A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
A1. Türkyılmaz S, Ulusahin M, Celebi B, Cekic AB, Mungan S, Kucuktulu U, Tasdelen A, Guner A, Cinel A. “Thyroid nodules classified as atypia or follicular lesions of undetermined significance deserve further research: Analysis of 305 surgically confirmed nodules.”, 28: 391-399 (2017).
A2. Türkyılmaz S, Çekiç A.B, Usta A, Alhan E, Vanizor B.K, Ercin C, Sağlam K. “Ethyl Pyruvate treatment ameliorates pancreatic damage: Evidence from rat model of acute necrotizing pancreatitis.”, Archives of Medical Science, (2016) Accepted.
A3. Türkyılmaz S, Usta A, Çekiç A.B, Alhan E, Vanizor B.K, Ercin C. “N- acetylsysteine amid reduces pancreatic damage in a rat model of acute necrotizingpancreatitis.”, J Surg Res, 203:383-389 (2016).
A4. Güner A, Çekiç A.B, Boz A, Türkyılmaz S, Küçüktülü U. “A proposed staging system for chronic symptomatic pilonidal sinüs disease and results in patients treated with stage-based approach.”, BMC Surgery, 16;16:18. doi: 10.1186/s12893-016-0134-5, (2016).
A5. Uzun O, Turkmen S, Eryigit U, Mentese A, Turkyilmaz S, Turedi S, Karahan SC, Gunduz A. “Can Intestinal Fatty Acid Binding Protein (I-FABP) Be A Marker in the Diagnosis of Abdominal Pathology?”, Turk J Emerg Med, 14:99-103 (2016).
A6. Alhan E, Usta A, Türkyılmaz S. “Total Thyroidectomy for Management of Benign Multinodular Goitre in an Endemic Region: Review of 620 Case.”, Acta Chir Belg, 115:198-201 (2015).
A7. Usta A, Alhan E, Cinel A, Türkyılmaz S, Erem C. “ A 20-year study on 190 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism in a developing country: Turkey experience.”, Int Surg, 100:648-55 (2015).
A8. Alhan E, Usta A, Türkyılmaz S, Kural BV, Erçin C. “Effects of glutamine alone on the acute necrotizing pancreatitis in rats.”, J Surg Res, 193:161-167 (2014).
A9. Dinckan A, Kocak H, Tekin A, Türkyılmaz S, Hadimioglu N, Ertug Z, Gunseren F, Ari E, Dinc B, Gurkan A, Yucel S. “Concurrent unilateral or bilateral native nephrectomy in kidney transplant recipients.”, Ann Transplant, 18: 697-704 (2013).
A10. Dinckan A, Dinc B, Turkyilmaz S, Tekin A, Kocak H, Akbas H, Mesci A, Saracoğlu M, Polat C, Kahraman A, Hadimioglu N, Gurkan A. “Comparison of open and retroperitonoscopic donor nephrectomy in terms of lipid and protein peroxidation responses.”, Transplant Proc, 45:3214-9 (2013).
A11. Cekic AB, Alhan E, Usta A, Türkyılmaz S, Kural BV, Erçin C. “Effects of Clotrimazolon the Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis in Rats.”, Inflammation, 36:1576-1583 (2013).
A12. Türkyılmaz S, Topbaş M, Ulusoy S, Kalyoncu M, Kiliç E, Çan G. “Attitudes and behavior regarding organ donation and transplantation on the part of religious officials in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey.”,Transplant Proc, 45: 864-868 (2013).
A13. Kaynar K, Sonmez B, Kutlu O, Ulusoy S, Cansiz M, Türkyılmaz S, Cansu A, Mungan S. “A Case of Recurrent Episodes of Acute Renal Allograft Failure Caused by Renal Pedicle Tortion.”, Ren Fail, Feb 25 (2013).
A14. Erem C, Ucuncu O, Nuhoglu I, Türkyılmaz S, Yildiz K, Civan N, Akcay M. “Large Adrenocortıcal Oncocytoma Wıth Uncertaın Malıgnant Potentıal: Report Of A New Case And Revıew Of the Lıterature.”, Acta Endocrınologıca-Bucharest, 8: 295-306 (2012).
A15. Alhan E, Usta A, Çekiç A, Saglam K, Türkyılmaz S, Cinel A. “A study on 107 patients with acute mesenteric ischemia over 30 years.”, Int J Surg, 10:510-513 (2012).
A16. Alhan E., Türkyılmaz S, C. Erçin, B.V. Kural, D. Flinte, “Does nuclear factor-kappa B in peripheral mononuclear cells have a prognostic role during acute necrotizing pancreatitis in rats?”, European Surgical Research, 48:34-39 (2012).
A17. Birincioglu İ., S. Topaloğlu, N. Turan, A.B. Çekiç, H. Ak, A. Cinel, S.Türkyılmaz, B. Pişkin, “Detailed dissection of hepato-caval junction and suprarenal inferior vena cava”, Hepatogastroenterology, 58: 311-317 (2011).
A18.Topbaş M., S. Türkyılmaz, G. Can, S. Ulusoy, M. Kalyoncu, K. Kaynar, A. Yavuzyılmaz, E. Kılıç, S. Arı, B. Arı, “Information, attitude, and behavior toward organ transplantation and donation among health workers in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey”, Transplant Proceeding, 43:773-777 (2011).
A19.Ulusoy S., G. Özkan, İ.Tosun, K. Kaynar, İ. Köksal, S. Türkyılmaz, İ. Vetem, ” Peritonitis due to Aspergillus nidulans and Its effective treatment with voriconazole: the first case report”, Perit Dial Int. 31:212-213 (2011).
A20. Tekin A., S. Türkyılmaz, T. Küçükkartallar, M. Çakır, H. Yılmaz, H. Esen, B. Ateş, İ. Çiftci, A. Kartal, “Effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) on hepatopulmonary syndrome”, Inflammation,34:614-619 (2011).
A21. Tekinbas C., M.M. Erol, R.Akdoğan, S. Türkyılmaz, M. Aslan, “Treatment of anastomotic leaks after esophagectomy with endoscopic hemoclips”, J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 137: 766-767 (2009).
A22. Akdoğan R.A., S. Türkyılmaz, T. Sipahi, D.Y. Uzun, O. Özgür, “Gastric outlet syndrome caused by persimmon (Diospyros kaki) bezoars”, Turk J Gastroenterol, 20: 72-74 (2009).
A23. Tekin A., T. Küçükkartallar, S. Türkyılmaz, A. Dinçkan, H. Esen, B. Ateş, H. Yılmaz, A. Kartal, “Effects of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE) on Sepsis in Rats”, Inflammation, 31: 273-280 (2008).
A24. Dinçkan, A., S. Türkyılmaz, A. Tekin, A. Duman, A. Yılmaz, A. Mesci, Z. Ertuğ, N. Hadimioglu, L. Yücetin, A. Gürkan, O. Erdogan and A. Demirbas, “Evaluation of the First 100 Liver Transplantations”, The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology, 19: 28-32 (2008).
A25. Türkyılmaz, S., E. Alhan, C. Ercin, B.V. Kural, N. Kaklikkaya, B. Ates, S. Erdogan and S. Topaloglu, “Effects of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester on Pancreatitis in Rats”. Journal of Surgical Reseaech, 145, 19-24 (2008).
A26. Türkyılmaz, S., A. Dinckan and C. Polat, “Letter to the Editor”, International Journal of Colorectal Disease, 23, 557-558 (2008).
A27. Türkyılmaz, S., E. Alhan, C. Ercin and B.K. Vanizor, “Effects of Enalaprilat on Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis in Rats”, Inflammation, 30, 205-12 (2007).
A28. Dinckan, A., S. Türkyılmaz, A. Tekin, T. Erdogru, H. Kocak, A. Mesci, A. Gurkan, O. Erdogan, M. Tuncer and A. Demirbas, “Simultaneous Augmentation Ileo-cystoplasty in Renal Transplantation”, Urology, 70, 1211-4 (2007).
A29. Dinckan, A., A. Tekin, S. Türkyılmaz, H. Kocak, A. Gurkan, O. Erdogan, M. Tuncer, A. Demirbas and S.A. Malek-Hosseini, “Horseshoe Kidney for Transplant: Report of 3 Cases”, Experimental and Clinical Transplantation, 5, 716-9 (2007).
A30. Dinckan, A., A. Tekin, S. Türkyılmaz, H. Kocak, A. Gurkan, O. Erdogan, M. Tuncer and A. Demirbas, “Early and Late Urological Complications Corrected Surgically Following Renal Transplantation”, Transplant International, 20, 702-7 (2007).
A31. Calik, A., S. Topaloglu, S. Topcu, S. Türkyılmaz, U. Kucuktulu and B. Piskin, “Routine Intraoperative Aspiration of Gallbladder During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy”, Surgical Endoscopy, 21, 1578-81 (2007)
A32. Alhan, E., S. Türkyılmaz, C. Erçin and B.V. Kural, “Effects of Lazaroid U-74389G on Acute Nekrotizing Pankreatitis in Rats”, European Surgical Research, 38:70-75 (2006).
A33. Alhan, E., S. Türkyılmaz, C. Erçin, N. Kaklıkkaya and B.V. Kural, “Effects of ω-3 Fatty Acids on Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis in Rats”, European Surgical Research, 38:314-321 (2006).
A34. Mustafa, NA., S. Cengiz, S. Türkyılmaz and Y. Yücel, “Comparison of Topical Glyceryl Trinitrate Ointment and Oral Nifedipine in The Treatment of Chronic anal Fissure”, Acta Chirurgica Belgica, 106, 55-58 (2006).
A35. Ağaoğlu, N., S. Türkyılmaz, E. Ovalı, F. Uçar and C. Ağaoğlu, “Prevalence of Prothrombotic Abnormalities in Patients with Acute Mesenteric Ischemia”, World Journal of Surgery, 29, 1135-1138 (2005).
A36. Mumcu, S., E. Alhan, S. Türkyılmaz, B.V. Kural, C. Erçin and N.I. Kalyoncu, “Effects of N-Acetylcysteine on Acute necrotizing Pancreatitis in Rats”, European Surgical Research, 37, 173-178 (2005).
A37. Ağaoğlu, N., Y. Yücel and S. Türkyılmaz, “Surgical Treatment of The Sigmoid Volvulus. Acta Chirurgica Belgica”, 105, 365-368 (2005).
A38. Ağaoğlu, N., S. Türkyılmaz, Ç. Özlü, M.K. Arslan, and E. Çolak, “Significance of Antithrombin III, Protein C and Protein S in Acute Mesenteric Ischemia Patients”. Acta Chırurgica Belgica, 104, 184-186 (2004).
A39. Çiçek, R., S. Türkyılmaz, A. Cinel, U. Küçüktülü, S. Mumcu and E. Çakır, “Ventrikulo-Peritoneal Şant Enfeksiyonu Nedeniyle Gelişen Akut Batın Olgusu.” Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, 9: 133-135 (2003).
A40. Ağaoğlu, N., S. Türkyılmaz and M.K. Arslan, “Surgical Treatment of Hydatid Cysts of the Liver”, British Journal of Surgery, 90, 1536-1541 (2003).
A41. Ağaoğlu, N. and S. Türkyılmaz, “Prothrombotic Disorders in Patients with Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis”, Journal of Investigative Surgery, 16, 299-304 (2003).
A42. Ağaoğlu, N., S. Cengiz, M.K. Arslan and S. Türkyılmaz, “Oral Nifedipine in The Treatment of Chronic anal Fissure”, Digestive Surgery, 20, 452-456 (2003).
B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler :
B1. Allegro Study Group (in alphabetic order) Ahmet Ziya Balta, Duray Seker, Eren Gozke, Fatih Tufan, Kursat Arikan, Levent Gungor, Levent Ozturk, Mutlu Doganay, Ozan Usluer, Ozgur Canoler, Ozkan Kanat, Sedat Ziyade, Selahattin Mentes, Selcuk Comoglu, Serdar Turkyilmaz, Sibel Akin, Sevnaz Sahin. “Effects of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate, arginine and glutamine combination on anthropometric measurements (Allegro Study)”, Clinical Nutrition Week, Long Beach, California, 2015.
B2. Allegro Study Group (in alphabetic order) Ahmet Ziya Balta, Duray Seker, Eren Gozke, Fatih Tufan, Kursat Arikan, Levent Gungor, Levent Ozturk, Mutlu Doganay, Ozan Usluer, Ozgur Canoler, Ozkan Kanat, Sedat Ziyade, Selahattin Mentes, Selcuk Comoglu, Serdar Turkyilmaz, Sibel Akin, Sevnaz Sahin. “Effects of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate, arginine and glutamine combination on anthropometric measurements in patients with cancer (Allegro Study)”, Clinical Nutrition Week, Long Beach, California, 2015.
