Doç. Dr.Şule Yıldırım Köpük

  • İlgi Alanları
  • Kadın erkek infertilitesi
  • Tüp bebek tedavisi
  • Laparoskopi
  • Histeroskopi
  • Genital estetik

Gebe hasta takibi yapmamaktadır.

Eğitim ve Uzmanlık
09.2001 to 07.2008 Marmara University, School of Medicine
02.2009 to 06.2014 Kocaeli University School of Medicine
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

09.2008 to 02.2009 Sultançiftliği Health Clinic
06.2014 to 01.2016 Horasan State Hospital
02.2016 to 2019 Health Science University Umraniye Education and Research Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
03.2019 to 04.2023 Acıbadem Maslak Hospital IVF Center

Yabancı Deneyim
01.05.2012-15.06.2012  YALE University, School of Medicine in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Section of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut;
23.09.2013-04.10.2013 Nezhat Medical Center
Atlanta Center for Special Minimally Invasive Surgery & Reproductive Medicine Georgia Atlanta

Kurs ve Sertifikalar
07.2018-01.2019 Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sağlık Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Farabi Hastanesi ÜYTE Eğitim Merkezi, Sağlık Bakanlığı Sertifikalı Eğitim-Üremeye Yardımcı Tedavi Klinik

Seminars, Symposiums and Courses
27-30/04/2018 12th Turkish German Gynecology Congress Cyprus,Turkey MIJID 27-30/02/2018
17-21.05.2017 25th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
15th Congress of Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
24-26/10/2016 CASE Laparoscopy Course
27-30/10/2016 Acıbadem University, Istanbul 10th Obstetric and Gynecology congress
Obst &Gyn & Ultrasound Association, İstanbul,Turkey
08-10/04/2016 Acıbadem Obstetrics and Gynecology Days
Wyndham Grand Levent Otel
20-21/03/2014 Acıbadem Obstetrics and Gynecology Days
30-05/04/2014 Sheraton Hotel, Maslak 10th Turkish German Gynecology Congress
20-22/12/2013 1.TJOD Residency School Girne,North Cyprus
29-30/05/2013 2nd Gynecologic endoscopy workshop
14/04/2013 Basic Laparoscopic Skills Course 
6-7/04/2013 Abant İzzet Baysal University 5th Urogynecology Congress Kaya Convention Center, İzmir;
30-31/03/2013 Acıbadem Obstetrics and Gynecology Days 
10/03/201 Sheraton Hotel, Maslak Prenatal Diagnosis and Ultrasonographic evaluation at 1st trimester.
Kocaeli University, Kocaeli
24/02/2013 4th  Gynecologic  Video Endoscopy and Laparoscopic Knotting Course Acıbadem Hospital,İstanbul
16/12/2012 Seminars in Urogynecology Harbiye Askeri Museum, İstanbul
24/11/2012 Workshop of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
11-14/10/2012 Kocaeli Education & Research Hospital 8th Obstetric and Gynecology congress Obst .&Gyn & Ultrasound Association, İstanbul ,Turkey 
27-30/09/2012 5th National Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Congress
08/06/2012 The C. Lee Buxton Residents’ Research Day
TAC Auditorıum, Yale University
18/95/2012 Frontiers of Reproduction at Yale 2012:Current Developments in Women’s Health and Fertility Yale School of Medicine
01-02/12/2011 Ian Donald Advanced Ultrasound Course
03-04/12/2011 Obst .&Gyn & Ultrasound Association, İstanbul ,Turkey European School of Perinatal Medicine, Preeclampsia Obst .&Gyn & Ultrasound Association, İstanbul ,Turkey
26 31/06/201110th World Congress in Fetal Medicine  Fmf, Malta Controversial condition in Fetal Medicine and Improvement in Obstetrics 25/03/2011 Tmft, İstanbul ,Turkey
27-31/10/2011 7th Obstetric and Gynecology congress 
 27/09/2010 Obst .&Gyn & Ultrasound Association, İstanbul ,Turkey Symposium of Postpartum bleeding and approaches, Kocaeli University ,Turkey
28/02/2009  Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistic Course  at Obstetric and Gynecology practice Turkish- German Gynecological Association
19-23/11/2007 Family planning and reproductive health maintenance course 
12-15/11/2007 Department of Public Health, Marmara University School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey
Immunity maintenance course
Department of Public Health, Marmara University School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey

