015
- Balci D “What’s the ideal theraphy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Resection” Asia-Pacific Association for Liver Disease, Annual Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey. March 11, 2015
- Balci D “Liver Transplantation: Indications and Techniques and Outcomes” International workshop on Organ Donation and Transplantation. Technical Assistance for Alignment in Organ Donation Project- Europaid, March 19, 2015
- D Balci, EO Kirimker, MB Kologlu, E Ustuner, SK Erkoc, G Cinar. Left lobe living donor liver transplantation using RAPID procedure in a cirrhotic patient with portal vein thrombosis.2021, Annals of Surgery 275 (2), e538-e539
- D Balci, M Bingol-Kologlu, EO Kirimker, E Ergun, A Kansu, Z Kuloglu, 3D-reconstruction and heterotopic implantation of reduced size monosegment or left lateral segment grafts in small infants: A new technique in pediatric living donor liver. 2022. Surgery 170 (2), 617-622
- D Balci, L McCormack. Perihilar cholangiocarcinoma: A difficult surgery in a difficult patient where experience matters most.2021, Surgery
- D Balci, EO Kirimker, MB Kologlu, E Ustuner, UU Goktug, SK Erkoc. A new approach for increasing availability of liver grafts and donor safety in living donor liver transplantation: LD-RAPID procedure in the cirrhotic setting with.2021, Liver transplantation: official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society.27(4),590-594
- PC Müller, M Linecker, EO Kirimker, CE Oberkofler, PA Clavien, D Balci. Induction of liver hypertrophy for extended liver surgery and partial liver transplantation: State of the art of parenchyma augmentation–assisted liver surgery. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 406 (7), 2201-2215.
- PD Line, S Nadalin, D Balci. Auxiliary two-staged partial resection liver transplantation.2021, BMC surgery 21 (1), 1-2
- P Tabrizian, ML Holzner, D Adamson, D Balci, YK Jung. Left lateral segment pediatric liver transplantation: a 25 year experience at Mount Sinai.2021, HPB
- D Balci. Living Donor Liver Transplantation using the RAPID Technique in the Cirrhotic Setting with Portal Hypertension: A New Hope.2021, Liver Transplantation: Official Publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society.
- F Kahveci, E Gün, B Balaban, H Ucmak, T Kirsaçlioğlu, D Balci, M Koloğlu. Diagnostic Dilemma of Lactic Acidosis in an Infant After Liver Transplant: A Case Report.2021, Experimental and clinical transplantation: official journal of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation.
- D Balci, OE Kirimker, M Kolosslu, U Goktug, E Ustuner, S Karadag, ER Er. Left lobe living donor liver transplantation using rapid procedure in a cirrhotic patient with hepatocellular carcinoma with a GRWR of 0.35.2021, TRANSPLANTATION 105 (8), 71-72.
- D Balci. Living Donor Liver Transplantation Using the RAPID Technique in the Cirrhotic Setting Is Still in Its Developmental Stage Reply.2021, LIVER TRANSPLANTATION 27 (5), 775-776.
- Turan İç, Akarsu M, Aladass M, Harputluoğlu M, Yılmaz S, Gençdal G, Akyıldız C, Polat Y, Özçay F, Ünek T, Karasu Z, Zeytunlu M, Sümer H, Bostancı E, Kartal A, D Balcı.2021, Outcomes following deceased and live donor liver transplantation for the indication of acute liver failure: a multicenter experience. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
- Kabacam, G.; Turan, I.; Kiyici, M.; Ellik, Z. M.; Dolu, S.; Dayangac, M.; Ari, D.; Gokce, D. T.; Yildirim, A. E.; Gencdal, G.; Harputluoglu, M.; Kartal, A.; Demiray, E. K. D.; Gunduz, F.; Ergenc, I.; Efe, C.; Sumer, H. G.; Kayhan, M. A.; Gulsen, M. T.; Akyildiz, M.; Arikan, C.; Karademir, S.; Balci, D.; Dundar, Z.; Akarsu, M.; Gunsar, F.; Karasu, Z.; Idilman, R..2021, Covid-19 in Liver Transplant Recipients: A National Cohort. Journal of Hepatology ; 75:S472-S472, 2021.
- EO Kirimker, U Goktug, M Uysal, G Cinar, S Karadag Erkoc, E Ustuner, M Bingol Kologlu, K Karayalcin, D Balci. The Impact of Porto-Arterial Flow Ratio on Survival for Patients Underwent Living Donor Liver Transplantation. 2021,HPP, 24:S422
- Nadalin, S., Settmacher, U., Rauchfuß, F., Balci, D., Königsrainer, A., Line, P.-D. RAPID Procedure for Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis. Int J Surg 2020, 82S, 93–96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsu.2020.03.078.