B3. Allegro Study Group (in alphabetic order) Ahmet Ziya Balta, Duray Seker, Eren Gozke, Fatih Tufan, Kursat Arikan, Levent Gungor, Levent Ozturk, Mutlu Doganay, Ozan Usluer, Ozgur Canoler, Ozkan Kanat, Sedat Ziyade, Selahattin Mentes, Selcuk Comoglu, Serdar Turkyilmaz, Sibel Akin, Sevnaz Sahin. “Effects of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate, arginine and glutamine combination on anthropometric measurements in geriatric patients (Allegro Study)”, Clinical Nutrition Week, Long Beach, California, 2015.
B4. Stollwerck P.L, Cekic A.B, Livaoglu M, Yildirim R, Hartmann B, Türkyılmaz S, “Management of facial burns with a transparent, semi-permeable temporary epidermal substitute containing hyaluronic acid.”, 16th European Burns Association Congress, Hannover/Germany, 2015.
B5. Koçak M, Köseoğlu R, Sönmez B, Türkyılmaz S, Doğan İ, Ersöz H.Ö, Erem C. “Evaluation of Recurrence Risk in Differantiated ThyroidCancer after Treatment.”, 17th European Congress of Endocrinology, EP918, Dublin/İreland, 2015.
B6. Kaynar K, Ulusoy Ş, Sahin O.N, Türkyılmaz S, Kutlu Ö, Kılıç E, Mısır N. “Features of Cadaver Kidney Transplant Donors.”, 17th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation, P564, Brussels/Belgium, 2015.
B7. Koçak M, Üçüncü Ö, Civan N, Coşkun H, Türkyılmaz S, Ersöz H.Ö, Erem C. “Adrenocortical Carcinoma: a Review of Four Cases.”, 16th European Congress of Endocrinology, P522, Wroclaw/Poland, 2014.
B8. Cansu, A., S. Türkyılmaz, K. Celik, S.G. Gürgen, B. Vanizor Kural, C. Erçin, E. Alhan, “Effects Of Valproate And Topıramate On Pancreatıtıs In Rats”, 29th International Epilepsy Congress, P259, Rome/Italy, 2011.
B9. Birincioğlu İ, Topaloğlu S, Turan N, Çekiç A.B, Türkyılmaz S, Ak H, Koç E, Cinel A, Pişkin B. “Evaluation of Anatomic Variations in Hepatocaval Junction a Postmortem Study.”, 18th World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastrologists and Oncologists, OP131, İstanbul/Turkey, 2008.
B10. Gürkan. A., A. Dinçkan, T. Colak, A. Tekin, H. Kocak, S. Türkyılmaz, E. Muhasereci, O. Erdoğan, A. Demirbas and M. Tuncer, “Will Late Introduction of Two Differrent mTOR Inhibitor Create any Dıfference?”, 13th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation, P095, Blackwell Synergy, Transplant International (supplement 2), Prague, 2007.
B11. Türkyılmaz, S., E. Alhan, C. Erçin and B.V. Kural, “Effects of the Renin Angiotensin Inhibitör (Enalaprilat) on the Necrotizing Pancreatitis in Rats.”, 41th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, 158, European Surgical Research (supplement 1), 38,1-152, Rostock, 2006.
B12. Alhan, E., S. Türkyılmaz, C. Erçin and B.V. Kural, “Effects of the 21-aminosteroid (U-74389G) on Necrotizing Pancreatitis in Rats.”, 40th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, 81, European Surgical Research (supplement 1), 1-124, Konya, 2005.
C. Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler :
D. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
D1. Teoman G.C, N.E. Beyhun, B. Bulut, M. Topbaş, G. Çan, S. Türkyılmaz.”Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Öğrencilerinde İrrıtabl Bağırsak Sendromu Sıklığı ve ilişkili Faktörler”, TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, DOI: 10.5455/pmb.1-1447225211, 1-5, (2016).
D2. Kaynar K, Sönmez B, Kutlu Ö, Ulusoy Ş, Cansız M, Türkyılmaz S, Cansu A, Mungan S, Köseoğlu R, Kazaz İ. “Renal torsiyona Bağlı gelişen Tekrarlayan akut allogreft Yetmezliği.”, Türk Nefroloji Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Dergisi,21;103 (Supplement) (2012).
D3. Aydın, İ., D. Baltacı, S. Türkyılmaz, M. Öncü, “Siklik Mastaljili Hastaların Tedavisinde Vitex Agnus Castus Preperatının Meloksikam Ve Plasebo İle Karşılaştırılması”, Düzce Tıp Dergisi, 14, 1-5, (2012).
D4. Dinçkan A, Türkyılmaz S, Tekin A, Koçak H, Mesci A, Gürkan A, Erdoğan O, Tuncer M, Demirbaş A. “Iatrogenic Vena Cava Superior Syndrome For Renal Transplantation a Case Report.”, Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi, 9:5-7, (2008).
D5. Türkyılmaz, S., A. Aktaş, A. Reis, E. Alhan, A.B. Çekiç, ve A. Cinel, “Dev Retroperitoneal Hemanjioperisitoma: Vaka Sunumu” , Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi, 8:31-33, (2007).
D6. Türkyılmaz, S., R. Akdoğan, E. Koç, S. Topaloğlu, G. Hoş ve H. Bostan, “Nadir Bir Obstruksiyon Nedeni: Rapunzel Sendromu.”, Karadeniz Tıp Dergisi, 18, 3,130 - 132, (2005).
D7. Tekinbaş, C., S. Türkyılmaz, M.M. Erol ve Ş. Ersöz, “Vena Cava Superior Sendromuna Yol Açan Primer Dev İntratorasik Guatr Olgusu.”, Karadeniz Tıp Dergisi, 18, 3, 127 - 129, (2005).
D8. Tekinbaş, C., M.M. Erol, S. Türkyılmaz ve A. Gündüz, “ Hava Pompasına Bağlı Rektum Yaralanmasından Kaynaklanan Mediastinal, Ciltaltı ve Abdominal Amfizem Olgusu.”, Karadeniz Tıp Dergisi, 18, 2, 87 - 88, (2005).
D9. Ağaoğlu, N., S. Türkyılmaz, G. Hoş ve Y. Yücel, “Planjon Guatrların Cerrahi Tedavisi.”, İbni Sina Tıp Dergisi, 8, 178 -181, (2003).
D10. Ağaoğlu, N., Y. Yücel, S. Türkyılmaz ve M.K. Arslan, “A Case Report: Spontaneous Reduction en Masse of Recurrent İnguinal Hernia.”, Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 8, 161-162, (2003).
D11. Çiçek, R., S. Türkyılmaz, S. Mumcu, A. Cinel, E. Çolak ve E. Alhan, “Tiroidektomili Hastalarda Karsinom Görülme İnsidansı.”, Çağdaş Cerrahi Dergisi, 16, 82-85, (2002).
D12. Çiçek, R., S. Türkyılmaz, A. Cinel, E. Çolak ve E. Alhan, “Akut Mezenterik İskemili 60 Hastanın Retrospektif Analizi.”, Çağdaş Cerrahi Dergisi, 16, 31-36, (2001).
E. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler:
E1. Çekiç A.B. Uluşahin M, Türkyılmaz S, Usta MA, Tomas K, Tayyar S, Güner A, Saylan S. “Metastatik splenik maligniteler: 3 olgunun sunumu”, 13. Türk Hepatopankreatikobilier Cerrahi Kongresi, PS-33, Antalya, 2017.
E2. Çekiç A.B. Uluşahin M, Tomas K, Bodur M.S, Yıldırım R, Usta M.A, Güner A, Türkyılmaz S, Ağaoğlu N, Beşir A. “Karaciğer yaralanması nedeniyle takip edilen hastalarımızın sonuçları”, 13. Türk Hepatopankreatikobilier Cerrahi Kongresi, SS-38, Antalya, 2017.
E3. Çekiç A.B. Uluşahin M, Türkyılmaz S, Usta M.A, Yıldırım R, Güner A, Tayar S, Saylan S. “Situs inversus totalis tanılı hastada Laparoskopik kolesistektomi operasyonu”, 13. Türk Hepatopankreatikobilier Cerrahi Kongresi, PS-26, Antalya, 2017.
E4. Çekiç A.B. Uluşahin M, Türkyılmaz S, Usta MA, Yıldırım R, Güner A, Tuğcugil E. “Antikoagülan kullanımına bağlı oluşan dalak rüptürü”, 13. Türk Hepatopankreatikobilier Cerrahi Kongresi, PS-28, Antalya, 2017.
E5. Uluşahin M, Çekiç A.B. Türkyılmaz S, Usta M.A, Yıldırım R, Güner A, Bodur M.S, Beşir A. “Situs inversus totalis tanılı hastada Laparoskopik splenektomi operasyonu”, 13. Türk Hepatopankreatikobilier Cerrahi Kongresi, PS-27, Antalya, 2017.
E6. Çekiç A.B. Uluşahin M, Türkyılmaz S, Usta M.A, Yıldırım R, Tomas K, Güner A, Ak H. “Laparoskopik kolesistektominin nadir bir komplikasyonu: Portal ven yaralanması”, 13. Türk Hepatopankreatikobilier Cerrahi Kongresi, PS-29, Antalya, 2017.
E7. Uluşahin M, Çekiç A.B. Türkyılmaz S, Usta M.A, Tomas K, Bodur M.S, Güner A, Akdoğan A. “Ligamentum teres hepatis yerleşimli safra kesesine uygulanan Laparoskopik kolesistektomi”, 13. Türk Hepatopankreatikobilier Cerrahi Kongresi, PS-30, Antalya, 2017.
E8. Çekiç A.B. Uluşahin M, Türkyılmaz S, Usta MA, Yıldırım R, Bodur M.S, Güner A, Beşir A. “izole splenik kist hidatik olgusu”, 13. Türk Hepatopankreatikobilier Cerrahi Kongresi, PS-31, Antalya, 2017.
E9. Şahin N.O, Kaynar K, Ulusoy Ş, Türkyılmaz S, Kutlu Ö, Çan G, Cansız M, Üçüncü Ş.Y, İçel A, Yılmaz E, Yıldızlar A. “Renal transplantasyon olmuş hastalarda renal ve hasta sağkalımına etki eden faktörler”, 19. Ulusal Hipertansiyon ve Böbrek Hastalıkları Kongresi, PS- 004, K.K.T.C, 2017.
E10. Aydın C, Çekiç A.B, Türkyılmaz S, Cinel A. “Masaya Bağlanabilir Ayarlanabilir Tiroid ve Meme Retraktör Sistemi.”, 20. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, SS075, Antalya, 2016.
E11. Koçyiğit S, Türkyılmaz S, Kural B.V, Erçin C, Alhan E, Çekiç A.B, Usta A, Güner A, Altay DU. “Deneysel Akut Nekrotizan Pankreatit Modelinde Curcuminin Etkisi.”, 20. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, SS308, Antalya, 2016.
E12. Ulusoy Ş, M. Bakkaloğlu, S. Türkyılmaz, Ş. Oğuz, A. Ahmetoğlu, B. Güvercin, H. Temizyürek, Y. Yaprak, U. Konak, K. Kaynar.” Dışa Akım Problemi Olan Periton Diyaliz Hastası”, 18. Ulusal Hipertansiyon ve Böbrek Hastalıkları Kongresi P-032,59, Girne, 2016.
E13. Türkyılmaz S, Alhan E, Ercin C, Kural B.K, Çekiç A.B, Koçyiğit S, Menteşe A, Yazıcı A, Türedi S, Kalaycı O, Aydın C, Sağlam K. “Ratlarda Deneysel Akut Nekrotizan Pancreatitde Ethyl Pyruvate’ın Etkinliği.”, 19. Ulusal cerrahi Kongresi, SS015, Antalya, 2014.
E14. Türkyılmaz S, Alhan E, Ercin C, Kural B.K, Çekiç A.B, Türedi S, Koçyiğit S, Yazıcı A, Kalaycı O, Aydın C, Sağlam K. “Ratlarda Deneysel Akut Nekrotizan Pankreatitte N- Asetyl Systein Amid (NACA)’nın Etkinliği.”, 19. Ulusal cerrahi Kongresi, SS016, Antalya, 2014.
E15. Öncü M, Türkyılmaz S, Türedi S, Ak H, Koçyiğit S, Yazıcı A, Kalaycı O, Aydın C, Sağlam K, Çekiç A.B. “Deneysel Strangüle Hernilerde Serum İskemi Modifiye Albumin Düzeyinin Tanısal Değeri.”, 19. Ulusal cerrahi Kongresi, SS131, Antalya, 2014.