Mesleki Üyelikler
İstanbul Tabip Odası
Tjod derneği

‘’Unilateral isolated proximal femoral focal deficiency.’’Doğer E, Köpük SY, Cakıroğlu Y, Cakır O, Yücesoy G. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol. 2013:637904. doi: 10.1155/2013/637904. Epub 2013 Jul 28. PMID: 23984135


‘’Sonographic identification of klippel-trenaunay-weber syndrome’’Cakiroglu Y, Doğer E, Yildirim Kopuk S, Dogan Y, Calıskan E, Yucesoy G.Case Rep Obstet Gynecol. 2013:595476. doi: 10.1155/2013/595476. Epub 2013 Dec 3. PMID: 24368952


 ‘’Spontaneous rupture of uterine vein in twin pregnancy’’Doger E, Cakiroglu Y, Yildirim Kopuk S, Akar B, Caliskan E, Yucesoy G.Case Rep Obstet Gynecol. 2013:596707. doi: 10.1155/2013/596707. Epub 2013 Dec 19.PMID: 24455353


“Impact of Earthquakes on Sex Ratio at Birth: Eastern Marmara Earthquakes”

Doger E, Çakıroğlu Y, Yıldırım Köpük Ş, Ceylan Y, Uzelli Şimşek H, Çalışkan E. Journal of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association. doi: 10.5152/jtgga.2013.69320 Pages 92 – 97.  Poster presentation, 2. award

‘’Prenatal Diagnosis of Cantrell's Pentalogy Associated with Agenesis of Left Limb in a Twin Pregnancy.’’ Cakiroglu Y, Doger E, Yildirim Kopuk S, Babaoglu K, Caliskan E, Yucesoy G.Case Rep Obstet Gynecol. 2014; 2014:314284. doi: 10.1155/2014/314284. Epub 2014 Mar 23.PMID: 24782934

‘’Review of a challenging clinical issue: Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.’’Ozkan S, Ceylan Y, Ozkan OV, Yildirim S. World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Jun 21; 21(23):7134-41. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i23.7134. Review

’Exogenous cesarean scar pregnancies managed by suction curettage alone or in combination with other therapeutic procedures: A series of 33 cases and analysis of complication profile.’’ Özdamar Ö, Doğer E, Arlıer S, Çakıroğlu Y, Ergin RN, Köpük ŞY, Çalışkan E. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2016 Apr 28. doi: 10.1111/jog.13017. PMID: 27125570

‘’Does Amnioreduction Increase Success of Emergency Cervical Cerclage in Cases with Advanced Cervical Dilatation and Protruding Membranes?’’ Yigit Cakiroglu, Emek Doger, Sule Yildirim Kopuk, Ayla Gunlemez, Demet Oguz, Eray Caliskan. Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics and Gynecology, XLIII, n. 5, 2016. doi: 10.12891/ceog2120.2016

‘’Comparison of in Vitro Fertilization Outcomes in Unoperated Unilateral/Bilateral Endometriomas With Operated Unilateral/Bilateral Endometriomas’’Yigit Cakiroglu, Emek Doger, Fisun Vural, Sule Yildirim Kopuk, Birol Vural. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 2017;62 (9-10),539-544.

``Application of a Mixed Material Graft to Posterior Intravaginal Slingoplasty Procedure: Preliminary Pilot Series`` Birol Vural, Yigit Çakiroglu, Fisun Vural, Sule Köpük Yildirim. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 May;11(5). DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2017/22017.9804.


``The Impact of Body Mass Index and Insulin Resistance on IVF Outcomes of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome`` Çakiroğlu Ahmet Yi̇ği̇t, Doğer Emek, Vural Fi̇sun, Yildirim Köpük Şule, Vural Bi̇rol. Northern Clinics of Istanbul. 2017 (4);3: 218 - 224 doi: 10.14744/nci.2017.79663


``Serum procalcitonin levels together with clinical features and inflammatory markers in women with tubo-ovarian abscess for discriminating requirements for surgery for full recovery``.  Kenan Karaca, Enis Ozkaya, Meryem Kurek Eken, Ilgi Uygun, Sule Yıldırım Kopuk, Murat Alpay. J Obstet and Gynaecol.2017 doi:10.1080/01443615.2017.1405927.


``Maternal serum thrombospondin-1 is significantly altered in cases with established preeclampsia``.Ulu İ, Çekmez Y, Yıldırım Köpük Ş, Özer N, Yoğurtçuoğlu EE, Anğın P, Kıran G.J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Feb 22:1-4.