- Jung, D.-H., Ikegami, T., Balci, D., Bhangui, P. Biliary Reconstruction and Complications in Living Donor Liver Transplantation. Int J Surg 2020, 82S, 138–144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsu.2020.04.069.
- Ikegami, T., Balci, D., Jung, D.-H., Kim, J. M., Quintini, C. Living Donor Liver Transplantation in Small-for-Size Setting. Int J Surg 2020, 82S, 134–137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsu.2020.07.003.
- Ekser, B., Halazun, K. J., Petrowsky, H., Balci, D. Liver Transplantation and Hepatobiliary Surgery in 2020. Int J Surg 2020, 82S, 1–3. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsu.2020.07.028.
- Balci, D., Sakamoto, Y., Li, J., Di Benedetto, F., Kirimker, E. O., Petrowsky, H. Associating Liver Partition and Portal Vein Ligation for Staged Hepatectomy (ALPPS) Procedure for Cholangiocarcinoma. Int J Surg 2020, 82S, 97–102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsu.2020.06.045.
- Balci, D.; Kirimker, E. O.; Bingol Kologlu, M.; Ustuner, E.; Goktug, U. U.; Karadag Erkoc, S.; Yilmaz, A. A.; Bayar, M. K.; Azap, A.; Er, R. E.; Dokmeci, A.; Karayalcin, K. A New Approach for Increasing Availability of Liver Grafts and Donor Safety in Living Donor Liver Transplantation: LD-RAPID Procedure in the Cirrhotic Setting with Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Liver Transplantation. https://doi.org/10.1002/lt.25855.
- Petrowsky, H., Linecker, M., Raptis, D. A., Kuemmerli, C., Fritsch, R., Kirimker, O. E., Balci, D. et al. First Long-Term Oncologic Results of the ALPPS Procedure in a Large Cohort of Patients with Colorectal Liver Metastases. Ann. Surg 2020. https://doi.org/10.1097/SLA.0000000000004330.
- Balci, D., Kirimker, E. O. Hepatic Vein in Living Donor Liver Transplantation. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int 2020, 19 (4), 318–323. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hbpd.2020.07.002.
- Li, J., Moustafa, M., Linecker, M., Lurje, G., Capobianco, I., Baumgart, J., Ratti, F., Rauchfuss, F., Balci, D. et al. ALPPS for Locally Advanced Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Did Aggressive Surgery Lead to the Oncological Benefit? An International Multi-Center Study. Ann. Surg Oncol 2020, 27 (5), 1372–1384. https://doi.org/10.1245/s10434-019-08192-z.
- Balci, D., Kirimker, E. O., Üstüner, E., Yilmaz, A. A., Azap, A. Stage I-Laparoscopy Partial ALPPS Procedure for Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma. J Surg Oncol 2020, 121 (6), 1022–1026. https://doi.org/10.1002/jso.25868.
- Linecker, M., Kambakamba, P., Raptis, D. A., Malagó, M., Ratti, F., Aldrighetti, L., Robles-Campos, R., Lehwald-Tywuschik, N., Knoefel, W. T., Balci, D. et al. ALPPS in Neuroendocrine Liver Metastases Not Amenable for Conventional Resection - Lessons Learned from an Interim Analysis of the International ALPPS Registry. HPB (Oxford) 2020, 22 (4), 537–544. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hpb.2019.08.011.
- Ekser, B., Balci, D. Invited Commentary on “The Relationship between Aortic Calcification and Anastomotic Leak Following Gastrointestinal Resection: A Systematic Review”. Int J Surg 2020, 74, 76–77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsu.2020.01.002.
- Balci, D., Ekser, B. A Commentary on"Simultaneous versus Staged Resection for Synchronous Colorectal Liver Metastases: A Population-Based Cohort Study" Synchronous Colorectal Liver Metastases: Simultaneous or Staged Resection? Int J Surg 2020, 74, 118–119. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsu.2020.01.010.
- Kuloglu, Z., Balcı, D., Haskoloğlu, Z. Ş., Kendirli, T., Bingöl-Koloğlu, M., Tuna-Kırsaçlıoğlu, C., Bal, S., Selbuz, S., Kırımker, O., Savaş, B., Altuntaş, C., Güner, Ş. N., Can, Ö. S., Karayalçın, K., Doğu, F., Kansu Tanca, A., İkincioğulları, A. Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell and Liver Transplantation in a Young Girl with Dedicator of Cytokinesis 8 Protein Deficiency. Pediatr Transplant 2019, 23 (7), e13545. https://doi.org/10.1111/petr.13545.
- Balci, D., Ahn, C.-S. Hepatic Artery Reconstruction in Living Donor Liver Transplantation. Curr Opin Organ Transplant 2019, 24 (5), 631–636. https://doi.org/10.1097/MOT.0000000000000697.
- Tokat, Y., Balci, D. First International Transplant Network Congress. Transplant Proc 2019, 51 (7), 2153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.transproceed.2019.07.002.