E16. Topbaş M, Türkyılmaz S, Kılıç E, Çan G. “Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Halkın Organ Nakli ve Bağışı Konusundaki Düşünce ve Tutumları.”, Türkiye Organ Nakli Kuruluşları Koordinasyon Derneği IX. Kongresi, Transplantasyon’12, S54, 37, Bursa, 2012.
E17. Türkyılmaz S, Topbaş, Ulusoy Ş, Kalyoncu M, Kılıç E, Çan G. “Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Din Görevlilerinin Organ Nakli ve Bağışı Konusundaki Düşünce ve Tutumları.”, Türkiye Organ Nakli Kuruluşları Koordinasyon Derneği IX. Kongresi, Transplantasyon’12, S55, 37, Bursa, 2012.
E18. Özkan G, Ulusoy Ş, Tosun İ, Kaynar K, Türkyılmaz S, Gül S. “Aspergillus Nidulansa Bağlı İlk Peritonit Bildirimi ve Vorikanazol ile Etkin Tedavisi.”, 26. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, PS/PD-161, 78, 2009.
E19. Alhan E, Türkyılmaz S, Ersöz Ş. “Total Tiroidektomide Asistan Performansı.", 3. Türkiye Tiroid Hastalıkları Kongresi, P30, 30, Trabzon, 2008.
E20. Türkyılmaz, S., R. Akdoğan, E. Koç, S. Topaloğlu, H. Bostan, G. Hoş, A.Aktaş, “Nadir Bir İntestinal Obstruksiyon Nedeni: Rapunzel Sendromu.”, Türk Cerrahi Derneği XXI. Bölgesel Cerrahi Kongresi, P-31, 101, Konya, 2007.
E21. Dinçkan, A., S. Türkyılmaz, A. Tekin, H. Koçak, A. Mesci, A. Gürkan, O. Erdoğan, M. Tuncer, A. Demirbaş, “İatrojenik Vena Kava Superior Sendromlu Bir Olguda Renal Transplantasyon.”, Türk Cerrahi Derneği XXI. Bölgesel Cerrahi Kongresi, P-08, 87,Konya, 2007.
E22. Dinçkan, A., S. Türkyılmaz, A. Tekin, H. Koçak, A. Mesci, A. Gürkan, O. Erdoğan, M. Tuncer, A. Demirbaş, “Renal Transplantasyonda Simultan Augmentasyon Sistoplasti”, Türk Cerrahi Derneği XXI. Bölgesel Cerrahi Kongresi, P-09, 88, Konya, 2007.
E23. Dinçkan, A., A. Tekin, S. Türkyılmaz, H. Koçak, A. Gürkan, O. Erdoğan, M. Tuncer, A. Demirbaş, “At Nalı Böbrek Transplantasyonu Deneyimimiz.”, Türk Cerrahi Derneği XXI. Bölgesel Cerrahi Kongresi, P-07, 86, Konya, 2007.
E24. Dinçkan, A., A. Tekin, S. Türkyılmaz, H. Koçak, A. Gürkan, O. Erdoğan, M. Tuncer, A. Demirbaş, “Renal Transplantasyon Sonrası Cerrahi Olarak Düzeltilen Erken ve Geç Dönem Ürolojik Komplikasyonlar.”, Türk Cerrahi Derneği XXI. Bölgesel Cerrahi Kongresi, P-06, 85, Konya, 2007.
E25. Türkyılmaz, S., E. Alhan, C. Erçin, B.V. Kural, “Ratlarda Nekrotizan Pankreatitte Renin Anjiotensin İnhibitörlerinin (Enalaprilat) Etkileri.”, Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, S-18, 8, Antalya, 2006.
E26. Türkyılmaz, S., E. Alhan, C. Erçin, B.V. Kural, B. Ateş, S. Erdoğan, “Caffeic Acid Phenyl Ester’in (CAPE) Ratlarda Deneysel Akut Nekrotizan Pankreatite Etkisi.”, 3. Ulusal Deneysel Cerrahi Kongresi, S-20, 92, Ankara, 2005.
E27. Alhan, E., N. Kaklıkkaya, S. Türkyılmaz, S. Mumcu, C. Erçin, B.V. Kural, “Omega-3 Yağ Asitlerinin Ratlarda Deneysel Akut Pankreatit Esnasında İntestinal Mukozal Bariyere Etkisi.”, V. Klinik Enteral ve Parenteral Nütrisyon Kongresi, S-04, 121, Kuşadası, 2004.
E28. Alhan, E., A. Cinel, S. Mumcu, S. Türkyılmaz, “Whipple Ameliyatında Binding Pankreatiko Jejunostomi.”, Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, P-226, 337, Antalya, 2004.
E29. Ulusoy, Ş., Ö. Bektaş, S. Gül, K. Kaynar, S. Türkyılmaz, M. Buran, “İnkansere Umblikal Herni ve Fokal Segmental Glomeruloskleroz.”, VI. Ulusal Hipertansiyon ve Böbrek Hastalıkları Kongresi, P-24, 74, Antalya, 2004.
E30. Mumcu, S., E. Alhan, B.V.Vanizor, C. Erçin, N. Kalyoncu, S. Türkyılmaz, “Ratlarda Deneysel Akut Nekrotizan Pankreatitte N-Asetilsistein’in Etkisi.”, Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, P-416, 432, Antalya, 2004.
E31. Çiçek, R., S. Türkyılmaz, A. Cinel, S. Mumcu, E. Çolak, E. Alhan, “507 Cerrahi Tiroid Hastasında Karsinom Görülme İnsidansı.”, Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, P-032, 346, Antalya, 2002.
E32. Çiçek, R., Y. Yücel, A. Cinel, S. Türkyılmaz, O. Pehlivan, E. Alhan, “Ekonomik Krizin Cerrahi Uygulamasına Etkisi.”, Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, P-107, 392, Antalya, 2002.
E33. Çiçek, R., S. Mumcu, A. Cinel, S. Türkyılmaz, Y. Yücel, İ. Aydın, “İzole Çekum Nekrozu.”, Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, SB-228, 267, Antalya, 2002.
F. Kitaplar :
F1. Gürdal, S.Ö., S. Türkyılmaz, C. Polat, “Endoskopik Meme Cerrahisi”, Endoskopik Cerrahi, ed. C. Polat, Nobel Tıp Kitapevi, İstanbul, 2008.
F2. Türkyılmaz S., E. Alhan, “Hepatosellüler Kanserin Cerrahi Dışı Tedavi Seçenekleri”, Hepatopankreatobiliyer Cerrahi, ed. C. Polat, Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, İstanbul, 2010.
G. Atıflar:
G1. Türkyılmaz S, Usta A, Çekiç A.B, Alhan E, Vanizor B.K, Ercin C. “N- acetylsysteine amid reduces pancreatic damage in a rat model of acute necrotizing pancreatitis.”, J Surg Res, 203:383-389 (2016).
G1.1. Wan CL, Xue R, Zhan YY, Wu YJ, Li XJ, Pei FK. ”Metabolomic Analysis of N-acetylcysteine Protection of Injury from Gadolinium-DTPA Contrast Agent in Rats with Chronic Renal Failure.” Omıcs-A Journal Of Integratıve Bıology, 21; 540-549, (2017).
G.2. Alhan E, Usta A, Turkyilmaz S, Kural B.V, Ercin C, “Effects of glutamine alone on the acute necrotizing pancreatitis in rats.”, Journal Of Surgıcal Research, 193: 161-167, (2015).
G2.1. Zhan X.B, Wang F, Bi Y, Ji B.A. ”Animal models of gastrointestinal and liver diseases. Animal models of acute and chronic pancreatitis.”, American Journal Of Physiology-Gastrointestinal And Liver Physiology, 311: G343-G355, (2016).
G2.2. Li H.C, Fan X.J, Chen Y.F, Tu J.M, Pan L.Y, Chen T, Yin P.H, Peng W, Feng D.X, “Early prediction of intestinal mucosal barrier function impairment by elevate serum procalcitonin in rats with severe acute pancreatitis.”, Pancreatology, 16; 211-217, (2016).
G3. Dinckan A, Kocak H, Tekin A, Turkyilmaz S, Hadimioglu N, Ertug Z, Gunseren F, Ari E, Dinc B, Gurkan A. “Concurrent unilateral or bilateral native nephrectomy in kidney transplant recipients.”, Annals Of Transplantatıon, 18: 697-704, (2013).
G3.1. Veroux M, Zerbo D, Basile G, Gozzo C, Sinagra N, Giaquinta A, Sanfiorenzo A, Veroux P. “Simultaneous Native Nephrectomy and Kidney Transplantation in Patients With Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease.”, Plos One, 11: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0155481, (2016).
G3.2. Petitpierre F, Cornelis F, Couzi L, Lasserre A.S, Tricaud E, Le Bras Y, Merville P, Combe C, Ferriere J.M, Grenier N. “Embolization of renal arteries before transplantation in patients with polycystic kidney disease: a single institution long-term experience.”, European Radıology, 25: 3263-3271, DOI: 10.1007/s00330-015-3730-3, (2015).
G4. Turkyilmaz S, Topbas M, Ulusoy S, Kalyoncu M, Kilic E, Can G, “Attitudes and Behavior Regarding Organ Donation and Transplantation on the Part of Religious Officials in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey.”, Transplantation Proceedings, 45:864-868 (2013).
G4.1. Yilmaz SG, Yucel BO, Cuhadar D, “Knowledge and Attitudes of the Faculty of Theology Students on Organ Transplantation”, Journal Of Relıgıon & Health, 56; 1042-1051, (2017).
G4.2. Kobus G, Malyszko J.S, Malyszko J. “Do Age and Religion Have an Impact on the Attitude to Organ Transplantation?”, Transplantatıon Proceedıngs, 48: 1354-1359, (2016).
G4.3. Sayin Y.Y. “Turkish validity and reliability of Organ Donation Attitude Scale.”, Journal Of Clınıcal Nursıng, 25: 642-655, (2016).
G4.4. Aykas A, Uslu A, Dogan SM, “Intellectuality and Attitudes of Clergy About Organ Donation in Turkey: Metasynthesis of Observational Studies.”, Transplantation Proceedings, 47: 1066-1069 (2015).
G4.5. Keten HS, Keten D, Ucer H, Cerit M, Isik O, Miniksar OH, Ersoy O, “Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Mosque Imams regarding Organ Donation.”, Annals of Transplantation, 19: 598-603 (2014).
G4.6. Rady MY, Verheijde JL,”The moral code in Islam and organ donation in Western countries: reinterpreting religious scriptures to meet utilitarian medical objectives.”, Phılosophy Ethıcs And Humanıtıes In Medıcıne, 9; DOI: 10.1186/1747-5341-9-11, (2014).
G5. Kaynar K, Sonmez B, Kutlu O, Ulusoy S, Cansiz M, Turkyilmaz S, Cansu A, Mungan S, “A Case of Recurrent Episodes of Acute Renal Allograft Failure Caused by Renal Pedicle Tortion.”, Renal Failure, 35: 556-559 (2013).
G5.1. Serrano OK, Olowofela AS, Kandaswamy R, Riad S, “Long-term Graft Survival After Kidney Allograft Torsion: Rapid Diagnosis and Surgical Management Key to Reversibility of Injury.”, Transplantatıon Proceedıngs. 49; 1565-1569, (2017).
G5.2. Dosch AR, Pahl M, Reddy U, Foster CE, Ichii H, “Post-transplantation nephroptosis causing recurrent episodes of acute renal failure and hypertension secondary to intermittent vascular torsion of intraperitoneal renal allograft.”, Journal Of Surgıcal Case Reports, DOI: 10.1093/jscr/rjx033, (2017).
G5.3. Sofue K. Vikraman DS, Jaffe TA, Chaubal GN, Bashir MR, “Graft Kidney Torsion After Simultaneous Kidney-Pancreas Transplant: Report of 2 Cases and Literature Review.”, Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 39: 506-509 (2015).
G6. Erem C, Ucuncu O, Nuhoglu I, Türkyılmaz S, Yildiz K, Civan N, Akcay M. “Large Adrenocortıcal Oncocytoma Wıth Uncertaın Malıgnant Potentıal: Report Of A New Case And Revıew Of the Lıterature.”, Acta Endocrınologıca-Bucharest, 8: 295-306 (2012).
G6.1. Ekinci F, Soyaltin UE, Kutbay YB, Yasar HY, Yildirim TD, Akar H, “Jak2 V617f Mutatıon Scannıng In Patıents Wıth Adrenal Incıdentaloma.”, Acta Endocrınologıca-Bucharest, 13;150-153, (2017).
G6.2.Matulevicius V, Ostrauskas R, Krasauskas V, Verkauskiene R, Ciaplinskiene L, Urbanavicius V. ” Adrenal Androgen Producıng Adenoma Assocıated Wıth Epıleptıc Seızures”, Acta Endocrınologıca-Bucharest, 10: 487-494 (2014).