"Proteomic analysis in endometrial cancer and endometrial hyperplasia tissues by 2D-DIGE technique". Yasin Ceylan, Gurler Akpınar, Emek Doger, Murat Kasap, Nil Guzel, Kubra Karaosmanoglu, Sule Yıldırım Kopuk, Izzet Yucesoy. Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction. 2020 49:2


“Fetal cerebral and cardiac hemodynamics in postdate pregnancy”. Ozel A, Alici Davutoglu E, Yildirim S, Madazli R.J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 Oct;32(20):3458-3463. doi: 10.1080/14767058.2018.1465556.


“Prediction of Preeclampsia by Uterine Artery Doppler Examination and Placental Growth Factor, Endoglin and Pregnancy-associated Plasma Protein Levels in Maternal Serum at 11-13+6 Pregnancy Week”. Şule Yıldırım Köpük, Yigit Çakıroğlu, Yasin Ceylan, Mustafa Baki Çekmen, Gülseren Yücesoy. European Archives of Medical Research.2019 (35);3:137.

“The role of antiMüllerian hormone in predicting clomiphene citrateresistance in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome”. Gülşen MS, Ulu İ, Yıldırım Köpük Ş, Kıran G. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2019 Jan;35(1):86-89. doi: 10.1080/09513590.2018.1499085. Epub 2018 Jul 25.


“Effects of intraovarian injection of autologous platelet rich plasma on ovarian reserve and IVF outcome parameters in women with primary ovarian insufficiency.” Yigit Cakiroglu, Ayse Saltik, Aysen Yuceturk, Ozge Karaosmanoglu, Sule Yildirim Kopuk, Richard T Scott Jr, Bulent Tiras, Emre Seli. Aging (Albany NY). 2020 Jun 5;12(11):10211-10222. doi: 10.18632/aging.103403.Epub 2020 Jun 5.


“Effect of double cleavage stage versus sequential cleavage and blastocyst stage embryo transfer on clinical pregnancy rates”. Gozde Kaya, Begum Alyürük, Ozge Senem Yucel Cicek, Sule Yildirim Köpük, Ahmet Yigit Çakiroğlu, Emek Doğer, Serdar Filiz. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction. 2020;9 (3): 124-128.


“ The relationship between serum thiol levels and thiol/disulfide homeostasis in women with tubal ectopic pregnancy.” Yıldırım Köpük Ş, Özer N, Çekmez Y, Erel Ö, Kıran G.J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2021 Jun 2;50(9):102175. doi: 10.1016/j.jogoh.2021.102175.


“New generation oral anticoagulant apixaban enhances embryo implantation by increasing integrin β3 expression in rats: A pilot study.” Kopuk SY, Ozer N, Cekmez Y, Cakir A, Gurkan K. JBRA Assist Reprod. 2022 Mar 24. doi: 10.5935/1518-0557.20210122.


“Ovarian reserve parameters and IVF outcomes in 510 women with poor ovarian response (POR) treated with intraovarian injection of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP).” Cakiroglu Y, Yuceturk A, Karaosmanoglu O, Kopuk SY, Korun ZEU, Herlihy N, Scott RT, Tiras B, Seli E. Aging (Albany NY). 2022 Mar 22;14(6):2513-2523. doi: 10.18632/aging.203972. Epub 2022 Mar 22. PMID: 35320118

“What should be the strategy in case of a big follicle at the start of the cycle? Shall we start the stimulation or postpone it to the next cycle?” ŞY Köpük, A Yücetürk, ZEU Korun, Ö Karaosmanoğlu, Y Çakıroğlu, B Tiras. Turkish Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 19 (4), 275

“Monocyte to HDL Ratio in Preeclamptic Patients: Can It Be a Predictive Marker?” S Yildirim Kopuk, N Ozer, C Ozcan, İ Ulu. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 12 (4), 835-839.

Effects of Non Cavity Distorting Intramural Fibroids on IVF Outcomes in Patients with Recurrent IVF Failure : Does Myomectomy Change IVF Outcomes ?Ugur Deger1; Ekin Altinbas2; Melis Karabay2; Yagmur Karatas2; Zeynep Deniz2; Ceyda Buyuker2;   Sule Yildirim Kopuk 3; Bulent Tiras2,3; Yigit Cakiroglu 2,3. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India.2023.