- Cinar, G., Kalkan, İ. A., Azap, A., Kirimker, O. E., Balci, D., Keskin, O., Yuraydin, C., Ormeci, N., Dokmeci, A. Effect of Pretransplant Infections on Clinical Outcomes in Live-Donor Liver Transplant Recipients. Transplant Proc 2019, 51 (7), 2434–2438. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.transproceed.2019.03.055.
- Cinar, G., Kalkan, İ. A., Azap, A., Kirimker, O. E., Balci, D., Keskin, O., Yuraydin, C., Ormeci, N., Dokmeci, A. Carbapenemase-Producing Bacterial Infections in Patients with Liver Transplant. Transplant Proc 2019, 51 (7), 2461–2465. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.transproceed.2019.02.050.
- Linecker, M., Kuemmerli, C., Kambakamba, P., Schlegel, A., Muiesan, P., Capobianco, I., Nadalin, S., Torres, O. J., Mehrabi, A., Stavrou, G. A., Oldhafer, K. J., Lurje, G., Balci, D., Lang, H., Robles-Campos, R., Hernandez-Alejandro, R., Malago, M., De Santibanes, E., Clavien, P.-A., Petrowsky, H. Performance Validation of the ALPPS Risk Model. HPB (Oxford) 2019, 21 (6), 711–721. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hpb.2018.10.003.
- Hesimov, I., Kirimker, E. O., Duman, B., Keskin, O., Cetinkaya, O. A., Hayme, S., Ustuner, E., Idilman, R., Yurdaydin, C., Dokmeci, A., Kumbasar, H., Yilmaz, A. A., Kologlu, M. B., Karayalcin, K., Balci, D. Health-Related Quality of Life of Liver Donors: A Prospective Longitudinal Study. Transplant Proc 2018, 50 (10), 3076–3081. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.transproceed.2018.07.018.
- Balci, D. Pushing the Envelope in Perihiler Cholangiocellularcarcinoma Surgery: TIPE-ALPPS. Ann Surg 2018, 267 (2), e21–e22. https://doi.org/10.1097/SLA.0000000000002604.
- Balci, D., Ozcelik, M., Kirimker, E. O., Cetinkaya, A., Ustuner, E., Cakici, M., Inan, B., Alanoglu, Z., Bilgic, S., Akar, A. R. Extended Left Hepatectomy for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Hepatic Vein Reconstruction with in-Situ Hypothermic Perfusion and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. BMC Surg 2018, 18 (1), 7. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12893-018-0342-2.
- Balci D, Kirimker EO, Buyukabaci RN, Akdugan T, Ozalp Ates FS, Gursoy A, Aydin E, Gulpinar B, Uzun C, Ustuner E. Comparison of manual measurements of preoperative and intraoperative graft volumes with surgeon performed measurements using dedicated 3-dimensional software in living donor liver transplantation. HPB 2018,20:821.
- Balci D, Kirimker EO, Ustuner E, Uzun C, Utkan G, Azap A, Demirkazik A, Gecim E. Outcomes of ALPPS surgery comparing colorectal liver metastasis with other etiologies. HPB 2018,20:450.
- Kuloglu Z, Balci D, Haskologlu ZS, Kendirli T, Tuna-Kirsaclioglu C, Bingol-Kologlu M, Bal S, Kaymak S, Kirimker O, Altuntas C, Can OS, Karayalcin K, Dogu F, Kansu A Tanca, Ikinciogullari A. Successful liver transplantation for severe cholestatic liver disease in a girl with DOCK8 deficiency following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Transplantation 2018,102:240.
- Konca C, Balcı D. Primer ve Metastatik Karaciğer Tümörlerinde Cerrahi Tedavi. Turkiye Klinikleri Nuclear Medicine-Special Topics 2018,4(2):5-13.
- Balci D, Ozcelik M, Kirimker EO, Cetinkaya A, Ustuner E, Cakici M, Inan B, Alanoglu Z, Bilgic S, Akar AR. Extended left hepatectomy for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: hepatic vein reconstruction with in-situ hypothermic perfusion and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. BMC Surg. 2018 Jan 31,18(1):7. doi: 10.1186/s12893-018-0342-2.
- Linecker M, Björnsson B, Stavrou GA, Oldhafer KJ, Lurje G, Neumann U, Adam R, Pruvot FR, Topp SA, Li J, Capobianco I, Nadalin S, Machado MA, Voskanyan S, Balci D, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Alvarez FA, De Santibañes E, Robles-Campos R, Malagó M, de Oliveira ML, Lesurtel M, Clavien PA, Petrowsky H. Risk Adjustment in ALPPS Is Associated With a Dramatic Decrease in Early Mortality and Morbidity. Ann Surg. 2017 Nov,266(5):779-786. doi:10.1097/SLA.0000000000002446.