G6.3. Erem C, Fidan M, Civan N, Cobanoglu U, Kangul F, Nuhoglu I, Alhan E., “Hormone-secreting large adrenal ganglioneuroma in an adult patient: A case report and review of literature.”, Blood Pressure, 23: 64-69 (2014).
G7. Alhan, E., A. Usta, A. Cekic, K. Saglam, S. Türkyılmaz, A. Cinel, “A study on 107 patients with acute mesenteric ischemia over 30 years”, Internatıonal Journal Of Surgery, 10, 510-513 (2012).
G7.1. Wang Z, Chen JQ, Liu JL, Tian L, “A Novel Scoring System for Diagnosing Acute Mesenteric Ischemia in the Emergency Ward.”, World Journal Of Surgery, 41; 1966-1974, (2017).
G7.2. Yildirim D, Hut A, Tatar C, Donmez T, Akinci M, Toptas M, “Prognostic factors in patients with acute mesenteric ischemia.”, Turkısh Journal Of Surgery, 33: 104-109, (2017).
G7.3. Lai CH, Lee CH, Hung CY, Lo HC, “Oral Citrulline Mitigates Inflammation and Jejunal Damage via the Inactivation of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase and Nuclear Factor-B in Intestinal Ischemia and Reperfusion.”, Journal Of Parenteral And Enteral Nutrıtıon, 41: 422-435, (2017).
G7.4. Aktimur R, Cetinkunar S, Yildirim K, Aktimur S.H, Ugurlucan M, Ozlem N. “Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio as a diagnostic biomarker for the diagnosis of acute mesenteric ischemia.” European Journal Of Trauma And Emergency Surgery, 42: 363-368 (2016).
G7.5. Feuerstadt P, Aroniadis O.A, Brandt L.J. “Right-Colon Ischemia, Acute Mesenteric Ischemia, and Vascular Imaging Reply.”, Clınıcal Gastroenterology And Hepatology, 14: 780-781 (2016).
G7.6. Ucak A, Temizkan V, Sen H, Bulut E.C, Can M.F, Ugur M, Selcuk A, Kucukodaci Z, Ozcan O. “The effect of serum, intestinal and peritoneal visfatin levels on early diagnosis of acute mesenteric ischemia.”, Internatıonal Angıology, 35: 198-204, (2016).
G7.7. Zhao Y, Yin H.H, Yao C, Deng J, Wang M.A, L, Z.L, Chang G.Q. “Management of Acute Mesenteric Ischemia: A Critical Review and Treatment Algorithm.”, Vascular And Endovascular Surgery, 50: 183-192 (2016).
G7.8. Tilsed J.V.T, Casamassima A, Kurihara H, Mariani D, Martinez I, Pereira J, Ponchietti L, Shamiyeh A, al-Ayoubi F, Barco L.A.B. “ESTES guidelines: acute mesenteric ischaemia.”, European Journal Of Trauma And Emergency Surgery, 42: 253-270 (2016).
G7.9. Adaba F, Rajendran A, Patel A, Cheung Y.K, Grant K, Vaizey C.J, Gabe S.M, Warusavitarne J, Nightingale J.M.D. “Mesenteric Infarction Clinical Outcomes After Restoration of Bowel Continuity.”, Annals Of Surgery, 262: 1059-1064 (2015).
G7.10. Feuerstadt P, Aroniadis O, Brandt L.J. ”Features and Outcomes of Patients With Ischemia Isolated to the Right Side of the Colon When Accompanied or Followed by Acute Mesenteric Ischemia.”, Clınıcal Gastroenterology And Hepatology, 13: 1962-1968 (2015).
G7.11. Orr, N.T, Endean E.D. “Part Two: Against the Motion. An Endovascular First Strategy is not the Optimal Approach for Treating Acute Mesenteric Ischemia.”, European Journal Of Vascular And Endovascular Surgery, 50: 276-279 (2015).
G7.12. Bjorck M, Orr N, Endean ED,” Debate: Whether an endovascular-first strategy is the optimal approach for treating acute mesenteric ischemia.”, Journal of Vascular Surgery, 62: 767-772 (2015).
G7.13. Adaba F, Askari A, Dastur J, Patel A, Gabe SM, Vaizey CJ, Faiz O, Nightingale JMD, Warusavitarne J, “Mortality after acute primary mesenteric infarction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.”, Colorectal Disease, 17: 566-577 (2015).
G7.14. Maezawa S, Fujita M, Sato T, Kushimoto S, “Delayed intestinal stricture following non-resectional treatment for non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia associated with hepatic portal venous gas: a case report.”, BMC Surgery, 15: DOI: 10.1186/s12893-015-0028-y (2015).
G7.15. Wang H.Z, Xiao X, Zhang W, Ma Z.W, Zhang J.L, Tang L, Yang X.H. “
Imaging of acute superior mesenteric artery embolus using spectral CT in a canine model.”, Brıtısh Journal Of Radıology, 88: DOI: 10.1259/bjr.20150296, (2015).
G7.16. Kisaoglu A, Bayramoglu A, Ozogul B, Atac K, Emet M, Atamanalp S.S. “Sensitivity and Specificity of Red Cell Distribution Width in Diagnosing Acute Mesenteric Ischemia in Patients with Abdominal Pain.”, World Journal Of Surgery, 38:2770-2776 (2014).
G7.17. Ward J.B.J, Keely S.J, Keely S.J. “Oxygen in the regulation of intestinal epithelial transport.”, Journal Of Physıology-London, 592: 2473-2489 (2014).
G7.18. Yang S.F, Wu X.J, Li J.S., “Transcatheter thrombolysis centered stepwise management strategy for acute superior mesenteric venous thrombosis.”, Internatıonal Journal Of Surgery, 12: 442-451 (2014).
G7.19. Gan XL, Su GJ, Zhao WC, Huang PJ, Luo GJ, Hei ZQ., “The Mechanism of Sevoflurane Preconditioning-Induced Protections against Small Intestinal Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Is Independent of Mast Cell in Rats.”, Medıators Of Inflammatıon, DOI: 10.1155/2013/378703 (2013).
G7.20. Cakmaz, R., Buyukasik O, Kahramansoy N, et al.,” A combination of plasma DAO and citrulline levels as a potential marker for acute mesenteric ischemia”, Lıbyan Journal Of Medıcıne, DOI: 10.3402/ljm.v8i0.20596, (2013).
G8. Alhan E., Türkyılmaz S, C. Erçin, B.V. Kural, D. Flinte, “Does nuclear factor-kappa B in peripheral mononuclear cells have a prognostic role during acute necrotizing pancreatitis in rats?”, European Surgical Research, 48:34-39 (2012).
G8.1. Chen F, Zhou YJ, “Hepatic effect of NAC on sevear acute pancteatise of rats.”, Asıan Pacıfıc Journal Of Tropıcal Medıcıne, 7: 141-143 (2014).
G8.2. Cekic AB, Alhan E, Usta A, Turkyilmaz S, Kural BV, Ercin C, “Effects of Clotrimazol on the Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis in Rats.”, Inflammatıon, 36: 1576-1583 (2013).
G9. Tekin, A., S. Türkyılmaz, T. Kucukkartallar, M. Cakir, H. Yilmaz, H. Esen, B. Ates, I. Ciftci, A. Kartal, “ Effects of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE) on Hepatopulmonary Syndrome”, Inflammatıon, 34: 614-619 (2011).
G9.1. Shi Y, Guo L, Shi L, Yu JY, Song M, Li YN, “Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester inhibit Hepatic Fibrosis by Nitric Oxide Synthase and Cystathionine Gamma-Lyase in Rats.”, Medical Science Monitor, 21: 2774-2780 (2015).
G9.2. Tolba, M.F., Azab SS, Khalifa AE, Abdel-Rahman SZ, Abdel-Naim AB, “Caffeic acid phenethyl ester, a promising component of propolis with a plethora of biological activities: A review on its anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, hepatoprotective, and cardioprotective effects”, IUBMB Lıfe, 65, 699-709, (2013).
G9.3. Zhang, JL., Fallon MB, “Hepatopulmonary syndrome: update on pathogenesis and clinical features”, Nature Revıews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 9, 539-549, (2012).
G9.4. Eshraghian A, Kamyab A.A, Yoon S.K. “Pharmacological Treatment for Hepatopulmonary Syndrome.”, Bıomed Research Internatıonal, DOI: 10.1155/2013/670139 (2013).
G10. Alhan, E., A. Cinel, MC. Ercin, S. Türkyılmaz, BV Kural, M. Alper, D. Filinte, “The effects of p53 inhibition using pifithrin-alpha on acute necrotizing pancreatitis in rats”, Turkısh Journal Of Medıcal Scıences, 41, 673-683 (2011).
G10.1. Alhan E, Usta A, Turkyilmaz S, Kural BV, Ercin C,” Effects of glutamine alone on the acute necrotizing pancreatitis in rats.”, Journal of Surgical Research, 193: 161-167 (2015).
G10.2. Cekic A.B, Alhan E, Usta A, Turkyilmaz S, Kural B.V, Ercin C, “Effects of Clotrimazol on the Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis in Rats.”, Inflammatıon, 36:1576-1583 (2013)
G10.3. Alhan E, Cinel A, Turkyilmaz S, Ercin C, Kural B.V, Usta A, “Effects Of 17 Beta-Estradıol On The Acute Necrotızıng Pancreatıtıs After Onset In Rats.”, European Journal Of Inflammatıon, 11: 675-683 (2013)
G10.4.Gucin, Z., Cakmak T, Bayyurt N, Salih B, “Helicobacter pylori infection and relationship with gastric epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis”, Turkısh Journal Of Medıcal Scıences, 43: 739-746 (2013)
G10.5. Simsek, G., Han U, Onal B, Koybasioglu FF, Akin I, Dagli M, “Expression of cydin D1, p27, p21, bcl-2, and p53 in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma and an investigation of the correlation with conventional prognostic factors”, Turkısh Journal Of Medıcal Scıences, 43: 27-32 (2013)
G10.6. Onder, A., Gumus M, Kapan M, Boyuk A, Arikanoglu Z, Girgin S, “ Associated organ injuries in pancreatic injuries, morbidity, and mortality”, Turkısh Journal Of Medıcal Scıences, 42: 559-566 (2012)
G11. Topbas, M., S. Türkyılmaz, G. Can, S. Ulusoy, M. Kalyoncu, K. Kaynar, A. Yavuzyilmaz, E. Kilic, S. Ari, B. Ari, “ Information, Attitude, and Behavior Toward Organ Transplantation and Donation Among Health Workers in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey”, Transplantatıon Proceedıngs, 43, 773-777 (2011)
G11.1. Krespi MR, Tankurt A, Acarli K, Kanmaz T, Yankol Y, Kalayoglu M, “Beliefs of Living Donors About Recipients' End-Stage Liver Failure and Surgery for Organ Donation.”, Transplantatıon Proceedıngs, 49; 1369-1375, (2017).
G11.2. Keten HS, Isik O, Ucer H, Keten D, Ersoy O, Olmez S, “Knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of physicians about organ donation.”, Cukurova Medıcal Journal, 42; 623-629, (2017).
G11.3. Hvidt N.C, Mayr B, Paal P, Frick E, Forsberg A, Bussing A. “For and against Organ Donation and Transplantation: Intricate Facilitators and Barriers in Organ Donation Perceived by German Nurses and Doctors.”, Journal Of Transplantatıon, DOI: 10.1155/2016/3454601 (2016).
G11.4. Keten H.S, Ucer H, Keten D, Isik O, Yildirim F. ” The Knowledge, Attıtude, And Behavıors Regardıng Organ Donatıon Among Indıvıduals Aged Over 60.”, Acta Medıca Medıterranea, 32: 231-236 (2016)
G11.5. Tarhan M, Dalar L, Yildirimoglu H, Sayar A, Altin S. “The View of Religious Officials on Organ Donation and Transplantation in the Zeytinburnu District of Istanbul.”, Journal Of Relıgıon & Health, 54: 1975-1985 (2015).
G11.6. De Looze K. ”Public engagement in organ donation and transplantation.”, Theoretıcal Medıcıne And Bıoethıcs, 36: 369-372 (2015).
G11.7. Fernandes M.E.N, Bittencourt Z.Z.L.D, Boin I.D.S.F. “Experiencing organ donation: feelings of relatives after consent.”, Revısta Latıno-Amerıcana De Enfermagem, 23: 895-901 (2015).
G11.8. Aghaee M.A, Dehghani M, Sadeghi M, Khaleghi E. “Awareness of Religious Leaders' Fatwa and Willingness to Donate Organ.”, Internatıonal Journal Of Organ Transplantatıon Medıcıne, 6: 158-164 (2015).