 “Comparison of microdose GnRH agonist protocol with GnRH antagonist / letrazole protocol in patients with poor ovarian response” Çakıroğlu Y, Yıldırım Köpük Ş, Başarır O, Filiz S, Vural B, J Turk Soc Obstet Gynecol.2013;10(3):132-137. doi: 10.5505/tjod.2013.79027

“Prenatal diagnosis of Diastematomyelia associated with Dandy-Walker malformation’’ Yücesoy G, Çakıroğlu AY, Köpük Yıldırım Ş, Anık Y. Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst 2013; 23(2):110-3

“Prediction of Tumor Grade and Stage in Endometrial Carcinoma by Preoperative Assessment of Sonographic Endometrial Thickness: Is It Possible?” Cairoglu Y., Yıldırım Kopuk S., Doger E., Ozcan C., Nalbant B., Corakci A., Yucesoy I. J Turk Soc Obstet Gynecol 2014; 11: 211-214

``Do the interactions between coital frequency, cervical length, and urogenital infection affect obstetric outcomes? `` Yiğit Çakıroğlu, Şeyda Çalışkan, Emek Doğer,  Şule Yıldırım Köpük, Devrim Dündar, Eray Çalışkan. Turk J Obstet Gynecol 2015; 12: 66-70.doi 10.4274/tjod.89106.

`` Contraception Preferences of Breastfeeding Mother at Health Sciences University Umraniye Education and Research Hospital`` Şule Yıldırım Köpük, Yasemin Çekmez, Nida Özer, Özlem Şahin, Gürkan Kıran. European Archieves of Medical Research. 2018 34 - 2: 163-166.

“Polikistik Over Sendromu: Hiperandrojenizm”. Yıldırım Köpük Ş., Çakıroğlu A.Y., Karadadaş N, editör. Polikistik Over Sendromu. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2019. p.10-8.

“Is being a refugee affect prenatal bonding scores of Syrian women in Turkey?” Sule Yildirim Kopuk, Yasemin Çekmez, Nida Özer. MKÜ Tıp Dergisi 13 (47), 254-258.

“Can prokineticin 1 be used as a biomarker in preeclampsia?” İ Ulu, Ş Yildirim Köpük, Y Çekmez, G Kiran. The Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Neonatology 19 (3), 1368-1372.

CHAPTER AUTHOR “Güncel Obstetri̇k Yaklaşimlar, Bölüm Adı:(Gebeli̇kte Neoplasti̇k Hastaliklar) (2020)”., Yildirim Köpük Şule, Akademisyen Kitabevi A.Ş., Editör:Şefik Gökçe, Emine Dilşad Herki̇loğlu, Murat Gürkan ARIKAN, Basım Sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 540, ISBN:978-625-7707-21- 3, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Yayın No: 7147962)


“Güncel Obstetri̇k Yaklaşimlar, Bölüm Adı:(Gebeli̇kte Romatoloji̇k Hastaliklar) (2020).” Yildirim Köpük Şule, Akademisyen Kitabevi A.Ş., Editör: Şefik Gökçe, Emine Dilşad Herki̇loğlu, Murat Gürkan ARIKAN, Basım Sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 540, ISBN:978-625-7707-21- 3, Türkçe (Bilimsel Kitap), (Yayın No: 7147964)



“Williams OBSTETRIK, Bölüm Adı:(Genetik) (2020).”, Yildirim Köpük Şule, Güneş Tip Ki̇tabevleri̇, Editör:Prof. Dr. M. Bülent Tıraş, Doç. Dr. A. Yiğit Çakıroğlu, Basım sayısı:25, Sayfa Sayısı 1344, ISBN:978-975-377-810-8, Türkçe (Kitap Tercümesi)


Williams Obstetrik, Bölüm Adı:(Maternal Anatomi) (2020).”, Saltik Ayse, Yildirim Köpük Şule, Güneş Tip Ki̇tabevleri̇, Editör:Prof. Dr. M. Bülent Tıraş, Doç. Dr. A. Yiğit Çakıroğlu, Basım sayısı:25, Sayfa Sayısı 1344, ISBN:978-975-377-810-8, Türkçe (Kitap Tercümesi)


Williams Obstetrik, Bölüm Adı: (Enfeksiyon Hastaliklari) (2020)”., Çakiroğlu Ahmet Yi̇ği̇t, Yildirim Köpük Şule, Özcan Canan, Güneş Tip Ki̇tabevleri̇, Editör:Prof. Dr. M. Bülent Tıraş, Doç. Dr. A. Yiğit Çakıroğlu, Basım sayısı:25, Sayfa Sayısı 1344, ISBN:978-975-377-810-8, Türkçe (Kitap Tercümesi)