- Demirer S, Sapmaz A, Karaca AS, Kepenekci I, Aydintug S, Balci D, Sonyurek P, Kose K. Effects of postoperative parenteral nutrition with different lipid emulsions in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery. Ann Surg Treat Res. 2016 Dec, 91(6):309-315.
- Soydal C, Kucuk NO, Balci D, Gecim E, Bilgic S, Elhan AH. Prognostic Importance of the Presence of Early Metabolic Response and Absence of Extrahepatic Metastasis After Selective Internal Radiation Therapy in Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2016 Nov, 31(9):342-346.
- Idilman R, Akyildiz M, Keskin O, Gungor G, Yilmaz TU, Kalkan C, Dayangac M, Cinar K, Balci D, Hazinedaroglu S, Tokat Y. The long-term efficacy of combining nucleos(t)ide analog and low-dose hepatitis B immunoglobulin on post-transplant hepatitis B virus recurrence. Clin Transplant. 2016 Oct 30(10):1216-1221. doi:10.1111/ctr.12804.
- Gecim IE, Goktug UU, Celasin H, Balcı D. Video-assisted treatment of pilonidal disease, using a combination of diathermy ablation and phenol application. BMJ Case Rep. 2016 Jun 13,2016. pii: bcr2016214629. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2016-214629.
- N Zeybek, H Dede, D Balci, AK Coskun, IH Ozerhan, S Peker, Y Peker. Biliary fistula after treatment for hydatid disease of the liver: When to intervene. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 19 (3), 355:2013 doi:10.3748/wjg.v19.i3.35
- Deniz Balci, Murat Dayangac, Onur Yaprak, Baris Akin, Cihan Duran, Refik Killi, Yildiray Yuzer, Yaman Tokat, Living donor liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma: a single center analysis of outcomes and impact of different selection criteria, Transplant International (ISI), 1075-1083 pp., 2011, doi:10.1111/j.1432-2277.2011.01311.x
- Dayangac M, Taner CB, Yaprak O, Demirbas T, Balci D, Duran C, Yuzer Y, Tokat Y., Utilization of elderly donors in living donor liver transplantation: when more is less? Liver Transplantation (ISI), 548 - 555 pp., 2011, doi:10.1002/lt.22276
- C.B Taner, D. Balci , DL Willingham , AP Keaveny, BG Rosser , JM Canabal , TS Shine , DM Harnois , DJ Kramer ,JH Nguyen, Long-term Outcomes After Third Liver Transplant, Experimental and Clinical Transplantation (ISI), 98-104 pp., 2011
- Hori T, Ueda M, Oike F, Ogura Y, Ogawa K, Nguyen JH, Yonekawa Y, Takada Y, Egawa H, Yoshizawa A, Sibulesky L, Balci D, Chen F, Baine AM, Uemoto S., Graft loss and poor outcomes after living-donor liver transplantation owing to arterioportal shunts caused by liver needle biopsies. Transplant Proceedings, 2642- 2644 pp., 2010, doi:10.1016/j.transproceed.2010.04.032
- Dayangac M, Taner CB, Akin B, Uraz S, Balci D, Duran C, Ayanoglu O, Killi R, Yuzer Y, Tokat Y., Dual left lobe living donor liver transplantation using donors unacceptable for right lobe donation: a case report, Transplant Proceedings (ISI), 4560-4563. pp., 2010, doi:10.1016/j.transproceed.2010.09.149
- Yaprak O, Dayangac M, Balci D, Bas K, Yuzer Y, Tokat Y., Hepatitis B prophylaxis in living donor liver transplantation: single center experience, Hepatogastroenterology, 1178- 1182 pp., 2010
- Yaprak O, Dayangac M, Balci D, Demirbas T, Yuzer Y, Tokat Y., Use of livers from hepatitis B core antibody positive donors in living donor liver transplantation., Hepatogastroenterology. (ISI), 1268 - 1271 pp., 2010
- Dayangac M, Taner CB, Balci D, Memi I, Yaprak O, Akin B, Duran C, Killi R, Ayanoglu O, Yuzer Y, Tokat Y., Use of middle hepatic vein in right lobe living donor liver transplantation., Transpl International (ISI), 285 - 291 pp., 2010, doi:10.1111/j.1432-2277.2009.00978.x
- Koksoy C, Demirci RK, Balci D, Solak T, Köse SK., Brachiobasilic versus brachiocephalic arteriovenous fistula: a prospective randomized study., Journal of Vascular Surgery (ISI), 171-177 pp., 2009, doi:10.1016/j.jvs.2008.08.002
- Taner CB, Dayangac M, Akin B, Balci D, Uraz S, Duran C, Killi R, Ayanoglu O, Yuzer Y, Tokat Y., Donor safety and remnant liver volume in living donor liver transplantation., Liver Transplantation (ISI), 1174-1179 pp., 2008, doi:10.1002/lt.21562