G11.9. Keten HS, Keten D, Ucer H, Cerit M, Isik O, Miniksar OH, Ersoy O,”Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Mosque Imams regarding Organ Donation.”, Annals of Transplantation, 19: 598-603 (2014).
G11.10. Turkyilmaz, S., Topbas M, Ulusoy S, Kalyoncu M, Kilic E, Can G, “Attitudes and Behavior Regarding Organ Donation and Transplantation on the Part of Religious Officials in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey”, Transplantatıon Proceedıngs, 45, 864-868 (2013)
G11.11. Esezobor, CI., Disu E, Oseni SBA, “Attitude to organ donation among healthcare workers in Nigeria”, Clınıcal Transplantatıon, 26, 612-616 (2012)
G11.12. Gul,A., Ustundag H, Purisa S, Gurgen H,” Organ Donation: knowledge and attitudes of Health College and other departments' students in a Turkish University”, Healthmed, 6,1449-1454 (2012)
G12. Birincioglu I, Topaloglu S, Turan N, Cekic AB, Ak H, Cinel A, Turkyilmaz S, Piskin B, “Detailed Dissection of Hepato-caval Junction and Suprarenal Inferior Vena Cava”, Hepato-Gastroenterology, 58: 311-317 (2011).
G12.1. Topaloglu S, Oguz S, Kalayci O, Ozturk MH, Calik A, Dinc H, Cobanoglu U, “Preoperative arterial embolization of large liver hemangiomas.”, Dıagnostic and Interventional Radiology, 21: 222-228 (2015).
G13. Ulusoy,S., G. Ozkan, I. Tosun, K. Kaynar, I. Koksal, S. Türkyılmaz, I. Vetem, “Peritonitis Due to Aspergillus nidulans and Its Effective Treatment with Voriconazole: the First Case Report”, Perıtoneal Dıalysıs Internatıonal, 31, 212-U107 (2011).
G13.1. Li P.K.T, Szeto C.C, Piraino B, de Arteaga J, Fan S, Figueiredo A.E, Fish D.N, Goffin E, Kim Y.L, Salzer W. “ISPD Perıtonıtıs Recommendatıons: 2016 Update On Preventıon And Treatment.”, Perıtoneal Dıalysıs Internatıonal, 36:481-508, (2016).
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G14. Tekinbas C, Erol M.M, Akdogan R, Turkyilmaz S, Aslan M. “Treatment of anastomotic leaks after esophagectomy with endoscopic hemoclips.”, Journal Of Thoracıc And Cardıovascular Surgery, 137: 766-767 (2009).
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G15. Tekin A, Kucukkartallar T, Turkyilmaz S, Dinckan A, Esen H, Ates B, Yilmaz H, Kartal A, “Effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) on sepsis in rats.”, Inflammatıon, 31: 273-280 (2008)
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G15.10. Koyu A, Ozguner F, Yilmaz HR, Uz E, Cesur G, Ozcelik N, “The protective effect of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) on oxidative stress in rat liver exposed to the 900 MHz electromagnetic field.”, Toxıcology And Industrıal Health, 25: 429-434 (2009).
G16. Türkyılmaz, S., E. Alhan, C. Ercin, BK. Vanizor, N. Kaklikkaya, B. Ates, S. Erdogan, S. Topaloglu, “Effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester on pancreatitis in rats”, Journal Of Surgıcal Research, 145: 19-24 (2008)
G16.1. Anchi P, Khurana A, Bale S, Godugu C, “The Role of Plant-derived Products in Pancreatitis: Experimental and Clinical Evidence.”, Phytotherapy Research, 31; 591-623, (2017).
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G16.3. Caglayan K, Gungor B, Cinar H, Avci B, Gur S, Arslan N, “Effects of Oleuropein on Serum Inflammatory Cytokines and Histopathological Changes in Rats with Pancreatitis.”, Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 24: 213-218 (2015).
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G16.5. Yildirim A.O, Ince M, Eyi Y.E, Tuncer S.K, Kaldirim U, Eroglu M, Oztas E, Cayci T, Kilic A, Inal V ve ark., “The effects of glycyrrhizin on experimental acute pancreatitis in rats.”, European Revıew For Medıcal And Pharmacologıcal Scıences, 17: 2981-2987 (2013)
G16.6. Turgut, A., Sak ME, Turkcu G, Ozler A, Soydinc HE, Evsen MS, Evliyaoglu O, Akdemir F, “Effect of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester on Intra-Abdominal Adhesion in Rats”, Gynecologıc And Obstetrıc Investıgatıon, 75: 281-288 (2013)
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G16.8. Ben Abdallah, F., Fetoui H, Zribi N, Fakhfakh F, Keskes L, “ Protective role of caffeic acid on lambda cyhalothrin-induced changes in sperm characteristics and testicular oxidative damage in rats”, Toxıcology And Industrıal Health, 28: 639-647 (2012)
G16.9. Kockar, C., Sirmali R, Uz E, Dogan M, Yilmaz HR, Kilbas A, Agackiran Y, Altuntas I, “Effects of erdosteıne, vıtamın c and e on ıschemıa/reperfusıon ınduced pancreatıc ınjury ın rats”, Nobel Medıcus, 8: 49-54 (2012)
G16.10. Tekin, A., Turkyilmaz S, Kucukkartallar T, Cakir M, Yilmaz H, Esen H, Ates B, Ciftci I, Kartal A, “Effects of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE) on Hepatopulmonary Syndrome”, Inflammatıon, 34: 614-619 (2011)
G16.11. Ye, Z., Hong CO, Lee K, Hostetter J, Wannemuehler M, Hendrich S, “Plasma Caffeic Acid Is Associated with Statistical Clustering of the Anticolitic Efficacy of Caffeic Acid in Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Treated Mice”, Journal Of Nutrıtıon, 141: 1989-1995 (2011)
G16.12. Gumieniczek, A., Komsta L, Chehab MR, “Effects of two oral antidiabetics, pioglitazone and repaglinide, on aconitase inactivation, inflammation and oxidative/nitrosative stress in tissues under alloxan-induced hyperglycemia”, European Journal Of Pharmacology, 659: 89-93 (2011)
G16.13. Aviello, G., Scalisi C, Fileccia R, Capasso R, Romano B, Izzo AA, Borrelli F, “Inhibitory effect of caffeic acid phenethyl ester, a plant-derived polyphenolic compound, on rat intestinal contractility”, European Journal Of Pharmacology, 640: 163-167 (2010)
G16.14. Sailai, Y., Yu X, Baiheti P, Tang HY, Li YG, Xu M, “Influence of Nuclear Factor kappa B Activation on Inflammatory Mediators of Alveolar Macrophages in Rats With Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis”, Journal Of Investıgatıve Medıcıne, 58: 38-42 (2010)
G16.15. Koyu, A., Ozguner F, Yilmaz HR, Uz E, Cesur G, Ozcelik N, “The protective effect of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) on oxidative stress in rat liver exposed to the 900 MHz electromagnetic field”, Toxıcology And Industrıal Health, 25: 429-434 (2009)
G16.16. Tekin, A., Kucukkartallar T, Turkyilmaz S, Dinckan A, Esen H, Ates B, Yilmaz H, Kartal A , “Effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) on sepsis in rats”, Inflammatıon, 31: 273-280 (2008)
G17. Dinckan, A., S. Türkyılmaz,A. Tekin, A. Duman, A. Yilmaz, A. Mesci, Z. Ertug, N. Hadimioglu, L. Yucetin, A. Gurkan, O. Erdogan, A. Demirbas, “Evaluation of the first 100 liver transplantations”, Turkısh Journal Of Gastroenterology, 19, 28-32 (2008).
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G18. Türkyılmaz S., E. Alhan, C. Ercin, BK. Vanizor, “Effects of enalaprilat on acute necrotizing pancreatitis in rats”, Inflammatıon, 30: 205-212 (2007).
G18.1. Uimari, A., Merentie M, Sironen R, Pirnes-Karhu S, Peraniemi S, Alhonen L, “Overexpression of spermidine/spermine N (1)-acetyltransferase or treatment with N (1)-N (11)-diethylnorspermine attenuates the severity of zinc-induced pancreatitis in Mouse”, Amıno Acıds, 42: 461-471 (2012)
G18.2. Chan, YC., Leung PS, “Co-operative effects of angiotensin II and caerulein in NF kappa B activation in pancreatic acinar cells in vitro”, Regulatory Peptıdes, 166: 128-134 (2011)
G19. Dinckan, A., S. Türkyılmaz, A. Tekin, T. Erdogru, H. Kocak, A. Mesci, A. Gurkan, O. Erdogan, M. Tuncer, A. Demirbas, “Simultaneous augmentation ileo-cystoplasty in renal transplantation”, Urology, 70: 1211-1214 (2007).
G19.1. Biers, SM., Venn SN, Greenwell TJ, “The past, present and future of augmentation cystoplasty”, BJU Internatıonal, 109, 1280-1293 (2012)
G19.2. Kato, T., Selvaggi G, Burke G, Ciancio G, Zilleruelo G, Hattori M, Gosalbez R, Tzakis A, “ Partial bladder transplantation with en bloc kidney transplant - The first case report of a 'Bladder patch technique' in a human”, Amerıcan Journal Of Transplantatıon, 8: 1060-1063 (2008)
G20. Calik, A., S. Topaloglu, S. Topcu, S. Türkyılmaz, U. Kucuktulu, B. Piskin, “Routine intraoperative aspiration of gallbladder during laparoscopic cholecystectomy”, Surgıcal Endoscopy And Other Interventıonal Technıques, 21: 1578-1581 (2007).
G20.1. Eikermann, M., Siegel R, Broeders I, Dziri C, Fingerhut A, Gutt C, Jaschinski T, Nassar A, Paganini AM, Pieper D, Targarona E, Schrewe M, Shamiyeh A, Strik M, Neugebauer EAM, “Prevention and treatment of bile duct injuries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy: the clinical practice guidelines of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES)”, Surgıcal Endoscopy And Other Interventıonal Technıques, 26: 3003-3039 (2012)
G20.2. Wilson, MSJ.,Seymour K, “The Mıcroflora Of Bıle After Intraoperatıve Aspıratıon Of The Gallbladder Durıng Cholecystectomy For Acute Cholecystıtıs”, Gut, 61: A219-A220 (2012)
G20.3. Suh, SW., Park JM, Lee SE, Choi YS, “ Accidental Gallbladder Perforation During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Does It Have an Effect on the Clinical Outcomes?”, Journal Of Laparoendoscopıc & Advanced Surgıcal Technıques, 22: 40-45 (2012)
G20.4. Siddiqui, MRS., Sajid MS, Nisar A, Ali H, Zaborszky A, Hasan F, “A Meta-analysis of Outcomes After Routine Aspiration of the Gallbladder During Cholecystectomy”, Internatıonal Surgery, 96: 21-27 (2012)
G20.5. Manterola, C., Pineda V, Tort M, Targarona E, Portero RV, Alonso P, “Effectiveness of Laparoscopic Surgery for Gallstones and Common Bile Duct Lithiasis: a Systematic Overview”, Internatıonal Journal Of Morphology, 28: 729-742 (2010)
G20.6. Ezer, A., Nursal TZ, Colakoglu T, Noyan T, Moray G, Haberal M, “The impact of gallbladder aspiration during elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a prospective randomized study”, Amerıcan Journal Of Surgery, 196:456-459, (2008)
G21. Dinckan, A., A. Tekin, S. Türkyılmaz, H. Kocak, A. Gurkan, O. Erdogan, M. Tuncer, A. Demirbas, “Early and late urological complications corrected surgically following renal transplantation”, Transplant Internatıonal, 20: 702-707 (2007).
G21.1. Erbas B, “Peri- and Postsurgical Evaluations of Renal Transplant.” Semınars In Nuclear Medıcıne, 47; 647-659, (2017).
G21.2. Maison POM, Smit S, McCulloch M, Gajjar P, Nourse P, Thomson D, Muller E, Millar A, Numanoglu A, Kahn D, “Urological complications following unstented pediatric renal transplantation.”, Pedıatrıc Transplantatıon, 21; DOI: 10.1111/petr.13045, (2017).
G21.3. Pinto H, Leal R, Rodrigues L, Santos L, Romaozinho C, Macario F, Alves R, Bastos C, Roseiro A, Costa F, “Surgical Complications in Early Post-transplant Kidney Recipients.”, Transplantatıon Proceedıngs, 49; 821-823, (2017).
G21.4. Boonjindasup A, Smith A, Paramesh A, Rittenberg D, Buell J, Killackey M, Thomas R. “A Rationale to Use Bladder Boari Flap Reconstruction for Late Kidney Transplant Ureteral Strictures.” Urology, 89: 144-149 (2016).
G21.5. Putz J, Leike S, Wirth M.P. “Management of urological complications after renal transplantation.”, Urologe, 54: 1385-1392 (2015).
G21.6. Santos F, Guimaraes J, Araujo AM, Nunes CS, Casal M, “Deceased-donor Kidney Transplantation: Predictive Factors and Impact on Postoperative Outcome.”, Transplantatıon Proceedıngs, 47: 933-937 (2015).
G21.7. Rahnemai-Azar AA, Gilchrist BF, Kayler LK, “Independent risk factors for early urologic complications after kidney transplantation.”, Clınıcal Transplantatıon, 29: 403-408 (2015).
G21.8. Berli JU, Montgomery JR, Segev DL, Ratner LE, Maley WR, Cooper M, Melancon JK, Burdick J, Desai NM, Dagher NN, et all. “Surgical management of early and late ureteral complications after renal transplantation: techniques and outcomes.”, Clınıcal Transplantatıon, 29: 26-33 (2015).
G21.9. Rodgers SK, Sereni CP, Harrow MM, “Ultrasonographic Evaluation of the Renal Transplant.”, Radiologic Clinics of North America, 52: 1307 (2014).
G21.10. Trilla E, Lorente D, Salvador C, Planas J, Placer J, Celma A, Cantarell C, Moreso F, Seron D, Morote J, “Native ureteropyelostomy in the treatment of obstructive uropathy in adult renal transplant. Experience and technical alternatives.”, Actas Urologıcas Espanolas, 38: 552-556 (2014)
G21.11. Hau H.M, Tautenhahn H.M, Schmelzle M, Krenzien F, Schoenberg M.B, Morgul M.H, Uhlmann D, Wiltberger G, Rasche M, Bachmann A ve ark, “Management of Urologic Complications in Renal Transplantation: A Single-Center Experience.”, Transplantatıon Proceedıngs, 46: 1332-1339 (2014)
G21.12. Slagt I.K.B, IJzermans J.N.M, Visser L.J, Weimar W, Roodnat J.I, Terkivatan T, “Independent Risk Factors for Urological Complications after Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation.”, Plos One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091211 (2014)
G21.13. Slagt I.K.B, Dor F.J.M.F, Tran T.C.K, Kimenai H.J.A.N, Weimar W, IJzermans J.N.M, Terkivatan T, “A randomized controlled trial comparing intravesical to extravesical ureteroneocystostomy in living donor kidney transplantation recipients.”, Kıdney Internatıonal, 85: 471- 477 (2014)
G21.14. He, BL., Bremner A, Han Y, “Classification of Ureteral Stenosis and Associated Strategy for Treatment After Kidney Transplant”, Experımental And Clınıcal Transplantatıon, 11: 122-127 (2013)
G21.15. Sandhu, K., Masters J, Ehrlich Y, “Ureteropyelostomy Using the Native Ureter for the Management of Ureteric Obstruction or Symptomatic Reflux Following Renal Transplantation”, Urology, 79: 929-932 (2012)
G21.16. Fayek, SA., Keenan J, Haririan A, Cooper M, Barth RN, Schweitzer E, Bromberg JS, Bartlett ST, Philosophe B, “Ureteral Stents Are Associated With Reduced Risk of Ureteral Complications After Kidney Transplantation: A Large Single Center Experience”, Transplantatıon, 93: 304-308 (2012)
G21.17. Ye, J., Li QS, Liu RR, Zhang KQ, Nie ZL, Chen J, Jin FS, Huo WQ, “Pedicled Greater Omentum Graft: A New Technique to Repair Recurrent Urinary Fistulae After Kidney Transplantation”, Cell Bıochemıstry And Bıophysıcs, 62: 69-72 (2012)
G21.18. Lucewicz, A., Wong G, Lam VWT, Hawthorne WJ, Allen RDM, Craig JC, Pleass HCC, “Management of Primary Symptomatic Lymphocele After Kidney Transplantation: A Systematic Review”, Transplantatıon, 92: 663-673 (2011)
G21.19. Inoue, T., Satoh S, Saito M, Numakura K, Tsuruta H, Obara T, Narita S, Horikawa Y, Habuchi T, “Correlations Between Pretransplant Dialysis Duration, Bladder Capacity, and Prevalence of Vesicoureteral Reflux to the Graft”, Transplantatıon, 92: 311-315 (2011)
G21.20. Pereira, H., Buchler M, Brichart N, Haillot O, d'Arcier BF, Braguet R, Boutin JM, Bruyere F, “Ureteral stenosis after renal transplantation: Risk factors and impact on survival”, Progres En Urologıe, 21:, 389-396 (2011)
G21.21. Lehmann, K., Muller MK, Schiesser M, Wildi S, Fehr T, Wuthrich RP, Clavien PA, Weber M, “Treatment of ureteral complications after kidney transplantation with native ureteropyelostomy reduces the risk of pyelonephritis”, Clınıcal Transplantatıon, 25: 201-206 (2011)
G21.22. Helfand, BT., Newman JP, Mongiu AK, Modi P, Meeks JJ, Gonzalez CM, “Reconstruction of late-onset transplant ureteral stricture disease”, BJU Internatıonal, 107: 982-987 (2011)
G21.23. Ghazanfar, A., Tavakoli A, Augustine T, Pararajasingam R, Riad H, Chalmers N, “Management of transplant renal artery stenosis and its impact on long term allograft survival: a single centre experience”, Nephrology Dıalysıs Transplantatıon, 26: 336-343 (2011)
G21.24. Nie, ZL., Zhang KQ, Huo WQ, Li QS, Zhu FQ, Jin FS, “Comparison of urological complications with primary ureteroureterostomy versus conventional ureteroneocystostomy”, Clınıcal Transplantatıon, 24: 615-619 (2010)
G21.25. Mathe, Z., Treckmann JW, Heuer M, Zeiger A, Sauerland S, Witzke O, Paul A, “Stented Ureterovesıcal Anastomosıs In Renal Transplantatıon: Does It Influence The Rate Of Urınary Tract Infectıons?”, European Journal Of Medıcal Research, 15: 297-302 (2010)
G21.26. Flores-Gama, F., Bochicchio-Riccardelli T, Mondragon- Ramirez G, “Determination of creatinine in drained liquid. Urinary leak or lymphocele?”, Cırugıa Y Cırujanos, 78: 322-327 (2010)
G21.27. Nie, ZL., Zhang KQ, Li QS, Jin FS, Zhu FQ, Huo WQ, “Treatment of Urinary Fistula After Kidney Transplantation”, Transplantatıon Proceedıngs, 41: 1624-1626 (2009)
G21Faenza A, “Urological Complications After Kidney Transplantation: Experience of More Than 1000 Transplantations”, Transplantatıon Proceedıngs, 41: 1224-1226 (2009)
G21.29. Di Cocco, P., Orlando G, Bonanni L, D'Angelo M, Mazzotta C, Rizza V, Clementi K, Greco S, Famulari A, Pisani F, “Scrotal Herniation of the Ureter: A Rare Late Complication After Renal Transplantation”, Transplantatıon Proceedıngs, 41: 1393-1397 (2009)
G21.30. Bardi, R., Cherif M, Goucha R, Ounissi M, Abderrahim E, Ben Hamida F, Makhlouf M, Jendoubi-Ayed S, Ben Romdhane T, Ben Boujemaa S, El Younsi F, Ayed K, Ben Maiz H, Kheder A, Gorgi Y, Ben Abdallah T, “Kidney Transplantation: Charles Nicolle Hospital Experience”, Transplantatıon Proceedıngs, 41: 651-653 (2009)
G21.31. Martinez-Mier, G., Jimenez-Lopez LA, Valencia-Mercado D, George-Micelli E, Salas-Diaz FA, Medina-Gonzalez MF, “Urological complications following kidney transplantation using Lich-Gregoir technique: A 4-year experience in Mexico”, Cırugıa Y Cırujanos, 77: 105-108 (2009)
G21.32. Gowda, BDR., Goldsmith P, Ahmad N, “Boari flap vesicocalycostomy: a salvage drainage procedure for complete ureteric stricture and pyelocalyceal fistula”, Clınıcal Transplantatıon, 23: 129-131 (2009)
G21.33. Nie, ZL., Zhang KQ, Li QS, Jin FS, Zhu FQ, Huo WQ, “Urological Complications in 1,223 Kidney Transplantations”, Urologıa Internatıonalıs, 83: 337-341 (2009)
G21.34. Pais, VM., Clark CJ, Lucas BA, “Ureterocalicostomy to salvage a renal allograft with pyeloureteral necrosis”, Dıalysıs & Transplantatıon, 37: 212-213 (2008)
G21.35. Zavos, G., Pappas P, Karatzas T, Karidis NP, Bokos J, Stravodimos K, Theodoropoulou E, Boletis J, Kostakis A, “Urological complications: Analysis and management of 1525 consecutive renal transplantations”, Transplantatıon Proceedıngs, 40:1386-1390 (2008)
G21.36. Lang, EK., Colon I, Cheung WW, Thomas R, “Cadaver transplant ureteroneocystostomy dehiscence after 5 years: A case of chronic rejection”, Journal Of Urology, 179: 2008-2008 (2008)
G21.37. Awad, MC., da Silva EA, Souza E, Damiao R, “Clinical outcome of long-term renal transplant survivors: A nephrourologic approach”, Transplantatıon Proceedıngs, 40: 714-717 (2008)
G22. Mustafa, NA., S. Cengiz, S. Türkyılmaz, Y. Yucel, “Comparison of topical glyceryl trinitrate ointment and oral nifedipine in the treatment of chronic anal fissure”, Acta Chırurgıca Belgıca, 106: 55-58 (2006).
G22.1. Nelson RL, Manuel D, Gumienny C, Spencer B, Patel K, Schmitt K, Castillo D, Bravo A, Yeboah-Sampong A, “A systematic review and meta-analysis of the treatment of anal fissure.”, Technıques In Coloproctology, 21; 605-625, (2017).
G22.2. Mapel D.W, Schum M, Von Worley A, “The epidemiology and treatment of anal fissures in a population-based cohort.”, BMC Gastroenterology, DOI: 10.1186/1471-230X-14-129 (2014)
G22.3. Shawki S, Costedio M, “Anal Fissure and Stenosis.”, Gastroenterology Clınıcs Of North Amerıca, DOI: 10.1016/j.gtc.2013.09.007 (2013)
G22.4. Agrawal V, Kaushal G, Gupta R, “Randomized controlled pilot trial of nifedipine as oral therapy vs topical application in the treatment of fissure-in-ano.”, Amerıcan Journal Of Surgery, DOI: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2013.05.003 (2013)
G22.5. Nelson, RL., Thomas K, Morgan J, Jones A, “Non surgical therapy for anal fissure”, Cochrane Database Of Systematıc Revıews, DOI: 10.1002/14651858. CD003431.pub3 (2012)
G22.6. Medhi, B., Rao RS, Prakash A, Prakash O, Kaman L, Pandhi P, “Recent advances in the pharmacotherapy of chronic anal fissure: An update”, Asıan Journal Of Surgery, 31: 154-163 (2008)
G23. Alhan, E., S. Türkyılmaz, C. Erçin and B.V. Kural, “Effects of Lazaroid U-74389G on Acute Nekrotizing Pankreatitis in Rats”, European Surgical Research, 38:70-75 (2006)
G23.1. Sun F.Q, Shi J.W, Chen S, Deng C, Hu X.J, Li H.D, Li G, Liu Y, Dong N.G. “Lazaroid U-74389G inhibits the osteoblastic differentiation of IL-1 beta-indcued aortic valve interstitial cells through glucocorticoid receptor and inhibition of NF-kappa B pathway.”, Journal Of Steroıd Bıochemıstry And Molecular Bıology, 152: 114-123 (2015).
G23.2. Chrysikos D.T, Sergentanis T.N, Zagouri F, Psaltopoulou T, Theodoropoulos G, Flessas I, Agrogiannis G, Alexakis N, Lymperi M, Katsarou A.I. “Lazaroid U-74389G Administration in Pancreatic Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury: A Swine Model Encompassing Ischemic Preconditioning.”, Journal Of The Pancreas, 16: 176-184 (2015).
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G24. Alhan, E., S. Türkyılmaz, C. Ercin, N. Kaklikkaya, BV. Kural, “Effects of omega-3 fatty acids on acute necrotizing pancreatitis in rats”, European Surgıcal Research, 38: 314-321 (2006).