- Balci D, Taner B, Dayangac M, Akin B, Yaprak O, Duran C, Uraz S, Hayzaran S, Ayanoglu O, Killi R, Senturk H, Yuzer Y, Tokat Y., Splenic abscess after splenic artery ligation in living donor liver transplantation: a case report., Transplant Proceedings (ISI), 1786-1788. pp., 2008, doi:10.1016/j.transproceed. 2007.10.012
- Sirvanci M, Duran C, Ozturk E, Balci D, Dayangaç M, Onat L, Yüzer Y, Tokat Y, Killi R., The value of magnetic resonance cholangiography in the preoperative assessment of living liver donors., Clinical Imaging (ISI), 401 - 405 pp., 2007, doi:10.1016/j.clinimag. 2007.05.003
- Duran C, Taner B, Dayangac M, Akin B, Balci D, Kurt Z, Killi R, Yuzer Y, Tokat Y., Why we did not use this donor., Liver Transplantation (ISI), 1199-1200 pp., 2007, doi:10.1002/lt.21140
- Uraz S, Duran C, Balci D, Akin B, Dayangac M, Kurt Z, Ayanoglu OH, Killi R, Yuzer Y, Tokat Y., A very rare venous anomaly in a living liver donor: left hepatic venous connection to the right atrium., Transplant Proceedings, 1714 -171 5 pp., 2007, doi:10.1016/j.transproceed. 2006.11.009
- D Balci, AG Turkcapar, Assessment of quality of life after laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease.", World Journal of Surgery (ISI), 116 - 121 pp., 2007, doi:10.1007/s00268-005-0658
- Ilker Turan , Murat Aladag , Murat Harputluoglu , Sezai Yilmaz , Genco Gencdal , Kamil Yalçin Polat , Figen Özçay , Mesut Akarsu, Tarkan Unek , Zeki Karasu , Murat Zeytunlu , Hale Gokcan Sumer, Erdal Birol Bostanci, Aysun Caliskan Kartal, Deniz Balci, Murat Dayangac, Dinc Dincer, Haydar Adanir, Hakan Dursun, Murat Taner Gulsen, Feyza Gunduz, Hatice Yasemin Balaban18, Gökhan Kabaçam, Murat Akyildiz, Fulya Günsar , Ulus Akarca , Ahmet Gurakar, Ramazan Idilman, Acute Liver Failure and Liver Transplantation Special Interest Group Tasl2 Outcomes following deceased and live donor liver transplantation for the indication of acute liver failure: a multicenter experience, Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 | S123–S400.
- D. Balci, E. O. Kirimker , R. N. Buyukabaci , T. Akdugan , F. S. Ozalp Ates , A. Gursoy , E. Aydin, B. Gulpinar , C. Uzun and E. Ustuner, Comparıson Of Manual Measurements Of Preoperatıve And Intraoperatıve Graft Volumes Wıth Surgeon Performed Measurements Usıng Dedıcated 3-Dımensıonal Software In Lıvıng Donor Lıver Transplantatıon. HPB 2018, 20 (S2), S784eS826
- D. Balci , E. O. Kirimker , E. Ustuner , C. Uzun , G. Utkan , A. Azap4 , A. Demirkazik and E. Gecim.
Outcomes Of Alpps Surgery Comparıng Colorectal Lıver Metastasıs Wıth Other Etıologıes. HPB 2018, 20 (S2), S333eS504.
- Elvan Onur Kirimker, Can Konca, Çağlar Uzun, Menekse Ozcelik, Basak Ceyda Meco, Ali Abbas Yilmaz, Evren Ustuner, Selcuk Hazinedaroglu, Deniz Balci, “Intraoperative Decision for a Right Posterior Sector Utilisation in the setting of Living Donor Hepatosteatosis.” ESOT Brussels 13-16 Eylül 2015
- Deniz Balci, Onur Kirimker, Serkan Durdu, Selcuk M Hazinedaroğlu, Basak C Meço, Menekçe Özçelik, Ali A Yılmaz, Rüçhan Akar, Çağdaş Kalkan, Ramazan İdilman, Abdulkadir Dökmeci. “Vena caval Replacement With Cadaveric Caval Graft for Living Donor Liver Transplantation in Budd-Chiari Syndrome Associated With Hydatid Cyst Surgery: A Case Report.” ILTS 21st Annual International Congress Temmuz 8-11 2015 Chicago-USA
- Deniz Balci, Onur Kirimker, Can Konca, Selcuk M Hazinedaroğlu, Menekşe Özçelik, Başak C Meço, Ali A Yılmaz, Çağlar Uzun, Çağdaş Kalkan, Ramazan İdilman, Abdulkadir Dökmeci. “Multiple Genetic Mutations Increasing Thrombotic Risk Predisposing Both Donor and Recipient Thrombotic Complications After Living Donor Liver Transplantation: A Case Report.” ILTS 21st Annual International Congress Temmuz 8-11 2015 Chicago-USA
- Deniz Balci, Can Konca Çağlar Uzun, Menekşe Özçelik, Güngör Utkan, Başak Ceyda Meço, Onur Kırımker, Ethem Geçim. “Associating Liver Partition with Portal Vein Ligation for Staged Hepatectomy for Gastrointestinal Cancer Liver Metastasis: An Initial Experience with 12 Cases” 11th International Congress of E-AHPBA Manchester Surgical Week 21-24 Nisan 2015