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G24.3. Karen, M., Yuksel O, Akyurek N, Ofluoglu E, Caglar K, Sahin TT, Pasaoglu H, Memis L, Akyurek N, Bostanci H, “Probiotic Agent Saccharomyces boulardii Reduces the Incidence of Lung Injury in Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis Induced Rats”, Journal Of Surgıcal Research, 160: 139-144 (2010)
G24.4. Koopmann, MC., Baumler MD, Boehler CJ, Chang FL, Ney DM, Groblewski GE, “Total Parenteral Nutrition Attenuates Cerulein-Induced Pancreatitis in Rats”, Pancreas, 39: 377-384 (2010)
G24.5. Wang, XY., Li WQ, Zhang F, Pan LY, Li N, Li JS, “Fish Oil-Supplemented Parenteral Nutrition in Severe Acute Pancreatitis Patients and Effects on Immune Function and Infectious Risk: A Randomized Controlled Trial”, INFLAMMATION, 32: 304-309 (2009)
G24.6. Kilian, M., Gregor JI, Heukamp I, Wagner C, Walz MK, Schimke I, Kristiansen G, Wenger FA, “Early Inhibition of Prostaglandin Synthesis by n-3 Fatty Acids Determinates Histologic Severity of Necrotizing Pancreatitis”, Pancreas, 38: 436-441 (2009)
G24.7. Weylandt, KH., Nadolny A, Kahlke L, Kohnke T, Schmocker C, Wang JD, Lauwers GY, Glickman JN, Kang JX, “Reduction of inflammation and chronic tissue damage by omega-3 fatty acids in fat-1 transgenic mice with pancreatitis”, Bıochımıca Et Bıophysıca Acta-Molecular Basıs Of Dısease, 1782: 634-641 (2008)
G24.8. Sahin, T ., Aydin S, Yuksel O, Bostanci H, Akyurek N, Memis L, Basaran N, “Effects of the probiotic agent Saccharomyces Boulardii on the DNA damage in acute necrotizing pancreatitis induced rats”, Human & Experımental Toxıcology, 26: 653-661 (2007)
G25. Ağaoğlu, N., S. Türkyılmaz, E. Ovalı, F. Uçar, C. Ağaoğlu, “Prevalence of Prothrombotic Abnormalities in Patients with Acute Mesenteric Ischemia”, World Journal of Surgery, 29: 1135-1138 (2005).
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G25.3. Asgun H.F, Kirilmaz B, Saygi S, Ozturk O, Silan F, Karatag O, Kosar S, Ozdemir O, “Association Between Inherited Thrombophilia and Impaired Right Ventricular Function in Deep Vein Thrombosis Without Symptomatic Pulmonary Embolism.”, Clınıcal And Applıed Thrombosıs-Hemostasıs, 20: 270-277 (2014)
G25.4. Cetintas V.B, Gunduz C, “Association between polymorphism of MTHFR c.677C > T and risk of cardiovascular disease in Turkish population: a meta-analysis for 2.780 cases and 3.022 controls.”, Molecular Bıology Reports, 41: 397-409 (2014)
G25.5 Clark J.S.C, Adler G, Salkic N.N, Ciechanowicz A, “Allele frequency distribution of 1691G > A F5 (which confers Factor V Leiden) across Europe, including Slavic populations.”, Journal Of Applıed Genetıcs, 54: 441-446 (2013)
G25.6. Adler, G., Clark JSC, Loniewska B, Czerska E, Salkic NN, Ciechanowicz A, “Prevalence of 1691G > A FV mutation in Poland compared with that in other Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European countries”, Bosnıan Journal Of Basıc Medıcal Scıences, 12: 82-87 (2012)
G25.7. Ahluwalia, J., Agarwal C, Das R, Sachdeva MUS, Wig JD, Varma N, “Mesenteric vessel thrombosis and hypercoagulable states”, Indıan Journal Of Pathology And Mıcrobıology, 54: 425-U1629 (2011)
G25.8. Davidson, J., Plumb A, Burnett H, “Adult intestinal failure”, Clınıcal Radıology, 65, 395-402 (2010)
G25.9. Alvi, AR., Bibi S, Rehman ZU, Niazi SK, “Acute mesenteric, Portal and Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) venous thrombosis: Optimal outcome achieved with anticoagulation”, Journal Of The Pakıstan Medıcal Assocıatıon, 60: 397-399, (2010)
G25.10. Al, RA., Borekci B, Ozturk G, Akcay MN, Kadanali S, “Acute mesenteric venous thrombosis due to protein S deficiency in a pregnant woman”, Journal Of Obstetrıcs And Gynaecology Research, 35: 804-807 (2009)
G25.11. Tissot, B., Balas M, Pineau-Vincent F, “Ischemic colitis and heterozygote prothrombin mutation”, Presse Medıcale, 38: 500-501 2009)
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G25.13. Bolaman, Z., Ozkul A, Kiylioglu N, Kadikoylu G, Erturk A, Batun S, Akyol A, “Hereditary Thrombophilic Factors in Stroke Due to Cerebral Infarct”, Amerıcan Journal Of The Medıcal Scıences, 337: 11-13 (2009)
G25.14. Alvi, AR., Khan S, Niazi SK, Ghulam M, Bibi S, “Acute mesenteric venous thrombosis: Improved outcome with early diagnosis and prompt anticoagulation therapy”, Internatıonal Journal Of Surgery, 7, 210-213 (2009)
G25.15. Stamatakos, M., Stefanaki C, Mastrokalos D, Arampatzi H, Safioleas P, Chatziconstantinou C, Xiromeritis C, Safioleas M, “Mesenteric Ischemia: Still a Deadly Puzzle for the Medical Community”, Tohoku Journal Of Experımental Medıcıne, 216: 197-204 (2008)
G25.16. Heyn, J., Buhmann S, Ladurner R, Schiemann U, Ozimek A, Kirchhoff C, Hallfeldt KK, Mussack T, “Recurrent ischemic colitis in a patient with Leiden factor V mutation and systemic lupus erythematous with antiphospholipid syndrome”, European Journal Of Medıcal Research, 13: 182-184 (2008)
G25.17. Garlipp, B., Gerhardt U, Linke J, Arlt G, “APC resistance due to factor v Leiden mutation presenting as acute hemorrhagic jejunal infarction - Case report”, Zeıtschrıft Fur Gastroenterologıe, 46: 206-210 (2008)
G25.18. Karagulle, E., E. Turk, H.S. Gokturk, E. Yildirim, G. Moray, “Prothrombin 20210 G/A Defect as a Cause of Mesenteric Venous Infarction: Report of a Case.”, Surgery Today, 37: 251-253 (2007)
G26. Agaoglu, N, Y. Yucel, S. Türkyılmaz, “Surgical treatment of the sigmoid volvulus”, Acta Chırurgıca Belgıca, 105, 365-368 (2005).
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G26.4. Lee, HK., Choi SJN, “ Chronic Constipation Led to Sigmoid Volvulus in a Child”, Journal Of The Korean Surgıcal Socıety, 77: 441-444 (2009)
G26.5. Atamanalp, SS., Aydinli B, Ozturk G, Basoglu M, Yildirgan MI, Oren D, Kantarci M, “Classification of Sigmoid Volvulus”, Turkısh Journal Of Medıcal Scıences, 38: 425-429 (2008)
G26.6. Heis, HA., Bani-Hani KE, Rabadi DK, Elheis MA, Bani-Hani BK, Mazahreh TS, Bataineh ZA, Al-Zoubi NA, Obeidallah MS, “Sigmoid volvulus in the middle east”, World Journal Of Surgery, 32: 459-464 (2008)
G27. Mumcu, S., E. Alhan, S. Türkyılmaz, B.V. Kural, C. Erçin ve N.I. Kalyoncu, “Effects of N-Acetylcysteine on Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis in Rats”, European Surgical Research, 37: 173-178 (2005).
G27.1. Zeren S, Bayhan Z, Kocak C, Kocak FE, Metineren MH, Savran B, Kocak H, Algin MC, Kahraman C, Kocak A, “Antioxidant Effect of Ukrain Versus N-Acetylcysteine Against Acute Biliary Pancreatitis in An Experimental Rat Model.”, Journal Of Investıgatıve Surgery, 30; 116-124, (2017).
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G27.4. Liu, CX., Dou KF, Dou CQ, Liu JH, Zhao QC, “Anti-inflammatory Effects of Tacrolimus in a Rat Model of Acute Pancreatitis”, Medıcınal Chemıstry, 6: 37-43 (2010)
G27.5. Birnbaum, J., Klotz E, Spies CD, Mueller J, Hein OV, Feller J, Lehmann C, “Impact of combined c1 esterase inhibitor/coagulation factor XIII or N-acetylcysteine/tirilazad mesylate administration on leucocyte adherence and cytokine release in experimental endotoxaemia”, Journal Of Internatıonal Medıcal Research, 36: 748-759 (2008)
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G27.7. Chan, Y.C., P.S. Leung, “Acute Pancreatitis - Animal Models and Recent Advances in Basic Research.”, Pancreas, 34: 1-14 (2007)
G28. Ağaoğlu, N., S. Türkyılmaz ve M.K. Arslan, “Surgical Treatment of Hydatid Cysts of the Liver”, British Journal Of Surgery, 90: 1536-1541 (2003).
G28.1. Akhan O, Salik AE, Ciftci T, Akinci D, Islim F, Akpinar B, “ Comparison of Long-Term Results of Percutaneous Treatment Techniques for Hepatic Cystic Echinococcosis Types 2 and 3b." Amerıcan Journal Of Roentgenology,208; 862-868, (2017).
G28.2. Peker K.D, Gumusoglu A.Y, Seyit H, Kabuli H.A, Salik A.E, Gonenc M, Kapan S, Alis H. “Prevention of Postoperative Bile Leak in Partial Cystectomy for Hydatid Liver Disease: Tricks of the Trade.”, Journal Of Gastroıntestınal Surgery, 19: 2228-2234 (2015).
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G28.4.Budke, CM., Carabin H, Ndimubanzi PC, Nguyen, H, Rainwater E, Dickey M, Bhattarai R, Zeziulin O, Qian MB, “A Systematic Review of the Literature on Cystic Echinococcosis Frequency Worldwide and Its Associated Clinical Manifestations”, Amerıcan Journal Of Tropıcal Medıcıne And Hygıene, 88: 1011-1027 (2013)
G28.5. Ulger, S., Barut H, Tunc M, Aydin E, Aydinkarahaliloglu E, Gokcek A, Karaoglanoglu N, “Radiation therapy for resistant sternal hydatid disease”, Strahlentherapıe Und Onkologıe, 189: 508-509 (2013)
G28.6. Zeybek, N., Dede H, Balci D, Coskun AK, Ozerhan IH, Peker S, Peker Y, “Biliary fistula after treatment for hydatid disease of the liver: When to intervene”, World Journal Of Gastroenterology, 19: 355-361 (2013)
G28.7. Birnbaum, DJ., Hardwigsen J, Barbier L, Bouchiba N, Le Treut YP, “ Is Hepatic Resection the Best Treatment for Hydatid Cyst?”, Journal Of Gastroıntestınal Surgery, 16: 2086-2093 (2012)
G28.8. Ramia J.M., R.G. Francisco, D.P. Roberto, V. Pilar, Q. Jose, G.P. Jorge, “Ambispective comparative study of two surgical strategies for liver hydatidosis”, World Journal Of Gastroenterology , 18: 546-550 (2012)
G28.9. Tagliacozzo, S., Miccini M, Bonapasta SA, Gregori M, Tocchi A, “Surgical treatment of hydatid disease of the liver: 25 years of experience”, Amerıcan Journal Of Surgery, 201: 797-804 (2011)
G28.10. Tavusbay C., O. Gur, Durak E, M. Hacıyanlı, H. Genc, “Hydatid cyst in abdominal incisional hernia”, Bratıslava Medıcal Journal-Bratıslavske Lekarske Lısty, 112: 287-289 (2011)
G28.11. Kayaalp C., C. Aydın, A. Ölmez, S. Isık, S.Yılmaz, “Leakage tests reduce the frequency of biliary fistulas following hydatid liver cyst surgery”, Clınıcs, 66: 421-424 (2011)
G28.12. El Malki H.O., Y. El Mejdoubi, A. Souadka, B. Zakri, R. Mohsine, L. Ifrine, R. Abouqal, A. Belkouchi, “Does Primary Surgical Management of Liver Hydatid Cyst Influence Recurrence?”, Journal Of Gastroıntestınal Surgery , 14: 1121-1127 (2010)
G28.13. El Malki H.O., Y. El Mejdoubi, A. Souadka, B. Zakri, R. Mohsine, L. Ifrine, R. Abouqal, A. Belkouchi,“Predictive model of biliocystic communication in liver hydatid cysts using classification and regression tree analysis”, BMC Surgery, 10: 16 (2010)
G28.14. Sezer A., A.R. Hatipoglu, U. Usta, G. Altun, N. Sut, “Effects of Intraperitoneal Melatonin on Caustic Sclerosing Cholangitis Due to Scolicidal Solution in a Rat Model”, Current Therapeutıc Research-Clınıcal And Experımental , 71: 118-128 (2010)
G28.15. Conesa A.R., E.C. Suarez, “Peritonitis due to Echinococcus granulosus: A rare cause of abdominal pain”, Cırugıa Espanola, 87: 119-120, (2010)
G28.16. Sharma D., R. Babu, S. Borgharia, D. Baruah, S. Thomas, A. Kumar, “Laparoscopy for Liver Hydatid Disease: Where Do We Stand Today?”, Surgıcal Laparoscopy Endoscopy & Percutaneous Technıques, 19: 419-423 (2009)
G28.17. Haliloglu N., A. Erden, “Hepatic venous outflow obstruction after hydatid cyst surgery: evaluation with contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography”, European Journal Of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 21: 776-780 (2009)
G28.18. Akyıldız H.Y., A. Akcan, I. Karahan, C. Küçük, E. Sozuer, H. Esin, “ Recurrent liver hydatid disease: when does it become symptomatic and how does one diagnose it?”, Clınıcal Imagıng, 33:55-58 (2009)
G28.19. Tekin A., A. Kartal, F. Aksoy, C. Vatansev, T. Küçükkartallar, M.S. Belviranlı, M. Sahin, S. Yol, “Long-term results utilizing the unroofing technique in treating hydatid cysts of the liver”, Surgery Today , 38: 801-806, (2008)
G28.20. El Malki H.O., Y. El Mejdoubi, A. Souadka, R. Mohsine, L. Ifrine, R. Abouqal, A. Belkouchi, “Predictive factors of deep abdominal complications after operation for hydatid cyst of the liver: 15 years of experience with 672 patients”, Journal Of The Amerıcan College Of Surgeons , 206: 629-637, (2008)
G28.21. Tekin, A., Kucukkartallar T, Kartal A, Kaynak A, Ozer S, Tavli S, Belviranli M, Sahin M, Yol S, Aksoy F, Tekin S, Vatansev C, Erikoglu, M, “Clinical and surgical profile and follow up of patients with liver hydatid cyst from an endemic region”, Journal Of Gastroıntestınal And Lıver Dıseases, 17: 33-37 (2008)
G28.22. Aydın U., P. Yazıcı, Z. Onen, M. Ozscy, M. Zeytunlu, M. Kılıc, A. Çoker, “The optimal treatment of hydatid cyst of the liver: Radical surgery with a significant reduced risk of recurrence”, Turkısh Journal Of Gastroenterology, 19: 33-39 (2008)
G28.23. Oztas, S., A.B. Salman, A. Tatar, M. Yigiter, H. Yazgi, M. Ertek, A. Yesilyurt, Z. Ocak, H. Kursad, “Geunotoxic Effect of Albendazole in Pediatric Patients with Hepatic Hydatid Disease.”, Internatıonal Journal Of Infectıous Dıseases, 11: 446-449 (2007)
G28.24. Gourgiotis, S., C. Stratopoulos, P. Moustafellos, N. Dimopoulos, G. Papaxoinis, V. Vougas, E. Hadjiyannakis, ” Surgical Techniques and Treatment for Hepatic Hydatid Cysts.”, Surgery Today, 37: 389-395 (2007)
G28.25. Busic, Z., D. Lemac, I. Stipancic, V. Busic, M. Cavka, K. Martic, “Surgical Treatment of Liver Echinococcosis - the
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G28.26. Di Carlo, I., A. Toro, F. Sparatore, P. Malfa, “Isolated Hydatid Cyst of the Diaphragm without Liver or Lung İnvolvement: a Case Report.”, Acta Chirurgica Belgica, 106: 599-601 (2006)
G28.27. Safioleas, M.C., E.P. Misiakos, M. Kouvaraki, M.K. Stamatakos, C.P. Manti, E.S. Felekouras, “Hydatid Disease of the Liver - A Continuing Surgical Problem.”, Archives of Surgery, 141: 1101-1108 (2006)
G28.28. Shaw, J.M., P.C. Bornman, J.E.J. Krige, “Hydatid Disease of the Liver.”, South African Journal of Surgery, 44: 70 (2006)
G28.29. Tsaroucha, A.K., A.C. Polychronidis, N. Lyrantzopoulos, M.S. Pitiakoudis, A.J. Karayiannakis, K.J. Manolas, C.E. Simopoulos, “Hydatid Disease of the Abdomen and Other Locations.”, World Journal Of Surgery, 29: 1161-1165 (2005)
28.30. Ali, R., F. Ozkalemkas, V. Ozkocaman, T. Ozcelik, H. Akalin, A. Ozkan, Y. Altundal, A. Tunali, “Hydatid Disease in Acute Leukemia: Effect of Anticancer Treatment on Echinococcosis.”, Microbes And Infecion, 7: 1073-1076 (2005)
G28.31. Goktay, A.Y., M. Secil, A. Gulcu, M. Hosgor, I. Karaca, M. Olguner, F.M. Akgur, O. Dicle, “Percutaneous Treatment of Hydatid Liver Cysts in Children as a Primary Treatment: Long-Term Results.”, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 16: 831-839 (2005)
G28.32. McCormack, L, M. Selzner, P.A. Clavien, “Radical Pericystic Resection of Hydatid Cysts of The Liver Using the Water Jet Device: A novel approach.”, Journal of The Amerıcan College of Surgeons, 200: 976-978 (2005)
G28.33. El-Kappany, H.A., A.R. El-Nahas, H.A. El-Nahas, “Laparoscopic Excision of Prostatic Hydatid Cyst: Case Report and Review of Literature.”, Journal of Endourology, 19: 290-294 (2005)
G28.34. Sahin, M., R. Eryilmaz, E. Bulbuloglu, “The Effect of Scolicidal Agents on Liver and Biliary Tree (Experimental Study)”, Journal of Investigative Surgery, 17: 323-326 (2004)
G28.35. Meshikhes, A.W.N., ” Surgical Treatment of Hydatid Cysts of The Liver”, Brıtısh Journal of Surgery, 91: 510-511 (2004)
G29. Agaoglu, N., S. Türkyılmaz, “Prothrombotic disorders in patients with mesenteric vein thrombosis”, Journal Of Investıgatıve Surgery, 16, 299-304 (2003).
G29.1. Sandal G, Duman L, Ayata A, “A Newborn Case Of Intestınal Infarctıon Wıth Homozygous Mthfr C677t And Heterozygous Of Factor V Leıden G1691a, Paı-1 4g/5g Mutatıons.”, Genetıc Counselıng, 25: 81-84 (2014)
G29.2. Shaheen, K., Alraies MC, Alraiyes AH, Christie R, “Factor V Leiden: How great is the risk of venous thromboembolism?”, Cleveland Clınıc Journal Of Medıcıne, 79: 265-272 (2012)
G29.3. Ahluwalia, J., Agarwal C, Das R, Sachdeva MUS, Wig JD, Varma N, “Mesenteric vessel thrombosis and hypercoagulable states”, Indıan Journal Of Pathology And Mıcrobıology, 54: 425-U1629 (2011)
G29.4. Liu, H., Al-Quran SZ, Lottenberg R, “Thrombotic storm in Kimura disease”, : Journal Of Thrombosıs And Thrombolysıs, 29: 354-357 (2010)
G29.5. Agaoglu, N., Turkyilmaz S, Ovali E, Ucar F, Agaoglu C, “Prevalence of prothrombotic abnormalities in patients with acute mesenteric ischemia”, World Journal Of Surgery, 29: 1135-1138 (2005)
G30. Ağaoğlu, N., S. Cengiz, M.K. Arslan ve S. Türkyılmaz, “Oral Nifedipine in The Treatment of Chronic Anal Fissure”, Digestive Surgery, 20: 452-456 (2003).
G30.1. Beaty J.S, Shashidharan M. “Anal Fissure”, Clınıcs In Colon And Rectal Surgery, 29: 30-37 (2016).
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G30.3. Javed I, Ranjha NM, Mahmood K, Kashif S, Rehman M, Usman F, “ Drug release optimization from microparticles of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose polymeric blends: formulation and characterization.”, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 24: 607-612 (2014).
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G30.5. Agrawal V, Kaushal G, Gupta R, “Randomized controlled pilot trial of nifedipine as oral therapy vs topical application in the treatment of fissure-in-ano.”, Amerıcan Journal Of Surgery, 206: 748-751 (2013)
G30.6. Polat, M., Uzun O, “The use of calcium channel blockers in skin diseases”, Turkderm-Archıves Of The Turkısh Dermatology And Venerology, 47:75-79 (2013)
G30.7. Perry, WB., Dykes SL, Buie WD, Rafferty JF, “Practice Parameters for the Management of Anal Fissures (3rd Revision)”, Dıseases Of The Colon & Rectum, 53: 1110-1115 (2010)
G30.8. Emami, MH., Sayedyahossein S, “Chronic anal fissure: new approaches to chemical sphincterotomy”, Journal Of Research In Medıcal Scıences, 13: 149-155 (2008)
G30.9. Katsinelos, P., J. Kountouras, G. Paroutoglou, A. Beltsis, G. Chatzimavroudis, C. Zavos, T. Katsinelos, B. Papaziogas, “Aggressive Treatment Of Acute Anal Fissure With 0.5% Nifedipine Ointment Prevents its Evolution to Chronicity.”, World Journal Of Gastroenterology, 12: 6203-6206, (2006)
G30.10. Acheson, A.G., J.H. Scholefield, “Pharmacological Advancements in The Treatment of Chronic Anal Fissure.”, Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 6: 2475-2481 (2005)
I. Kongreler:
I1. 20. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, 13-17 Nisan 2016, Antalya.
I2. 8. Cerrahi Araştırma Kongresi, 12-14 Kasım 2015, Konya.
I3. Hepatosellüler Karsinom ve Karaciğer Nakli Değerlendirme Toplantısı, 21-22 Kasım 2015, Gaziantep.
I4. Deutscher Wundkongress & 11. Bremer Pflegekongress, 6-8 Mayıs 2015, Bremen, Germany.
I5. 10. Klinik sorumlu Hemşireleri Sempozyumu, 12-12 Haziran 2014, Trabzon.
I6. Karadeniz Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Kongresi, 22-24 Ekim 2014, Trabzon.
I7. 24 th Conference of the European Wound Management Association, 14-16 May 2014, Madrid, Spain I4. Meme Kanseri Tedavisinde Yenilikler, 11 Mayıs 2013, Trabzon.
I8. Meme Kanseri Tedavisinde Yenilikler, 11 Mayıs 2013, Trabzon.
I9. Rize Genel Cerrahi Günleri, 6-8 Eylül 2013, Rize.
I10. 2. Ulusal Çocuk Yanıkları Kongresi, 10-14 Nisan 2013, Antalya.
I11. Türk Hepato- pankreato- bilier Cerrahi derneği Bölgesel Toplantısı, 17 Mart 2012, Trabzon.
I12. Türk Hepato-pankreato- Bilier Cerrahi Derneği Trabzon Bölgesel Toplantısı, 17 Mart 2012, Trabzon.
I13. Kasık Fıtıkları ve Karın Duvarı Fıtıklarında Laparoskopi Cerrahi, 9-10 Nisan 2010, İstanbul.
I14. 17 Ulusal Cerrahi kongresi, 26-29 Mayıs 2010, Ankara.
I15. 32th İnternational Congress of European Hernia Society, 6-9 October 2010, İstanbul/Turkey.
I16. Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık İnsan Gücü ve Sağlık Yatırımları Planlama Çalıştayı, 27-29 Ekim 2010, Ankara.
I17. 3. Ulusal Fleboloji Kongresi, 12-13 Ocak 2008, İstanbul.
I18. 3. Türkiye Tiroid Hastalıkları Kongresi,17-20 Nisan 2008, Trabzon.
I19. Türkiye Organ Nakli Kuruluşları Koordinasyon Derneği 6. Kongresi, 15-18 Ekim 2008, Erzurum.
I20. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi 2006, 24-28 Mayıs 2006, Antalya.
I21. XXI. Biennial Congress of International Society of The University of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, 25-28 Haziran 2006, İstanbul.
I22. Çukurova Kolo-Proktoloji ve Stoma-Terapi Sempozyumu, 14-16 Nisan 2005, Adana.
I23. Türk Kolon ve Rektum Cerrahisi VII. Bölge Toplantısı, 16-18 Haziran 2005, Trabzon
I24. 3. Ulusal Deneysel Cerrahi Kongresi, 18-20 Kasım 2005, Ankara
I25. V. Klinik Enteral Parenteral Nütrisyon Kongresi, 6-10 Ekim 2004, Kuşadası.
I26. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi 2004, 26-30 Mayıs 2004, Antalya.
I27. Ulusal Cerrahi Onkoloji Kongresi, 1-4 Ekim 2003, İstanbul.
I28. Endoskopik- Laparoskopik Cerrahi Kongresi, 22-25 Nisan 2002, İstanbul.