- Deniz Balci, Can Konca, Çağlar Uzun, Onur Kirimker, Utku Göktuğ, Menekşe Özçelik, Başak Meço, Ethem Geçim “ALPPS Procedure for Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis: Initial Experience With 10 Consecutive Cases” 11th International Congress of E-AHPBA Manchester Surgical Week 21-24 Nisan 2015
- Deniz Balci, Kırımker EO, Uzun C, Konca C, Ozcelik M, Meço BC, Geçim E. “ALPPS Procedure For GI Cancer Liver Metastasis: Ankara University Experience” 1st ALPPS Consensus Conference in Hamburg-Germany. 27 Şubat, 2015
- Balci Deniz, Hwang Shin, Ha Tae-Young, Song Gi-Won, Ahn Chul-Soo, Kim Ki-Hun, Moon Deok-Bog, Jung Dong-Hwan, Lee Sung-Gyu, Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA, and LICAGE konferansı dahilinde "Liver Transplantation vol: 17 Issue: 6 Supp: 1" "Correlations of Recipient Biliary Complications with Donor Anatomical Variations of Portal Vein and Bile Ducts in Living Donor Liver Transplantation.", S153-S154 2011
- Dayangac Murat, Balci Deniz, Yaprak Onur, Demirbas Tolga, Ulusoy Levent, Tokat Yaman, Yuzer Yildiray, Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA, and LICAGE "Liver Transplantation" "Remnant Liver Regeneration after Donor Right Hepatectomy", S211-S211 pp., 2011
- Balci D, Facciuto M, Iyer K, Kerkar N, Shneider B, Suchy F, Emre, S, Schwartz M, Miller C, Florman S, American Transplant Congress "American Journal of Transplantation" "Mount Sinai Experience with 178 Consecutive Left Lateral Segment Liver Comparison of Living Versus Deceased Donor Grafts", 97-98 pp., 2011
- Dayangac, Murat, Balci Deniz, Taner Burcin, Yaprak Onur, Yuzer Yildiray, Tokat Yaman., 61st Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases "Hepatology" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Impact of anterior sector drainage on liver regeneration in living donor liver transplantation", 569A-570A pp., 2010
- Dayangac Murat, Taner, Burcin C, Balci Deniz, Yaprak Onur, Demirbas Tolga, Tokat Yaman, Yuzer Yildiray, 16th Annual Congress of the International-Liver-Transplantation-Society "Liver Transplantation": Utilization of Elderly Donors in Living Donor Liver Transplantation: When More Is Less?", S185 pp., 2010
- Balci Deniz, Willingham Darrin, Nguyen Justin, Taner Burcin, 10th Annual State of the Art Winter Symposium of the American-Society-of-Transplant-SurgeonsLocation: : "American Journal of Transplantation Volume: 10 Supplement: 1" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Long Term Outcomes of Patients with Two or More Liver Retransplantations", 67-67 pp., 2010
- Dayangac Murat, Taner Burcin C, Balci Deniz, Duran Cihan, Akin Baris, Killi Refik, Yuzer Yildiray, Tokat Yaman, 10th American Transplant CongressLocation konferansı dahilinde "American Journal of Transplantation Volume: 10 Special Issue: SI Supplement: 4" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Prospective Randomized Trial of Intermittent Portal Triad Clamping vs. No Clamping in Donor Right Hepatectomy", 102-103 pp., 2010
- Balci Deniz, Willingham Darrin L., Nguyen Justin H, Taner Burcin, 60th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases "Hepatology Volume: 50 Issue: 4" "Outcomes of liver retransplantation due to ischemic cholangiopathy: Comparison of donation after cardiac death and donation after brain death grafts", 579A-579A pp., Boston USA, Ekim 2009
- Yaprak Onur, Dayangac Murat, Bas Koray, Balci Deniz, Al Qusous Sahem, Yuzer Yildiray, Tokat Yaman, 15th Annual Congress of the International-Liver-Transplantation-Society "Liver Transplantation Volume: 15 Issue: 7" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Use of livers from hepatitis b core antibody positive donors in living donor liver transplantation", S239-S239 pp., 2009
- Tokat Y, Dayangaç M, Balci D, Yaprak O, Baş K, Duran C, Akın B, Killi R, Yüzer Y., 18. World Congress of International Association of Surgeons, Oncologists and Gastroenterologists "Hepatogastroenterology Vol55 supp1" "Living Donor Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma.", A78-A78 pp., 2008
- Çakmak A, Orozakunov E, Balcı D, Genç V, Akyol C, Erverdi N, Baskan S., 18. World Congress of International Association of Surgeons, Oncologists and Gastroenterologists. "Hepatogastroenterology vol 55 supp1" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Gallstone ileus: A rare complication of gallstone disease.", A127-A127 pp., 2008
- Koksoy Cuneyt, Demirci Rojbin Karakoyun, Balci Deniz, Solak Tuba, Kose S. Kenan, 62nd Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Vascular-Surgery "Journal of Vascular Surgery Volume: 49 Issue: 1" "Brachiobasilic versus brachiocephalic arteriovenous fistula: A prospective randomized study", 171-177 pp., 2008
- Balci Deniz, Taner Burcin C., Dayangac Murat, Akin Baris, Yaprak Onur, Selamoglu Derya, Duran Cihan, Uraz Suleyman, Sen Huseyin, Hayzaran Sitki, Killi Refik, Yuzer Yildiray, Tokat Yaman, Yalcin Levent, Joint International Congress of the ILTS, ELITA, AND LICAGE "Liver Transplantation Volume: 14 Issue: 7 "Two year follow up of microsurgical hepatic arterial reconstructions with intraoperative doppler evaluation in living donor liver transplantation: redo when necessary", S173-S174 pp., 2008
- Taner Burcin, Dayangac Murat, Akin Baris, Balci, Deniz, Uraz Suleyman, Duran Cihan, Killi Refik , Ayanoglu Omer, Yuzer Yildiray, Tokat Yaman, Joint International Congress of the ILTS, ELITA, AND LICAGE " Liver Transplantation Volume: 14 Issue: 7" "Urgent vs. elective donor preparation in adult ldlt.", S91-S91 pp., 2008
- Dayangac Murat, Taner Burcin C, Balci Deniz, Yaprak Onur, Duran Cihan, Akin Baris, Ayanoglu Omer H, Killi Refik, Yuzer Yildiray, Tokat Yaman, Joint International Congress of the ILTS, ELITA, AND LICAGE konferansı dahilinde "Liver Transplantation Volume: 14 Issue: 7" "Extended criteria donors in living donor liver transplantation", Pages: S98-S99 pp., 2008
- Balci Deniz, Taner, Burcin C., Dayangac Murat, Akin Baris, Duran Cihan, Uraz Suleyman, Sen Huseyin, Killi Refik, Ayanoglu Omer H, Hakan Senturk, Yuzer Yildiray,Tokat Yaman, 13th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation "Transplant International Volume: 20 Supplement: 2" "Living donor liver transplantation for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma within and beyond milan criteria", Pages: 13-14 pp., Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Eylül 2007
- Dayangac Murat, Taner, Burcin C., Akin Baris, Balci Deniz, Duran Cihan, Uraz Suleyman, Killi Refik, Ayanoglu Omer H, Hakan Senturk, Yuzer Yildiray, Tokat Yaman, 13th Congress of society for European Organ Transplantation konferansı dahilinde " Transplant International Volume: 20 Supplement: 2" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Using marginal right lobe living liver donors: Safety of expanding the margins", Pages: 14-14 pp., Prag, Çek Cumhuriyet, Eylül 2007
- Dayangac Murat, Taner, Burcin C., Balci Deniz, Akin Baris, Duran Cihan, Uraz Suleyman, Killi Refik, Ayanoglu Omer H, Hakan Senturk, Yuzer Yildiray, Tokat Yaman, 13th Annual Congress of the International-Liver-Transplantation-Society konferansı dahilinde "Liver Transplantation Volume: 13 Issue: 6 Supplement: 1" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Small remnant liver volume after right lobe living donor hepatectomy: Outcome of donors with a remnant liver volume of less than 30%.", S126-S126 pp., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Haziran, 2007
- Taner Burcin, Dayangac Murat, Balci Deniz, Akin Baris, Duran Cihan, Uraz Suleyman, Killi Refik, Ayanoglu Omer H, Hakan Senturk, Yuzer Yildiray, Tokat Yaman, 13th Annual Congress of the International-Liver-Transplantation-Society konferansı dahilinde "Liver Transplantation Volume: 13 Issue: 6 Supplement: 1" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Donor safety in donor right hepatectomy with the inclusion of middle hepatic vein in living donor liver transplantation.", S128-S128 pp., Rio de Janeiro, Brezilya, Haziran 2007
- Balci D, Taner BC, Memi İ, Dayangac M, Akin B, Kurt Z, Duran C, Sen H, Negi SS, Ayanoglu O.H., Killi R, Yuzer Y, Tokat Y, Yalçın L., 13th Annual Congress of International-Liver- Transplant-Society konferansı dahilinde "Liver Transplantation Volume: 13 Issue: 6 Supplement: 1" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Arterial reconstruction in living donor liver transplantation: Analysis of 100 consecutive cases with 1 arterial thrombosis.", S145-S145 pp., Rio de Janeiro, Brezilya, Haziran 2007
- Dayangac Murat, Taner Burcin, Balci Deniz,Akin Baris, Duran Cihan, Uraz Suleyman, Killi Refik, Ayanoglu Omer H, Hakan Senturk, Yuzer Yildiray, Tokat Yaman, 13th Annual Congress of the International-Liver-Transplantation-Society konferansı dahilinde "Liver Transplantation Volume: 13 Issue: 6 Supplement: 1" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Impact of inflow occlusion in adult right lobe living donor liver transplantation.", S157-S157 pp., Rio de Janeiro, Brezilya, Haziran 2007
- Taner Burcin, Dayangac Murat, Akin Baris, Balci Deniz, Duran Cihan, Uraz Suleyman, Killi Refik, Ayanoglu Omer H, Hakan Senturk, Yuzer Yildiray, Tokat Yaman., 13th Annual Congress of the International-Liver-Transplantation-Society konferansı dahilinde "Liver Transplantation Volume: 13 Issue: 6 Supplement: 1" bildiri kitapçığındaki "First dual left lobe liver transplantation in Turkey.", S188-S188 pp., Rio de Janeiro, Brezilya, Haziran 2007
- Balci Deniz, Taner Burcin,Dayangac Murat, Akin Baris, Kurt Zahide, Memi Izzet, Duran Cihan, Uraz Suleyman, Killi Refik, Ayanoglu Omer H, Hakan Senturk, Yuzer Yildiray, Yalcin Levent, Tokat Yaman,, 13th Annual Congress of the International-Liver-Transplantation-Society konferansı dahilinde "Liver Transplantation Volume: 13 Issue: 6 Supplement: 1" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Living donor liver transplantation for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: Expanded criteria or more.", S75 - S75 pp., Rio de Janeiro, Brezilya, Haziran 2007
- Akin Baris, Uraz Suleyman, Dayangac Murat, Balci Deniz, Duran Cihan, Killi Refik, Ayanoglu Omer H, Yuzer Yildiray, Tokat Yaman., Joint International Congress of the ILTS, ELITA, AND LICAGE konferansı dahilinde "Liver Transplantation Volume: 12 Issue: 5" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Small-for-size graft liver transplantation, can smaller size grafts be used?", C34-C34 pp., Milano, İtalya, Mayıs 2006
- Balci Deniz,Akin Baris, Dayangaç Murat, Kurt Zahide, Uraz Suleyman, Senturk Hakan, Yuzer Yildiray, Tokat Yaman, Joint International Congress of the ILTS, ELITA, AND LICAGE konferansı dahilinde "Liver Transplantation Volume: 12 Issue: 5" "Hepatitis B prophylaxis using combination of low dose hepatitis B immunglobulin and lamivudine in liver transplantation.", C68-C68 pp., 2006
- Duran Cihan, Akin Baris, Balci Deniz, Dayangac Murat, Uraz Suleyman, Taman Oznur, Killi Refik, Yuzer Yildiray, Tokat Yaman, Joint International Congress of the ILTS, ELITA, AND LICAGE konferansı dahilinde "Liver Transplantation Volume: 12 Sayı: 5 Suppl. 1" "The role of MRCP in assessing biliary anatomy in adult-to adult living related liver transplant donors.", C97-C97 pp.,2006
- Balci D, Akkoca M, Kepenekci I, Demirer S, Aydıntug S., The European Society for Clinical Nutrition Meeting konferansı dahilinde "Clinical Nutrition 24(4)" "Hypophosphoremia and related metabolic disturbances in surgical patients receiving total parenteral nutrition.", S613 pp., 2002
- B Erkek, Tuzuner A, V Genc, M Demirkıran, D Balcı, S Demirer, S Aydıntuğ, E Gungor., 15th European Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Congress "Clinical Nutrition 22(1)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Differences of serum CRP and prealbumin levels before and after abdominal surgery according to nutritional routes.", S91 pp., 2003
- S Demirer, E Gungor, Tuzuner A, S Aydıntuğ, M Demirkıran, V Genc, D Balcı, B Erkek, P Sonyurek., 15th European Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Congress "Clinical Nutrition 22(1)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "The comparison of Standard enteral and immunonutrition in patients with larynx cancer: A randomized prospective study.", S64 pp., 2003
- Turkmen AE, Arat M, Demirer S, Soydan E, Balci D, Akan H, Aydintug S., 29th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation konferansı dahilinde "Bone Marrow Transplantation 31: Suppl. 1," "The impact of pretransplant assessment of malnutrition using different scales in hematopoietic cell transplantation.", S275 pp., 2003